It's filled with microtransactions and has waiting times. Fuck off SEGA/10. Gameplay:
Honestly, it looks like Temple Run but with a few more gimmicks. As far as freemium goes, it looks decent enough.
Sort of off-topic, but the iOS port of the original Crazy Taxi is available for free on iTunes at the moment: Unless that one is also free-to-play, but it doesn't seem to say anything.
Because nothing says "crazy" like... driving between the lines on the road. I suppose it's nice to keep this franchise alive, but one of the appeals of Crazy Taxi back in the day was the fact it offered a city to drive around in. That was before sandbox games and physics engines were commonplace - you could do a great deal more with the license now that technology has moved on, and yet... not a lot has happened.
I'm hoping this game will turn out great but for free, we can't complain. Honestly, I'm just very excited to see that SEGA hasn't forgotten about the franchise. If this turns out good, hopefully it will pave the way for the return of more old Dreamcast IPs. *Cough* Jet Set Radio *Cough*. This is true. At least the original game is available on mobile devices.
Why can't they just make one fully decent looking game for mobile devices. We have quad core CPU phones running fine on the equivalent of two AA batteries and we can't just have a proper, full-gameplay installment to a 17 year old franchise? This looks like a watered down, on rails QTE instead of a driving game. Microtransactions are one thing, but if you can't build a proper game around it, then what's the point? At least it looks neat, stylistically.
Graphics can't make touch controls fun enough to use for full fledged games. Normal Crazy Taxi just ain't as good without a controller. Besides that, not everyone has phones with high specs.
Well, I don't care in the slightest about this game, but making the original free is definitely good. I already have it on the Gamecube, but I'm not always at home.
This is my fault, I was just yesterday wishing aloud that a new Crazy Taxi game would come out and an evil genie must have heard me. I should have been more specific, I'm sorry.
So this is available worldwide now. I'll give it a go in the morning. Hopefully it won't be as bad as the travesty that was Sonic Jump Fever, what with its microtransactions, premium currency, roadblocks... Why do I even bother?
That was an overreaction from me based on how much microtransaction shit Hardlight/SEGA usually puts in their games like with Sonic Dash and Sonic Jump Fever. From what I heard this is actually a pretty decent game that doesn't shove in-game upgrades for you to buy with real money in your face.
Surprisingly, this game hands out diamonds almost as much as it hands out regular cash. You get 1 diamond for picking someone up the first time, the achievements all have 3 levels which give you diamonds for reachig, and you get 10 diamonds for every level you get, plus I've opened the Mystery Trunk with the required drops ~4 times, and got diamonds at least half those times.
Just tried the game as it was just released on Android. I actually really liked it, until... Fuck you too SEGA.
You could say those were crazy waiting times. That or this version of Crazy Taxi takes place in the Gaza strip or something.
I tried playing for more than ten minutes, and the game wouldn't stop crashing. Uninstalling also crashed, and had to restart the phone, then uninstall, then try to install and play again. It again crashed around ten minutes in. Oy vey.