I'm glad I didn't have to bump this thread myself. :specialed: I rewatched this special yesterday, and it's still as golden as last year. I think I'm making it a Christmas tradition to watch, along with Christmas Story. =P So much yes if another is made. That title card can only hint at what's going on.
Silver should give up while he's ahead. It's obvious that... ... It's no use. I look forward to this every year! I can't wait :D
Oh God, it took me forever to get the reference, until I watched it again; I'm in stitches to say the least. I wonder if it's something he'll brag about to Sonia up there? =P
Try to keep in mind that it's just one of the title cards =P They usually aren't part the plot at all. I will say Silver is indeed in it, and boy howdy I cannot wait to see the comments this year.
Ah, I had no idea the title cards weren't apart of the story. :v: It's still cool knowing Silver is in, I can't imagine how he will play a part in it! This will be interesting.
Hate to double post, but I thought I'd share two frames from the video: https://24.media.tumblr.com/5d49b714a7df6db95d7eb95b9b06d9e4/tumblr_mxz8fmVkHT1rq1anqo1_1280.png https://31.media.tumblr.com/07bbf847d609a1f431e50c3d39071b9a/tumblr_mxz8fmVkHT1rq1anqo2_1280.png
As allways Sonic looks soooo pleased to see his mom. :v: And just what the hell is Silver planning with Eggman and Vector?...
Aw man D= Guess it's time to find a work around XD EDIT: Got to watch it, man it was amazing. Gotta feel sorry for Silver but boy was it hilarious XD Loved it ^^
Tttthhiiiiiiis one's a lot harder to enjoy without feeling you're being shoved every 5 seconds with "MAN SILVER REALLY FUCKING SUCKS I HATE SILVER HERE'S HIM DOING A STUPID VOICE AND BEING A FUCKTARD" But hey, could be worse, you could've shoved Roger Craig Smith in it
Oh Youtube, why you gotta be breakin' mah balls />/> I downloaded the last 2 of these as the 1080p MP4s but thanks to bullshit copyright restrictions I can't even view it on the damn site! EDIT: Thanks for the clip-converter headsup. Downloading it now.
Yeah I know, I just had to run it through clip-converter myself =T An unnecessary hassle You-tube, god bless em they try, but there is a work around for literally anything.
Awesome work Steve! gonna watch it now. If you guys are having trouble watching it try this site: http://keepvid.com/ heard sites like these can get around the issue. but make sure to give Steve a like too!
Saw it. Very good stuff, again. That scene with the trailer that Sonic's jaw drops was hilarious, I think the only way you could have topped it was with the announcer being a Clarkson impression =P