Oh and make sure your computer is set to 16bit color. I noticed it takes like twice as long if it's on 32 bit because gens automatically tries to fix it.
Why isn't the "Take Screenshot" button disabled? Not implemented yet? EDIT: What the? Your proto utility seems to be messing up Gens! I select Option in Knux Chaotix, and it goes to Training! What the hell's going on here?
Yeah, I couldn't get sending shift+backspace to both windows working oddly. Hmm, don't know why it'd be doing that. Sure it's just not bad emulation? KEGA is supposed to be better for 32x stuff.
And that's the reason I stopped using Gens. Why is it so hard for it to run at the same colour depth you're running at (or better yet, just 32bit, which 99% of people use?)
Eck, Gens. I'll wait for the KEGA one, myself. Though not to disparage the good programming work on the tool itself—just that I don't want to set my display to 16bit and make my monitor angry at me.
Directdraw. This is the very reason why I use Gens+. Kega is starting to seem more appealing recently, though.
Gens+ supports 32-bit, correct? As long as it's not Gens32, all should be fine. Yea, usually if you go Kega, you never go back to Gens... unless you want to use modified features for TASing and debugging.
Actually I USE both, I do like Kega a lot simply because I was a big fan of Kgen or whatever it was called. But I consider Gens and Kega to be about the same so this working with Gens is just fine for me
I always use Gens+ because that supports 32 bit colour and mine is high colour. Also, I think making a Gens+ Dual Thiny-Majig would be great, seeing as I won't have to change the colour for that. Thanks Mega Shake!
I only use Kega, since it runs games most accurately. I'd only use Gens (Gens+ because of the 32-bit color) for something like the Chaotix prototypes, otherwise, I don't bother with Gens or it's variants. In my mind (and in many other's minds) Kega's light years ahead of Gens in terms of accuracy and function.
I go with Kega all the time. It runs 32x without having to lurk on the internet for a copy of the Bios Files. Also, I just find it easier to work with, aswell as the fact that Gens takes like 10 minutes to load for me because I have to change to 16 bit colour.
Seriously, Gens insisting on me having to wait an age every time I opened and closed it to needlessly fuck with my resolution and colour depth settings made me stop using it even before Fusion was released. I actually used DGen more often because of this. EDIT: Oops, wrong name
Actually, it's a key association problem. Final Chaotix doesn't seem to want to take any key other than Enter as something that's correctly emulated for some reason. Yeah, I had to set up both windows differently because the final has a delay to show the title screen when you press start, but the proto doesn't. Well, the Kega one would be very, very nice indeed to analyse 1229 and below. But it's still great for pretty much everything else. And I've been using Gens since...well, since I noticed that AGES was crap. Heck, my Genesis emulator folder is still called "ages030a".
I like to use Gens23 Surreal, it has the bes of Gens, plus some additions AND do not mess with my resolution. But I didn't post just to say that, it was because something else. The Dual Gens Qjimbo made is really cool, I'm using it to see some differences among the SOR3 Betas (btw, did someone notice that the February 24, 1994 ROM is in fact World Heroes? And that the March 17, 1994 hangs before the first stage begins?). But there was something I didn't like, the fact I could not use a joypad to play/test. Ok, I know it goes againt the nature of Dual Gens, but as I said, it is no problem anymore, as I "solved" this little problem of mine in an easy way, using JoyToKey! I know many may already have thought about it, but I decided to "share" my "brilliant" solution (hah) with you.
Personally, I find Gens32 a messed up pile of crap with useless features, while the developer claims it's as good as Kega when it obviously isn't since it's using Gens' inaccurate cores. Gens+ is fine with me, since I like Rodrigo and what he did for Gens. If I have to test something in Gens, I use Gens+. Now I think we're going off-topic too much. Does JoyToKey work with Kega Fusion?
I have found out what my Problem is. When I push 'Sync Reset' it displays error messages saying I must use a Later edition of Windows. I use Windows ME. Oviously, I need to get a copy that supports my Computer. So, maybe the Gens+ Version may work... Oh yeah, how is the Gens+ Version Going?
that's just bizarre, all it does is SendMessage which is supported on most windows versions. You should upgrade though anyway, Windows ME is horrible.