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Does SA2 still hold up for you?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Solid SOAP, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. Epsilonsama


    But it did had a sequel.

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  2. It still holds up a bit for me I think. I enjoy playing Sonic/Shadows levels, as I think they have a very fun and core Sonic gameplay. However, I think that Tails and Eggman's missions are quite dull and boring, and Knuckles/Rouge's missions I found where just a chore and didn't appeal to me.

    I still think the story is great, along with the soundtrack, and this game has definatly aged better than SA1 but as I said the extra characters levels ruin this game for me.
  3. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    "Still" implies I thought it held up back in the day.
  4. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    I still think that Sonic handles better at low speeds in SA2 than in any other 3D Sonic title. Movement is so fluid, small movements and precise jumping is a breeze. When he's going fast, it's not nearly as solid, and Generations blows it out of the water, but even so. Still one of the best feeling Sonic games from a control standpoint.

    But as time goes on and on, my opinion of the game lowers and lowers. Generations is just so good, I have a hard time even enjoying SA2 on nostalgic grounds anymore. I've been on Sonic Retro too long; you're all turning me into a cold-hearted cynic. :flunked:
  5. Aesculapius Piranha

    Aesculapius Piranha

    つづく Oldbie
    I like SA2. Levels were waaaaaaaaaaay better than SA1 for each gameplay type, but without adventure fields connecting them it felt a bit disjointed and the chao gardens were less a fun distraction on the side and more something that slowed down the action. 2 player was hella fun, and since I'm a Metal Sonic fanboy it gets extra points. The car tracks needed a lot of work and weren't great. 2 player was missing my favorite level because of the gravity switch mechanic, so that much was a minus.... Oh, and I first played it this year.

    Overall, for 3D Sonic it was probably the pinnacle till generations came around. I still prefer 2D Sonic by a lot and it still has the stupid Sonic Adventure style character designs (Damn your eyes).
  6. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member

    Too late.

    + - Please tell me you guys get the reference :v:  
  7. OKei


    OKeijiDragon Member
    I liked Sonic 3D Beta's a lot more.
  8. TmEE


    Master of OPL3-SA2/3 Tech Member
    Norway, Horten
    SA2 is my fav 3D Sonic, with Unleashed (night stages) being second.

    Now I want to play Tails' stages again...
  9. Uno10


    so basically you're saying that people who played and liked colors and generations (and to an extent unleased) are "fucking losers" too, huh?

    lol no but seriously, all dicking around aside, how is sonic "still for losers"? are you talking about the spinoffs (riders, storybook series) here, or what???
  10. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    Colors and Generations were indeed good games which are a good start to Sonic's redemption. When I say Sonic is still for "fucking losers", I refer to things like the shitty fanmade film that just came out, fanfics and all that horrible Sonic fantasy furry shit on Deviantart - that side of Sonic hasn't completely gone away and it IS for fucking losers and I won't ever change my position on that.
  11. Uno10



    well, in any case, perhaps you should just stop giving so much shit for that other side of the fanbase and forget that it even exists altogether :v:

    (and the same goes for everyone else on this site, btw)
  12. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    I would've forgotten about it if you hadn't sent me a pm requesting I clarify a point that I made 5 fucking months ago.
  13. Uno10



    "would've forgotten about it". right, lol
  14. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    SA2 is an okay game. I might give it a go every once in a while, but that's usually it. Even I admit that when started playing again on my XBox, the thought "Where's the end to this" did pop up once or twice on the shooting levels. It's fun shooting and all, but it did eventually get old. The treasure hunting...well, it's okay. It is kind of funny to find some shards without using the radar (like those in plain sight). Honestly, I didn't think I would get frustrated with Mad Space as I originally thought. Guess I was wrong. But after some time, I grew to well, sort of liking it, I guess. It's a challenge, but one that can bug you sometimes. I think you'll probably see me play Unleashed (well, not so much nowadays), Colors, and Generations more, but that's just me.
  15. Herm the Germ

    Herm the Germ

    Hmm, not bad. Well done, doctor! Member
    Dresden, Saxony, Germany
    MIDI-to-SMPS-conversions, mostly. Takin' requests, too.
    Still is much the same fun game to me as it was all those years ago when my brother first borrowed it from his friend. Only issue I have with the re-release is that the framerate is always either going x2 or 1/2 on my machine but never in the intended 60 FPS range.
  16. Meat Miracle

    Meat Miracle

    I've been playing the PC port lately, never had a DC so this is the first time I played it. Graphics are so so but it would be unfair to bring that up for a 12 year old game (it probably looked above average on the Dreamcast). The storyline/cutscenes don't even reach the level of most cartoon shorts of the time, neither in voice acting, storyline, or composition of scenes. Gameplay is godawful, the camera movement is crap and the collission detection purposefully tries killing you all the time - 9 times out of 10, I died simply by falling through the roof or because a spring threw me into a pit instead of the preprogrammed rail or other spring it should've. Sometimes I just plain fell through the ground. The camera also does a swell job of making it difficult to see where you are jumping, and since half the stages are above bottomless pits, some levels border on sadomasochism (like the final two rail platforming levels with Sonic). The levels with no bottomless pits can be pretty fun, though. I could actually enjoy myself on a lot of them, it's mostly the later stages, and some of the bosses, which are plain ridiculous.
    Note that collission detection is only an issue for the Sonic/Shadow levels. The Tails/Eggman levels suffer from the camera and the bad level design with the unnecessary platforming/puzzling elements - they could've been awesome but instead they are just aggravating. The treasure hunter levels are just plain boring and uninteresting.
    As for the music, they just did their best to have every kind of cool kid music in there, metal, rap, what have you. If the most complex music you listen to is Linkin Park, the music would be likable then.

    I guess the thing with the game is that it really is made for children, who eat up the whole WOTTA RAD HEDGEHOG crap. Most fun I had was in the Chao Garden, which is a pretty nice idea, too bad you have to defeat the normal levels over and over to be able to level those critters. There's a lot of content to unlock too, which is pretty cool, even if some of them are very annoying due to the level design/controls/camera issues (not everyone finds it fun to re-play all levels 5+ times).

    I guess if you can get yourself past its problems, SA2 is a decent made-for-kids platform game.
  17. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
    It doesn't hold up nowadays in the same way it didn't back then. SA2 is one of the worst Sonic games I've ever played and I'm not being sarcastic.

    SA1 did a ok job in the story department but it wasn't really good at all... But SA2... Holy shit, that story was bad. It was complicated, full of plot-holes and overall boring. To begin with, people thinking that Sonic was Shadow... I mean, holy shit, you're living in a world where colorful humanoid animals roam free on the streets... So suddenly when a new one appears people assume it's Sonic? Also the whole Gerald thing, ultimate life form, blahblahblah it was plain boring from the beggining.

    Music-wise it's solid. Sonic games never really disapointed me in the graphics and music department. Graphically it was a gem when it came on, but nowadays it looks bad. Of course we can take an easy way out saying "oh the game is more than 10 years old", but think on games like Shadow of the Colossus and how amazing it looks even today or Legend of Zelda Wind Waker which is by far one of the best looking games I've ever seen and it still does the job amazingly well. So... Graphic-wise it aged bad, not as bad as SA1, but still pretty bad.

    The level design was awful. Really, I could even say that Sonic 06 had a better level design than SA2... And I wouldn't be lying. Okay, grinding is cool... But it is cool at some points here and there, like on City Escape where there were just a few moments to do so, but it ain't fun at all when a whole level is based on this mechanic and if you fall (and you'll fall, since the game plays terrible as well) it's an instant death.

    The level design is way too linear and don't give any room for exploration like SA1 did so well... All the time I had that feeling that I was playing on corridors. Even on Knuckles and Rouge's stages, the only place where you'd assume that exploration would be the key mechanic... Nope. The rooms and corridors are just a bit bigger than normal, that's it.

    The gameplay is terrible, Sonic and Shadow's homming attack doesn't lock-on properly on enemies and when they aren't moving on flat surfaces, they control like shit (like loops or curved slopes). At least their jumps and falling speed are good like in SA1. Eggman and Tails works like shit, it's basically SA1's E102 but slower and even more uninteresting and Knuckles and Rouge ones suck due the radar only showing one emerald at the time and fucks up even the stages where exploration elements are applyied (like in that pumpkin zone which I don't remember the name since I don't give two shits for this game).

    I honestly think that this game was where the shit hit the fan and Sonic became an awful series. Thank god for Unleashed for breaking this chain (fuck Werehog, let's pretend he didn't existed at all). If you don't like Modern Sonic, SA2 is the one to blame for, and you may think you liked the game, but you really didn't. You just weren't critical as you are nowadays and back then Sonic used to be good and anything with his name on used to give you that bright in the eyes and if you think this game is good today, it's just your nostalgia goggles not allowing you to see beyond the good feeling you used to had back in the day.
  18. Lilly


    United States
    Shang Mu Architect
    Mostly the same feelings here. I personally loved Eggman's and Rouge's levels; that style of gameplay worked well for those characters, their stages were infinitely more fun than Tails' and Knuckle's, (I seriously raged a lot trying to get through the Hero side, no joke!) and the music went with each stage perfectly. I still get some of Rouge's jazzy themes stuck in my head, it's that cool. That much of the game is perfect to me.

    So yeah, I still love at least half of the game; the Dark Side. ^^ The Hero side was just meh to me, even when I first played the game. I play Sonic's stages from time to time, but that's about it; otherwise I'm busy finding treasure as Rouge or having a blast (literally) as Eggman. =P If I want seriously fun stages as Sonic I'll pop the first Sonic Adventure into the Dreamcast anyway. XD
  19. nesboy43


    I recently played the PSN version at a friends house and have to say that my opinion on the game has not improved. A Gamecube or DC hooked up to a CRT TV looks better running the game than the upscaled HD version. It isn't that the rerelease looks bad, it just doesn't look as solid as the original. The game was never designed for HD resolutions and like SA1 on Steam it just looks strange in HD. Certain elements will look really nice but there are bad textures that do stand out.

    The whole battle feature was really poorly done in the Gamecube port and I wish it had received some additional polish for PSN/XBLA. The multiplayer robot fighting is poorly done and the cart racing is unplayable. To many people it is the first Sonic game they played. However, even if someone does have great memories for a game it should be judged by its own merits. The story and game engine seem like a giant mess.

    I feel like with the Adventure series that Sega wanted to do something huge with the Sonic series but that they were never really focused on game design. They tried having a serious story, 3D graphics, platforming, racing, fishing, hunting, mech levels, and even an overworld but the games never solely focused on one thing. Some elements of the game are fun and are decent enough, but if the effort used for adding variety to the game was used for platforming levels I feel Sega could have produced some genuinely great titles that would hold up to this day.
  20. LockOnRommy11


    I went and had a good play of it recently and since I last had a full game of it, it does seem to have slipped slightly. The controls are still tight- I much prefer controlling Sonic in this than any new games as there's a bigger sense of freedom and no boost. However the camera became a problem- I guess nowadays I'm not used to controlling it at all as the new games set it for you constantly. It was more of a problem when searching for Chao and stuff than going through the level normally.

    There's also a few problems where enemies are badly placed over ledges and steps, especially in the pyramid levels.

    The shooting and treasure hunt levels have always been okay- not fantastic- just okay, and that still applies today.

    Story is still kick-ass and it's definitely darker than any other game. It's nice to have some variety sometimes.

    I always liked the 2 player too, and Chao raising. The connectivitiy to the handheld titles is great and really linked the Sonic world together around this time and I felt there was more of a unified vision as to what Sonic's world was like. It's definitely more surreal and interesting than the recent games bar Generations.

    It's not the perfect game but it's still good, though I have to say I still haven't gotten all the emblems as it's so damn hard.