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DeanSatan enters the fray!

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by DeanSatan, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    I don't think you needed the Japanese to clarify the legitimacy...
  2. DeanSatan


    SF CA
    getting paid
    ... or the word "parody" in the metadata

    im not exactly sure what these are: x ... but I like 'em.
  3. DeanSatan


    SF CA
    getting paid

    "I didnt get it" does seem to be a response to many YTPs - and it was more audio intensive . . . may I ask what the joke was that got old - handheld poop?
  4. LOst


    Tech Member
    Sorry for going off topic or if this has been discussed already...

    What did you do for Quackshot? That's one of my favorite games!
  5. DeanSatan


    SF CA
    getting paid

    after success of castle of illusion ....

    I played an early version of the donald duck game for review
    I did up some drawings of enemies and areas and possible behaviors
    I came up with the title "donald duck's quackshot quest" this was shortened to "quackshot"
    shortly after, upon returning from japan, the games US producer said something like:

    the japanese really liked your ideas/drawings ..but were unable to use any of them...

    this was in conflict with all my suggested ideas went into the game

    game name
    behavior/character for ice level penguins (not horribly original) they run toward you and slide on their belly
    theres an area in the game where duck must dash slide through a low clearance area and then jump to reach a hidden area
    less linear than previous game - with questing/going back and forth between areas to find object needed
  6. LOst


    Tech Member
    I loved/love all those ideas!

    How was the early preview game? When I hacked the game, I found a debug state, where you can view the game level without having to deal with collisions or player movements at all. Just a browsing map state.

    Also I love the Quackshot logo. I guess you had no involvement in the actual design of it? Just like Ducktales, it had this Indiana Jones yellow to red gradient letters with black shadows.
  7. evilhamwizard


    Hey Dean, does that mean you were involved with Castle of Illusion as well? If so, could you tell us what you did? I loved that game to death!
  8. DeanSatan


    SF CA
    getting paid

    no such luck. pretty game though.

    the sequel to castle of illusion was done (half) on-site by some french folks. I did get lots of chances to play that while in development. didnt help the game out any though ;) (review) game looked great but played like crap.

    remember my "involvement" at that time (as it relates to creative works) was getting to play something early and then offering suggestions to make it better by the time it hit shelves. most of this was documents quickly generated by me and then passed to the according project manager(s). in short, it was one side of company telling me to do fun creative stuff - on the other side, my boss telling me no. . who do you think im going to listen to? :)
  9. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    1) The name Dr. Robotnik is still used in the comics.

    2) He was still being called Robotnik in 1999.

  10. 1. Nope. I still read the comics. The characters and himself refer to him as Eggman.

    2. That's a stretch
  11. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    1) Give me an issue number then. Everyone I talk to about the comics (including me) still refer to him as Robotnik.

    2) Come on. You know he referred to himself as Robotnik all through Sonic Adventure.
  12. Tylinos


    The comics refer to him by both names pretty much equally, from what I've seen.
  13. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Which is part of my argument. :D
  14. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Not to mention Sonic Adventure 2... Japanese version included, right?

    Oh, come on... You can't seriously consider Fantasia a sequel to Castle of Illusion, even if SEGA needed to market it as such back then. =P

    Anyway, can you tell us anything about the sequel to Quackshot, which had started development?

    I mean, starring Donald Duck, not World of Illusion with Mickey thrown in there. I'm sure there must be some interesting dev stories behind that one.
  15. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    You are talking about when he made his announcement and "Dr.Robotnik" was scrolling in the background, right?
  16. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Yep. That.
  17. Hey, Dean, since I don't really know where else to go to ask this sort of question...

    Do you have anything you can say Sega Pico?

    Especially on the note of the History in the US and/or notes about specific titles.
    I've been researching a lot of the Japanese Sega Pico titles and entries and those kinda confuse my initial perception of the system as a quickly-released Genesis-based system to appease the Government after the "Night Trap" drama.
  18. DeanSatan


    SF CA
    getting paid

    this is fun. :)

    I think it kinda sucks that theyre gravitating more toward eggman but that is after all the characters "birth" name. the dude that drew it labeled it, cant fight that. the major factor is that for a long time it was my word against a company - me saying I did it (named a game or character) and the other side not validating anything/publishing counter stories. its not like at the end of my sega run I got fired for nothing... but it didnt exactly help my cause (continuing to work in games). I think after all is said and done its a dirty secret for the most part. like somebody screwed up and some kid got to participate in something he shouldnt have. also akin to SOA taking the creative ball and running with it initially pissed off the japanese... so years later its a sort of damage control. japan will call it what they want and US consumers/contractors/developers/advertisers will follow suit. fans and purists know the history and that wont change.

    id like to watch more of the cartoon but I cant. . it pretty much hurts. its like someone telling a joke that theyve told a thousand times, and not only have you heard it a thousand times, you told it to them in the first place. its hard to see stuff saying "I could have done better" or knowing how the story ends before it even starts. another facet is me being really really jaded. to a degree, we see things years in advance of the populous so by the time it hits the shelves its old hat. <-- more so if its a rehash/throw back/homage/sequel...etc.

    I've been out of the loop for a while so I could be all wrong - but robotnik has more words per minute than eggman - more content has been generated under that branch than the other. eggman giggles and runs off screen to the right. . while robotnik delivers backstory.

    also odd side note eggman fits with other franchises at the time - rockman/megaman and all bosses that end with man. not so original and I wonder what scissorsmans "real" name is ? :0


    so check a ton of creative characters visually but sadly, all of them end with "man" - their function is to thwart your progress in the game not introduce themselves and chat you up . . . this is the two halves: the hardcore nuts and bolts physical game science and the intangible fluff/decoration/localization/fiction/sweet nothings. (I did the last part)

  19. DeanSatan


    SF CA
    getting paid
    im not really going "there" -

    but, educational games were/are the kiss of death .. to a gamer. old sega is current leapfrog - so old pico is new leapster and all derivatives .. sega has/had a history of creating one-offs that are not supported once they sell through.... oops I kinda went there. theres a ton of factories that make electronic products and you can put any brand label you want on them for the right price. . .oh yeah that price is pretty cheap.

    other stuff that was the cart put before the horse -
    cd drive
    genesis keyboard
    nomad tv tuner
    even sms 3d glasses and light guns

    all touted as being the next new thing but when you get there theres really no there there.

    all were thrown in the garbage once instructions came to do so/they were no longer supported by the company or maybe never really existed in the US in the first place.