Hello, About 3 years ago I got hold of a chinese gameboy color clone called 'GB Boy Colour', which has a built in flash cart with a bunch of random old monochrome gameboy games on it. One of those is Daedalian Opus, it immediately caught my attention while I was browsing the games on it and it became a bit of a fascination for me. Over the past 3 years I wrote a few different solution finding programs in different programming languages, and finally I thought I'd try to make one in C and try to get it as fast and as feature-rich as I could manage. I even gave it pre-set configurations corresponding to the different levels/puzzles from Daedalian Opus, which you can select by either specifying its password or level number. It prints the solutions to the console, using unicode box drawing characters like this, with ANSI colour escape codes to make things look pretty. Code (Text): ╭──────────╮╭──╮ ╭──╮╭──────────╮ │ ╭───────╯│ │ │ ││ ╭────╮ │ │ │╭──╮╭───╯ ╰───╮ ╭───╯ ││ │╭──╮│ │ │ ││ ││ ╭───────╯ ╰───╮ │╰──╯│ │╰──╯ │ ││ ││ │╭──────────────────╮│ │╭───╯ ╰───╮ ╰──╯│ │╰──╯╰──────────────────╯│ │╰───╮ ╭───╯ │ ╰───╮╭──╮╭──────────────╮│ │╭──╮│ │ ╰───╮ ││ │╰───────────╮ │╰──╯│ │╰──╯ │ ││ ╰───────╮╭──╮│ │╭───╯ │ ╰──╯│ ╭───────╯│ │╰──╯│ ╭───╯ │ │╭───────╯ │╭───╯ │ ╰──╯│ ╭───────╯╰──────╯ │ │╭──────────╮ ╰──╯│ ╭───╯ │ │ ╰──────╯ Find it here on my github: https://github.com/dusthillresident/Pentomino-puzzle-solver-in-C I thought I'd post about it here because out of all places, I thought like this forum might have the best chance of having someone who also liked this game. I think I remember Nineko was interested in it. Did anyone else here love and enjoy this game?
You remember right, I loved that game a few decades ago (man, I'm old), and I even made a TAS of it, but of course it's been rejected. Now I do have to wonder if the solutions I found by hand were indeed optimal or if your solver can outperform me.
Never heard of it and I kind of doubt there's anyway I could play it, but after looking it up on Wikipedia, it sounds like the kind of game I'd love to play(I don't own a set of pentominoes, but I do own multiple Soma Cubes, a Rubik's Bricks, and several other physical packing puzzles involving either polyominoes or polycubes).