I've Googled the heck out of this and have, so far, come up blank. Basically, this would be something to aid with: * Syncing ROM libraries between your desktop and the cart * Loading/updating firmware * Backing up saves * Etc The generic part would imply that this single piece of software would detect and work with many different flash carts. For example, I have an EverDrive X7 for my Genesis, SD2SNES for my SNES, and a PowerPak for my NES. I ask, because I intend to make one if it doesn't! I know Python decently well, as it plays an ancillary role in my IRL job duties. However, I'm often embarrassed when I need to explain my code to others. I'm trying to come up with a fun project to take it to the next level, and am hoping this is it. If not, I'll be happy too.