As pretty much everyone on here knows, he composed half of the Sonic CD JP soundtrack and IMO wrote some of the best tracks on there (Collision Chaos present, Wacky Workbench past, etc.). Yet there is so little information available on the guy. Aside from Sonic CD, it looks he did some odds and ends for Sega until about 2001, and then stopped composing for video games entirely. I haven't been able to find anything on him - I've searched Twitter, Facebook, Google, SonicRetro, even some Japanese search engines. Even the Sonic CD vinyl liner notes don't mention Ogata at all, with Naofumi Hataya doing all the writing. Does anyone know what he's been up to in the past 20 years? It would be amazing if we could eventually get an interview out of him.
Some people live off the grid. That's just the kind of people they are. It's not uncommon for game developers to be social recluses, even composers. It's still a pretty nerdy hobby, after all.
I vaguely recall seeing that he had been involved in one of those idol games, but I might be getting him confused with Tomoko Sasaki who has been involved with idolm@ster