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(DC) Sonic Adventure Prototype (1998-10-16)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Orengefox, May 21, 2013.

  1. evilhamwizard


    You can find the key at the location MainMemory spoke of with a hex editor. Although some levels crash SALVL for some reason. You can load individual models that are part of the crashing level's geometry by locating the object structs that make up the level by using IDA Pro and MainMemory's IDC script (that's on retro's repository) and load those objects with SAMDL.

    All of Mystic Ruin's LandTables crash SALVL, but you can load the models separately with SAMDL if you know the right address and key of each object. It's not very cool though since you can only load one model at a time and there are hundreds of them that make up the level sometimes. Unfortunately, some objects even crash SAMDL - which might be the cause for why they're also crashing in SALVL.
  2. Sappharad


    Everyone was doing it fine 12 years ago, I don't understand how it became more difficult over time. Short answer: Extract the files from track03.bin, and build a new image.

    The super-easy way would be to follow one of the old DC selfboot guides, and just build a selfboot MIL-CD image that way. SA1 is old enough that there weren't any protections to worry about. If you grab the IP.BIN file from one of the later ECHELON releases, modify and use that instead of the one included with the game, (Shenmue 2 EU is one that I know has it) you won't need to scramble 1ST_READ.BIN which will let you skip that part of the process.

    If you want to continue working with it in GDI format instead of building bootable CD-ROMs, you should be able to use mkisofs to build a new track03.bin to replace the existing one. Just remember to build the track with an LBA of 45000 and inject IP.BIN into it. I'm not sure if mkisofs can build the track with the same sector size as the GDI, but if not "CD Image Converter" can convert it to what you need. Since I still have a spindle of 99 minute CD-R's and a working DC, I've never directly modified it in GDI for use with an emulator, but I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work. If this isn't enough detail for you, I can probably write some step-by-step instructions later and verify the exact arguments you need to use with mkisofs to generate the track.
  3. Orengefox


    Snooping as usual... Researcher
    Right in front of my computer.
    Some artwork, a ZZT game, and a hack.
    Brilliant. I'll use FraGag's in that case Cheers for that MM.

    Personally, I've never done this sort of stuff before. It didn't interest me then (like back when I was learning how to hack Mega Drive roms) and it never would have until recently. Seeing as you offered, I don't see why you shouldn't. It would be appreciated and that way everyone will be on the same page.
  4. Sappharad


    Okay, so I tried the idea to generate a new GDI and it seems to not work for some reason even though it theoretically should. Track03.bin is raw Mode 1 track data, which means subchannel/EDC/ECC stuff is there.
    I rebuilt a new track03 at 45000 LBA with mkisofs, (which produces Mode 1 data with 2048 byte sectors) injected the unmodified IP.BIN, and converted that to 2532 Raw Mode 1. The new image causes NullDC to crash after the BIOS intro. The only difference between mine and the original AFAIK is that the track isn't full of garbage data to pad it to 1GB. It's under 300MB. I wouldn't expect this to cause a problem though.

    Given this unfortunate series of events, I guess right now the best option is still to follow one of the existing selfboot guides (or use one of the tools) to build a MIL-CD CDI image that would work on a real DC too.

    You can extract track03.bin's files using "extract.exe" that comes with one of the old ripping tools. (I'm not sure which one it came with, I can upload a copy if nobody can find it) You will first need to convert track03.bin from RAW Mode 1 2532 to Mode 1 2048 using the freeware tool "CD Image Converter", because extract.exe does not work with raw images. It will extract all files on the disc, as well as create IP.BIN out of the beginning of the track.
  5. I created a new .CDI, and have the same problem in Demul.
  6. Sappharad


    Probably not the same problem.
    Make sure your CDI can mount and be browsed with a Virtual Drive. If it can't, the tool you used to generate it did not create subchannel data and the image is invalid. (Although if you burn it to an actual disc, Disc Juggler will populate the missing subchannel data when burning, so the disc will work)
  7. The track not being full is part of the problem. When I added the dummy data, it no longer crashed at the logo screen, but went to a black screen.
  8. total


    I don't remember a single guide where you actually build a selfboot image. They were all about burning parts of a multisession CD AFAIR.

    Anyway, this is how I selfboot:
    - get bootdreams and binhack32.exe
    - use binhack like this:

    Code (Text):
    1. C:\SA1>binhack32
    2. IP.BIN/BOOT.BIN SB Hacker - 32bit BINHACK Clone - FamilyGuy 2010
    4. Enter name of binary: 1st_read.bin
    5. Enter name of bootsector: ip.bin
    6. Enter msinfo value: 11702
    7. File 1st_read.bin successfully hacked.
    8. File ip.bin successfully created.
    - run bootdreams, choose selfboot folder and click "Process". Leave 1st_read.bin unscrambled.

    I won't go into details about "msinfo value" and such, just keep in mind this only works for games without copy protection.

    ...still can't believe this thing pops out from time to time here and there. I thought it was buried for good ages ago lol (like most of my Sonic R\Heroes\ShTH research). Kinda makes me wish I could've come back to the scene.
  9. Orengefox


    Snooping as usual... Researcher
    Right in front of my computer.
    Some artwork, a ZZT game, and a hack.
    Oh yeah, we've still got it listed [Here] which I'm sure you've seen already. And It's never too late to come back. I'll have a look at that guide of yours total. I'll also have a look at the other one you've posted sonicblur. Thanks you two ;)

    Just to make a point that Jen was spot on with her research. For those of you who haven't seen this yet, this can be found in under the file name TITLE.PRS. Interestingly enough, if you were to look for this in the final build, you get [This] beta title screen instead.

    These are the English versions of the Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play screens. These don't exist in any other version as stated in Sonic Adventure Game Secrets [Here]. For those of you who haven't seen these yet, these can be found in under the file names USA_SOUSA_*.PRS (* being the first letter of that character's name). You can check out all the Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play screens below.

    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - Sonic (Part 1)
    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - Sonic (Part 2)
    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - Tails (Part 1)
    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - Tails (Part 2)
    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - Knuckles (Part 1)
    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - Knuckles (Part 2)
    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - Amy (Part 1)
    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - Amy (Part 2)
    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - E-102 (Part 1)
    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - E-102 (Part 2)
    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - Big (Part 1)
    Tokyo Game Show How-to-Play - Big (Part 2)

    While on the subject of Sonic Adventure Tokyo Game Show version. I had to look around to see what I could find relating to the TGS version of Sonic Adventure and/or of the TGS event.

    • Jen found some old online news articles talking about the TGS version of Sonic Adventure on one of the old Sonic HQ sites [Here]
    • I found an old online news article talking about the TGS version of Sonic Adventure [Here]
    • I found on a video game magazine article scan talking about Tokyo Game Show 1998 Autumn including the TGS version Sonic Adventure. It's the only known article so far to have pictures of the actual Sonic Adventure TGS event. You can check it out [Here]
    • While slightly off topic, this website [Here] gives you dates and time as well as other stuff regarding the Tokyo Game Show 1998 Autumn event.
    • And don't forget all the other video game magazine article scans we have [Here]. Some of which cover Sonic Adventure at Tokyo Game Show 1998 Autumn.
  10. Woofmute


    stuck in ram Member
    turning into a dreamcast
    I've been able to build a bootable cdi the same way I used to build cdi's of Rez and its beta, using Fastboot.
  11. Looks like you need an american IP or a proxy to see this.
  12. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    This image stood out to me. Not because of its origin but because of how clear it is compared to the other versions we have of it. In this image, you can clearly tell that the Opposing E-Series Robots were still using Gamma's textures at the point the original image was made in this image. Judging by the guns, I'd say that this is probably Epsilon.
  13. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Server might have just banned Russia. Works fine for me from the UK.
  14. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    Not quite sure what I did but somehow I managed to get music to play during the levels with the controls enabled. I was falling to my doom in emerald coast so I went to the title screen using the command for this. And I also switched it to Ice Cap 1. When Icecap 1 loaded, "Be cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy" was playing. I did the same thing and loaded Icecap 2. For some reason the same track was playing. Before I give an exact method, I'm going to look into it more first because aside from what I told you, I'm not sure if that was really the reason or not.

    Edit: Okay I've figured out how it works now.
    First, go to Emerald Coast with the level cheat. (it might work with other levels but I haven't tested it enough.)

    Next while in emerald coast type the level number you want and the segment number as well if you want. Next set the "Load thing" command to "08" This will take you back to the title screen.

    Once the title screen finishes, the music SHOULD play when you start up the level. I've gotten Red Mountain 1's music to play in Red Mountain 1. That means that Icecap 3's music data must be assigned to all three areas as the Limestone Cave section plays the music as well.

    Edit 2: Okay, I'm having a slight issue now. Occasionally the game may freeze while doing this so be careful.

    Edit 3: Hmmm strange... The music now loaded without doing the switch. Weird... Clearly, there's something more to this than I know.
  15. RyogaMasaki


    0xffffffff Oldbie
    What about this old FUSE video? Is the version in this video the one that was recently dumped?

    (I also happen to have an actual copy of this tape; I snatched it up back when SA1 was still in development and holy crap it was amazing. Pardon my nostalgia for Dreamcast game anticipation~)
  16. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    Not even close. Though some of the textures for the stages featured in the Fuse video probably are in this proto. (well it's more of a demo with a bunch of assets that shouldn't be in there. It's basically a cluster fuck of final and prototype levels in one game.)
  17. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    Currently WIP:


    Speacial Thanks to MainMemory for showing me how to do this (and a few other things.)
    This isn't just a texture port. This is actually the level geometry from the proto as well. The reason why some textures appear to be the final's is probably related to those parts of the level. It seems that the parts with the final's textures still in place are actually objects of sorts. Also, I haven't added the set files from the prototype yet. Mostly because I was told it may cause crashes. I may have to port over the older models by hand so stay tuned and hopefully I'll have more info for you. I eventually plan to do all of Icecap.
  18. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    the snow board part may finally make sense.

    (there was a bridge that was missing in segment 1 final but is there in segment 1 beta)
  19. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    Hilariously, despite MainMemory's warning not to, I ported over the set file shortly after making this post. I didn't want to bump the thread so I waited for someone else to reply. Anyway, it worked but I ended up having the objects from the level being in weird places. I'll probably have to reorder them. It was a mess and I was laughing my ass off at the catastrophe I made. Anyway, I switched back to the final's set file for the time being.

    In other news, the project did get some progress in terms of textures:.

    I fixed the textures here. All I had to do was port over obj_icecap.prs and convert it to pvm. There's a few textures that need to be reordered. I'll get to those in a bit.
    The icicles are weird. I'm not sure if I've got the wrong texture on them or if it's just related to SADX's engine handles texture transparency.
    I personally like the Icecap textures from the prototype version more than the final

    And here's one of the problems that was the result of porting over obj_icecap without reordering the textures.

    Also on another note:

    As I'm sure all of you are aware, Sonic Team took a trip to central America when they were developing SA. They took photos of some places and many of them made it into the game as textures. Clearly by these two, it looks like they took a trip into the mountains while there and snapped a couple of photos of the rocks. These textures are used for the exterior walls of the first area. In the final they were changed. I'm not sure if they were recolored or completely replaced though.

    Also Glaber, yeah the bridge being removed really fucked up the level's continuity. However I think I know why. I've been discussing this with several people in the IRC and I've mentioned that the bridge's physics were probablly what got it cut. In the Autodemo at least, the physics for the bridge are kinda buggy. (even more so than other objects are) Sometimes when sonic jumps, he'll fall through the floor of the bridge.
  20. Vangar


    Can we get a screenshot of this for people who can't play the beta?