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(DC) Sonic Adventure Prototype (1998-10-16)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Orengefox, May 21, 2013.

  1. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    say, for that first beta chao garden, was there a missed piece of geometry or is that gap suppose to be there? (I'm porting that garden to Garry's mod)

    Get that dragon! I currently don't know how to activate it in SADX Gamecube version for ripping purposes.
  2. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    If this were SADXPC, I'd just look through the object code for display routines, and the models they reference. Since it isn't, I don't know how well that would work (a big part of it is IDA having an x86 decompiler).
  3. evilhamwizard


    I've been looking at the routines that were being listed under the object list and I was able to see places where it would be calling a pointer to a specific object struct. Not sure if that's what you mean though.

    Also (0CA5D748):

    A twister? It's a huge model, not big enough to be a stage though.

    Edit: Looks to be it is the Twister. Right after this object struct, there's a texture entry and a texture entry head right under it for "Tatu62". In Japanese it's "tatsumaki" but can be spelled like "tatumaki" sometimes too (thanks franz :*).
  4. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    I don't think that's the inside tornado model, that may be the outside tornado model seen in the beta footage.
  5. Vangar


    I don't think there is any proof with screenshots, But Shenmue was on the Sega Saturn and it has a demo video that is quite impressive, actually. It's possible it started life on the Saturn but was quickly moved to the Dreamcast. But that is all speculation.

    You could call Sonic Xtreme an early development of Sonic Adventure if you wanted to :v:
  6. Shoemanbundy


    Chicago, Illinois
    selling shoes
  7. evilhamwizard



    Just found this guy. Should be the model for E-103 and probably is but uses Gamma's model as a base so that's why he shares the same colors. If he were textured he'd probably be the proper color. This is all still STG02.BIN btw.

    I wonder if Froggy is in here?

    I noticed that really the only way to make sure you get an object that isn't a child model is to look at the code. It's hit and miss, sometimes I get something concrete and other times I'm not sure. It's easy to figure out if the object struct points to children (other object structs) but not sure how to find the parent.
  8. Captain VG

    Captain VG

    I've got a theory on that actually. I'm thinking the tornado was originally a model that appeared in the very same stage of Windy Valley beta. There's no way to know until we get the stage constructed, but the tornado seen in the prototype footage is nothing like the final at all.
  9. Catley


    That twister appears to be a part of the Beta Valley stage.
    The stage model is most likely re-used in the final version of the game, just utilizing a whole new texture.
  10. evilhamwizard


    (0CA440C8 - TSpring?)

    Level specific spring. You can actually see this on the left in this prerelease screenshot:


    Taking a quick break from Windy Valley, gonna go get the Dragon's model from SHOOTING since some people want it. May take a while though. I can't find the land table for the stages though though.
  11. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Dragon model itself isn't terribly fascinating since we've had that for a while now.

    Now, if it has a working Boss A.I. routine...
  12. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    you've had it for a wile now, but no one has extracted it. And for me, I don't know how to activate it in any version of SA(DX) so that I could rip it.
  13. evilhamwizard



    (SHOOTING.BIN @ 0C96E2A8)

    Is this the dragon? It looks extremely similar but his head is completely different. The textures are included in this version, and I believe the textures for him are in SHOOTING1.PRS. Perhaps at some point the dragon would transform like the Egg Carrier depending on which act of Sky Chase you are on? I'm looking underneath the model thinking maybe the head is down below but no, I can't find anything that resembles the head we know. Textures look somewhat funky though...

    Thanks to MainMemory's help on finding the object list, I found this model by going to the loading subroutine and just followed along until I found a reference to a pointer to an object struct. The first one that's referenced in the instructions is usually the model (or one of the models) for the object. Thankfully there aren't that many objects in this file so it looks a lot less messy on my end. I still can't find the land table struct though. I wonder where the animation is stored and if anything can view it yet?

    Download the SA1 MDL here. I included the texture file too.
  14. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    is ther a way to convert a Sonic adventure mdl to something like obj? I highly doubt Cannonfodder's mdl decomplier will work with this
  15. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    Sky Chase has no LandTables, there's no ground to speak of.
    The dragon has multiple parts, which are animated and displayed individually in the code. What you have there is its body, you still need its two heads and that spiky thing.
    Use SAMDL from SA Tools. If you really want to see it ingame, all you have to do is use SETedit (or SADXLVL or SADXLVL2 for the PC version) to add object 18 to SETSHT1S.BIN.
  16. Yuski


    Dragons, dragons everywhere! Oldbie
    I don't know if somebody knows the existence of this video here (due to it low views), but I think it'll help on indentification. It shows the battle with Sky Chase dragon and more about prototype Windy Valley and Chao Garden

    (The other 2 parts are that Sonic Adventure unveling, showing Sonic Team travel)
  17. evilhamwizard


    Ah, that explains a lot. I think I goofed with creating the model structs for the dragon. I probably started from the wrong address.

    Have you figured out how to load the third test stage? STG00 is a very simple file to disassemble and run your IDC script on, so I managed to create the structs for all three levels and then manually extract all twelve models for the third test map into objects you can view with SAMDL. Not sure where the problem is, loading the fifth model crashed on me before but worked after I restarted SAMDL. You can download the models here.. Here's the IDA Pro database for STG00.BIN too in case you want to look at it.

    Here are some pictures. Not that interesting though. I'm not sure if I have this upside down...

    The Floor:[​IMG]
    The most interesting part. No idea what this supposed to be though:
    No idea:
  18. Jen


    #lapidot Moderator
    Various drawings
    Orenge and I have been playing around with this game using Cheat Engine and Demul (as suggested by Jase here) - and, well, we've managed to gain complete control of Sonic.

    Please bear with me here as this is the first time I've ever dabbled in anything like this, so I hope what I'm about to say makes sense =P

    Firstly, as Jase said, we changed the value at Cheat Engine address 2C751608 to 11, which would normally freeze the timer on the demo. We then changed the stage and character values to get Sonic into Red Mountain, again according to Jase's instructions.

    When the level started up, Sonic just stood there doing nothing. The music played as normal and then stopped after a while. At this point the value of 2C751608 jumped from 11 to 327684, and started to fluctuate between that and 327691. We then used Cheat Engine to change the value to 327684 and applied this to the game. As if by magic, we could control Sonic fully!

    We've tried this in Emerald Coast, Red Mountain and Ice Cap as Sonic, all of which work. It only seems to work after a certain amount of time, almost like it's waiting for the demo to finish first or something.

    Would this information help you technical people to break the lock on the game and allow us full control of it? If you like, we can provide you with savestates for each of the levels that we've gotten working.
  19. Shoemanbundy


    Chicago, Illinois
    selling shoes
    Don't hesitate, just do it :D

    BTW what's the value that changes what stage you go into anyway?
  20. Jen


    #lapidot Moderator
    Various drawings
    Ok, we'll get savestates up as soon as we can :) We're having a play around on Orenge's computer to see if we can get anything else to work and then he'll upload everything that we find all in one go.

    As for the value that changes the stage - the address we used for that is 2C75160E. Some of the levels crash the emulator before they can load up, some load up strangely and yet others are completely controllable. It's weird.

    Final Egg and Emerald Coast seem really incomplete, it's literally impossible to finish them in normal gameplay. It's also impossible to get from part 1 of Ice Cap into part 2 - where the entrance would normally be there's a hole in the floor that leads to near the beginning of the stage again. There's quite a lot of differences to the final from what we can see in each of the levels.

    EDIT: Orenge has just got Station Square Chao Garden working, but it's like a test room. There are animals everywhere and when you give a Chao an animal it changes form (like to a Sonic Chao, Nights Chao etc) o_o

    He did this by changing the value of 2C75160E to 37 in Cheat Engine if anyone wants to give this a go. We've got a savestate though.