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Classic Sonic Mangás

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Yuski, Mar 14, 2010.

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  1. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Here, but there's a link to my site in my sig, anyway.

    Perhaps he's actually saying it in English, like when Sonic literally says "I'm Sonic The Hedgehog" in the same episode.

    By the way, I must agree with many of the translation issues that have been brought up... Perhaps the texts could be revised here with the help of Cooljerk, RahanAkero, etc, before (or after, in this case) the next episodes get uploaded?
  2. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    I dunno what 'yes' you guys are talkig about, but jya is just an old man characteristic. It's not really like oro from kenshin or dattayo from naruto. Oro is a character trait and datteyo makes them sound boastful. Jya is added in this sense to give eggman a more thoughtful demenor. Like he's got a lot on his mind.
  3. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    I dunno about you guys, but I like the crappy translation feel. :v:
  4. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    I don't. I feel like japanophiles do it so they can grin and think it's somehow more Japanese. It's not, it's an incomplete translation. Some will say it loses something when translated fully, but I feel the opposite. I think leaving it half translated makes it feel sloppy and incomplete. and in a rare case of "well let's see if you could do better," I'm offering to do just that.
  5. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    I honestly don't find it weird... And if we're on the topic of incomplete translations, well, what about the fact that panel order is right to left rather than left to right, etc.? (and that'd be a bitch to redo =P) Besides seriously, it isn't Zero Wing level, is it?
  6. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    That's why I like it though; it's stereotypically hilarious.
  7. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    I guess when you spend a lot of time translating from English to Japanese, this sort of literal translations stand out more. I'm currently taking an economics course, in Japanese, so I can get my Japanese minor. You have to write a lot of papers in Japanese and English and the professor takes off points for translations like that. That is a literal translation, which is incomplete. Part of translating is adapting your ideas to fit the conventions of another language. When you get too literal things get weird.

    Like as an example. Say you want to express an obligation in Japanese. Something like you need to study japanese. In Japanese this would be "nihongo wo benkyoshinakute wa ikanai." that's the sentence format for expressing an obligation. But if you know Japanese, you realize the sentence is literally "you must not not-study." but no one in their right mind would translate it like that.

    If I was writing about how you must not not-invest in the NHK, in that course, in English, I'd get tons of points taken off. And that's how we wind up with sonic asking if the audience can think of a big shout.

    Edit: btw sorry for spelling mistakes and not using hiragana and kanji anymore, I'm on my phone ATM.
  8. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    Oh come on, "Rolling Attack"? Who's translating this, I want to mail a complaint.
  9. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    The original said "rolling attack". In English, even. =P
  10. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    I know that, but remember the part where Translations are supposed to be adaptions as well? We know that's a spin dash, or spin attack, it just wasn't named then.

    But eh, I'll admit I'm nitpicking now.

    I hope that should the translations change to be less japanophilliac, they keep the "yes?" thing, it reminds me of Death's Head, yes?
  11. tuddy


    While I do like the translations and the fact they exist, I agree with the majority - keeping Eggman's verbal tic is pretty offputting to people without contextual knowledge. Heck, before I read through the thread, I assumed it was a mistranslation. Then again, it does keep the translation authentic, if that's what floats your boat.
  12. Nitpick time, take 2! This is actually a full-on complaint.

    I can deal with the verbal tic, yes. I can sort of swallow "Can you make a big shout?", yes.

    ... there is no excuse for that. Seriously. It may have been abbreviated in Japanese as "????", but goddamn it, it's a Megadrive. It isn't like the text boxes are too small for it -- the first one it shows up in is GIGANTIC -- it's just a direct 1:1 translation. One that MAKES NO SENSE IN ENGLISH. Augh. Goddamn. I want to grab the person responsible for this and SHAKE THEM. D: THAT IS NOT HOW YOU JAPANESE -> ENGLISH.

    ...I need to go calm down, now. My inner editor is screaming. I think I'll go and grammar-check an email...
  13. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher

  14. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    ICEKnight: exactly what I thought, that one seemed obvious o_O

    EDIT: did you also read the "dora" part as in the name Dora? =P
  15. tuddy


    Right, that settles it. I give up. I was willing to let the overly literal translations slide, but there's no words for how sloppy and lazy that is. While I appreciate OP's efforts in translating these comics for people who can't read Japanese, I was at least hoping for some form of editing, even if it is just romanising it as "MegaDrive". Again, while overly literal translation is more "authentic", there are points where it makes more sense to take liberties in translation.

    This is just one of the many in this comic.
  16. 0r4ng3


    Why are people complaining this much? This is rare stuff, that is in Japanese and that the majority of you cannot understand, and furthermore given for free. These people are giving you sweets for free and you're making a bitch because it's not a chocolate parfait.

    I'm very thankful, even if there are mistakes. They'll eventually be ironed out or be pointed out here.
  17. Yuski


    Dragons, dragons everywhere! Oldbie
    Wow, MegaDora... that hitted me too! o_o;

    I'll have a talk with the translator about that. The "Sama" suffix I don't agree, but a lot of people like it, but MegaDora is real weird.
  18. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    How about adding a parallel section for a revisied version after taking suggestions from here? That way, the flow of the other more literal translation wouldn't be stopped.

    I think "Sama" is as too-literal as "Dora". It's just something an English speaking person would never say, so it's not a full translation of the text's meaning.

    About the "yes", here's some info I've found that might be of interest:
    So it seems to be more or less an equivalent to "I see", or even just "Hmm".

    As in Dora la exploradora.
  19. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    "Megadora Software"?

    ...Seriously? :psyduck:

    I know these are just quick subs (theres bound to be errors with quick subs) to keep up with the daily promise of pages but when you archive these make sure you revise the errors.
  20. The odd thing is that he isn't saying ??. He's saying what looks to be "??", which I'm not finding meaning for. I could be wrong, but that looks to me like just... a verbal tic, ??.

    As to why we're complaining...

    <harsh criticism>
    the translation has some problems that would be fixed with ten minutes' worth of editing, ??. And by editing I don't mean "open it in photoshop and fix it myself," I mean having a proofreader go over the translated script and point out things that A: don't flow well, or B: don't make sense in the target language, and then putting the proofread text into the comic, ??. Even on a daily release schedule, this is maybe a five-minute job, at a page a day. It doesn't take long at all to go "Wait, why is he saying Megadora?" or "Why is he still using an honorific?" There's better ways to handle both of those things, ??.

    Also, the verbal tic, ??? It doesn't add anything to Eggman's character that better, more mad scientist-y text couldn't.
    </harsh criticism>
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