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Do you think a Sonic Adventure Remake is a good idea?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Snub-n0zeMunkey, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    IMO yes but that is mostly my teen years screaming for more SA1.

    If SA remake is a thing it needs to be 100% rewritten and redesigned, don't borrow anything from the original not even the layout, SA1 is a thing of the past when it comes to it's overworld shape and limited zones.
  2. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    You're right, strictly speaking, but to try and elaborate a bit on how I meant it:
    1: Unleashed wasn't trying to improve the Adventure formula, it threw it away to establish a new one.
    2: From Unleashed to Colors to Generations, there was steady improvement in the boost playstyle IMO. Even if it's not necessarily what I want out of Sonic, in and of itself there was some fun to be had, even if they felt the need to pad out each game with extra stuff (Werehog/Wisps/Classic Sonic). But after Generations, there were only 2 main 3D games made: Lost World, which like Unleashed, threw out everything that came before it but for no reason this time, and Forces, which went back to boost gameplay but focused on automating things, so that the player is doing less actual playing.
    So I wasn't trying to say it was all Sonic's Shitty Friends™ (even if I worded it poorly), but a general lack of focus on getting things right.
    Maybe I'm just wary of what happened later. TBH I enjoyed all but Big's gameplay in Adventure 1, but between how shooting and treasure were IMO changed for the worse in SA2, and the dev team having to split their attention so many different ways, I'd rather not take the risk.
  3. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I think a reimagined SA1/2 would be a great idea. Primarily it gives them the chance to build a new gameplay engine as the Forces one has been hacked and slashed since Unleashed and it's become a dumpster fire. Start over like Crash and Spyro, just dont do it so literally.

    But an SA1/2 remastered bundle with the 2 player of SA2B implemented in both games, SA2s mission/rank system implemented in SA1, a unified chao garden, itd be great. Redesign Big though... yea beyond memes he's bad.

    What they really need to do though if they go about this route is add bonus features. Let you play as Metal Sonic, Amy, or Shadow in one of Sonic's levels in 1 player in either game. Let you play as E-102 in SA2. Proper playable in level Super Sonic. Things like that. Stop leaving it to the modders to implement what should be universal features. And ffs online multiplayer please.
  4. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I guess it could be a nice thing it they pulled it off decently, but I think it would be a big mistake for them to give it priority over an actual new game.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2019
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  5. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    No. The game has control issues as it is and fixing them to be more like the modern set would necessitate redesigning enough of the game that it loses itself as SA1.

    Echoing others upthread that say we'd be better off with a more stable port of the game that's got some of the mods integrated.
  6. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    They should just rerelease the PC versions as a bundle with specifically my modlists installed.
  7. Ayu Tsukimiya

    Ayu Tsukimiya

    UGUU~ Member
    I get what you're saying, and I completely agree all these points, but Sonic Team just doesn't seem capable of focusing or getting things right.
    In the case of the latter; after SA2 (which already had several downgrades, debates on Sonic's stages aside), the Adventure-style controls got worse and worse until it hit rock bottom in 06. They already pulled off a controllable Sonic in SA/2, so what happened? Even if the other characters played like trash, they should have had a decent foundation to fall back on with Sonic. Especially with Heroes and how all the characters played pretty much the same.

    At this point I'd rather have a re-imaging of Sonic Adventure. All the characters could play the same with a few differences or gimmicks added (like in the classic titles or Heroes) with their own levels and areas. Things like Emerald hunting, fishing, races, etc. could be extra stages for their respective characters instead of their core gameplay. You'd just have to adjust the level designs for their new Sonic-ified controls (and decent fishing mechanics).
    This shouldn't be super hard to do, but then again I'm not a game designer and we're talking about Sonic Team.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2019
  8. I'm on the side of Yes, but more Re-DO instead of remake, emphasis on the do-over part.

    Sonic Adventure had loads of good ideas for a 3D sonic foundation, with weak technological backing, over ambition, and a rushed development cycle. So giving it the space and focus it needs I think would help make for a better final product.

    But I think part of the reason I'd want it more than something brand new, is that SEGA has not seemed to have the creative juice for sonic in years. They certainly havent solved their series identity problem, to say the least as well.... I do not really trust that they would improve the SA formula in all the areas they badly need to (give how horrible the physics in the last game were)....but i definitely don't trust them to come up with a better 3D platforming concept from scratch as of now. On that front, I need to see something to start believing in them again.

    I'm also not interested in a graphical polish, copy paste that leaves me not knowing what to desire here. I know what I think would work for Sonic but I dont know how the staff is thinking these days, especially after Forces flat result after a 4 year dev cycle.
  9. Billy


    RIP Oderus Urungus Member
    Colorado, USA
    Indie games
    Remaking Sonic Adventure would be, to me, like Nintendo remaking Mario 64. The prospect doesn't excite me. Instead, I'd rather Sonic Team do what Nintendo did for Mario Odyssey. I.e. take heavy inspiration from the game that fans loved, but still build out a mostly new experience. Maybe throw in some callbacks as well.
  10. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    Hahahahahaha god no, I don't think it's a good idea.

    The original game is rough, but in ways that are kind of charming and remotely excusable because it was their first real 3D title. Sonic Team these days tend to make games that are rough, but in ways that are annoying. I can't really see how the current Sonic Team can remake this game and do it with any kind of justice.

    Keep the level design? That means they'd have to reinvent the original gameplay the original had. Good luck with that.
    Lose the level design? You just made another boost game with Adventure flavor.

    I'm seeing people cite Crash and Spyro, but here's the thing: the original games are objectively good. You cannot say that about Sonic Adventure, it is pure jank, charming jank but still extremely jank. And the devs who made the Crash and Spyro remakes are better devs than Sonic Team.
  11. Turbohog


    I disagree. People like to jump on this bandwagon that the Adventure games were super jank and bad, but they weren't. Sonic Adventure was quite impressive for its time. Crash and Spyro have their fair share of issues too. I personally find Crash very frustrating to play - the platforming is quite unforgiving and the only reason it wasn't jankier in the 90s was because how simple it was. And the people who made the Spyro remakes? Toys for Bob? They're awful. Worse than SonicTeam. They did a shit job of remaking the Spyro games. All they did was throw the original games into Unity, use fugly fonts, make everything was more furry, and add tons of glitches.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2019
  12. Billy


    RIP Oderus Urungus Member
    Colorado, USA
    Indie games
    @Turbohog I think you're misunderstanding what people mean by "jank". I've never fallen through the floor in Crash or Spyro (in either version), but I've done so in SA1 quite a few times.

    Also as an aside, I think Crash is more forgiving than you give it credit for -- you can literally jump almost a full second after walking of a ledge. But that's not what this thread is about, so I digress.
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  13. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Crash 1 was a dumpster fire and still is. They didn't change enough and it suffered because of it.
  14. Delux


    Chao Expert Member
    Lol yeah. That's not even Sonic Adventure at that point! I'm not sure Sonic team could even handle the physics of Sonic alone though haha.
  15. Laughingcow


    Resident Edgelord PHD Member
    ...Not by a long shot. I'll admit it suffers from First Game Syndrome but claiming a financially successful game (and at the time, new IP) was a "dumpster fire" is just hyperbolic.

    That said, no, the devs who made the Crash/Spyro remasters are NOT better than Sonic Team. I've played Skylanders.
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  16. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Oh it might have been a success for it's time and it's sequels were great. But yea Crash 1 is a nightmare. Yea it was good when there were only 3 other 3d platformers at the time, but now? Ekk no. It's just precision platforming with cheap deaths. And the remake only gave it a few QoL improvements and not as much as it needed.
  17. Turbohog


    I guess what I meant wasn't that the original Crash wasn't janky - it's true that Sonic Adventure is glitchier. I simply think the original Crash didn't suffer from the same problems of Sonic Adventure because it was much simpler. Crash didn't have to run through loops. Essentially, he just had to run forward on relatively flat land.

    This is why I think a Sonic Adventure remake could be great if done by the right team. 3D platformers have come a long way since Sonic Adventure and it would be nice to have a version without glitchy loops and with a good camera.
  18. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Forget remaking Sonic Adventure, just put Chao Garden on mobile and rake the money in.
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  19. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Honestly not sure why they haven't done that yet. It's like Sega doesnt want money. That shit could be monetized like no other and could revive the whole virtual pet thing.
  20. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    I'm starting to think SA1 will be the next remake Taxman will do, that Sonic Team want Evening Star to show them the 3D equivalent of Mania in terms of real success. They can use the engine to make new titles later.

    In any case, I don't want a SA1 remake, and there's no need for it either. And, sorry if I'm alone in this, but I don't want Chao in my Sonic games ever again.