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Do you think a Sonic Adventure Remake is a good idea?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Snub-n0zeMunkey, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    Looks pretty good, but I think it sticks too closely to the original level design. I've always felt that many of SA2's level layouts were a bit too basic and rigid by Sonic standards, being overly restrictive and linear. And they feel even more barebones today, after experiencing the Generations and Unleashed levels.

    Even back in the day I felt like that; I remember being particularly disappointed by City Escape when it teased me with visible paths to the sides only to block me with invisible walls. I think a good SA2 remake should spice up the levels, making them longer and richer with more alternate paths and secrets.

    I really appreciate that fan remake's addition of the ability to roll without spindashing, though. That's something that should have been in the original, instead of that awkward momentum-killing somersault.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2024
  2. aria


    day dawns Member
    This is more of something that covers bases to stop lawsuits than anything else. I’d rather be able to play video games than be told “oh they warned you about seizures so don’t play video games altogether” and I say this as someone who primarily avoids playing 8bit retro games for that reason.
  3. Johndough


    Because there is only 1 traditional platforming Mario. There isn't really a distinction between 2D and 3D Mario as different characters or different timelines or different universes. When there's a different Mario, it's a different game genre.
  4. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Sounds pretty dumb, but ok. If we're going for dumb reductionist comparisons to make a vantage point look silly, then the people willing to hurt kids so they can gluttonously watch their vapid pretty flashing lights can go pound rocks if they can't see the difference between not seeing a pretty sparkle on their furry mascot vidya once and a while and locking vulnerable people in boxes.

    5% of the population experiences seizures from epiliepsy, which is higher than the number of people who are color blind - 5% vs 3.7%, but color blindness is very explicitly catered to in both game dev best practices. This shouldn't be about legality, it should be about preventing some kid from unknowingly triggering a seizure.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2024
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  5. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    I've seen this, it's definitely one of the better modernizations of Adventure gameplay that I've seen so far.

    The way Sonic is animated in this is really good, I hope for the next game they focus on making Sonic's movement feel smooth and fun. Mario Odyssey is really fun to just run and dick around in, I can't really say I've ever felt like that in any 3D Sonic.
  6. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    The difference is that keeping colour blindness in mind while designing video games doesn't take anything away from those who are not afflicted by it.

    Look, I've said before that I'm all for providing an accessibility option that allows photosensitive people to play games without having seizures (probably on by default), but it should be an option. Don't force it on the rest of the population.
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  7. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Isn't it kind of impossible for "force" photosensitivity options on people? Wouldn't that just be called designing a game with it in mind from the start? Are there lots of moments in current Sonic games where we were really feeling the lack of strobing lights?
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  8. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Let's take this topic back to the actual topic, please. Feel free to head to General Gaming and kick up a thread about this there, of course.
  9. Have to say that Sonic Adv is one of my fav games to play over Christmas too and it brings back so many happy memories of playing the game over Christmas 1998.

    I love to see a new remake even after all these years it remains my fav 3D Platform game and the most fun I've had in a 3D platform game. Sure there are 3D Platform games better designed and less buggy but I had and still have so much fun with Sonic Adv and also special mention must go it's music score it's just so wonderful and perfectly matches what happing onscreen
  10. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    Super Paper Mario experimented on the Wii and was a platformer, Wario Land evolved from Super Mario Land, which was fairly different from what you expected from a Mario game, even game designer admitted that.

    We can have three game series - 2D with Classic Sonic, sprite or art based, something close to Rayman Origins. These would be called just Sonic The Hedgehog: something.

    Adventure Sonic playstyle (Knuckles and EggWalker too) could be under the “Adventure of Sonic”, focusing on platforming, and experimenting a bit with other playstyles - of course, with Uekawa designs translated well into the game.

    Finally, we can have Modern Sonic, with Frontiers/Boost formula, that focuses on mainline releases.

    all three series can evolve, giving us fun games. I don’t really see any downsides if the games are good, and why wouldn’t they make it good?

    anyway, looking at Soul Reaver and Tomb Raider semi-remakes gives me hope, that we can get something Sonic related. For Adventure 1&2 and Heroes I prefer full remakes like Crash N. Sane trilogy. For later games, just remasters.
  11. Wraith


    Because turning Sonic into 3 series you have to manage at once is much more complicated and resources intensive than just doing one. Adventure Sonic and Modern Sonic alone guarantees two complex high budget 3D platforming series when they already have immense trouble getting one Sonic game out every few years. Add hand drawn classic games to the equation and the complication goes through the roof, all for the sake of diminishing returns.

    Like, I'm gonna be real, Modern Sonic is the evolution of the Adventure series. It's got the same flashy gameplay and cinematic focus. It dabbles less in multiple playable characters and genre roulette but they never completely abandoned those ideas. Just because a minority of Adventure fans don't like it doesn't mean it isn't the case. It's to the point where they are literally reintroducing Adventure series elements to the modern games. They can just keep doing that. Neither need to be their own series.

    It's questionable if Classic even needs to be its own series at this point, with Sega's tendency to underfund and underdevelop it. If the resources/interest aren't there to the degree that you turn out projects like Superstars you're better off leaving it be. I could only see it continuing to sustain itself if Sega could accept the games not pulling in big numbers but all the stomping feet about Mania and Superstar's performance make that doubtful. They want 2D Mario numbers for a series they've failed to nurture in the same way.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2024
  12. expansivelovestories


    reality is profoundly synergistic Member
    The initial date released for Sonic the Movie 4 is 2027.

    I haven't been able to watch any of them yet but i feel like the Chao have not been introduced into the conceptual universe of the movie yet?? I haven't seen anyone mention them. If so, it's quite plausible that the fourth movie will somehow relate to Chao in Space, it's simple enough and without much fan expectations other than that it be creative and unpredictable; and they are such a timeless and weird character design they may as well have been introduced in 2027. :) :)

    Frontiers being from 2022 , winter 2027, with lots of previews earlier that year seems plausible for this now closer to confirmed than before Sonic supergame.
  13. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    They have. They're mascots for a themed restaurant in Japan.
  14. expansivelovestories


    reality is profoundly synergistic Member
    Ok, that is a good sign that they are considered true characters in-universe.

    but they haven't actually been in the movies themselves yet?

    if so, they could be the primary new phenomenon of the fourth movie's story; plausibly tying in somewhat with the new Adventure inspired game;

    For which playable Chao characters would be newly welcome especially with the skill tree and those types of moves!!

    Whether for a remake of a preexisting Adventure game or a new blending of Frontiers, Adventure and others, expanding what Chao can do whether in their own areas of the game or even as part of the main game would likely be very wonderful!!
  15. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    I wonder if they actually will bring back Chao gardens in the next game. I feel like for as long as I've been a Sonic fan online the two requests I've consistently seen from fans over the years have been "Bring back Chao Gardens!!" and "We want Sonic Adventure 3!!". Usually the response from Iizuka is some variation of "No... but maybe someday..."

    Maybe we're finally reaching that "someday" lol