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Christmas Chaos

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Shadix, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. Shadix


    I hate to damper your creative control, but might I suggest doing a Sonic CD-esque type dance. You know, like Metallic Madness dance. I would totally love to hear it done like that, and you are pretty good at recreating sounds. :)
  2. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    Oh my God, Hamilton's mix tape is pretty sweet.

    Shadix, I'll have a sketch or something ready...soon. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe as late as Thursday. Depends on how my last week of school goes.
  3. Adamis


    Gimme waffles! Oldbie
    Lammy and "Fafnir"
    Someone should remix Palmtree Panic present or good future (japanese version) for this project!

    I'd love to contribute but I don't know what to do, the cover is already taken by Sonic Warrior (who, I'm sure, will give us something awesome!)
  4. Shadix


    I'm actually working on a PPZ mix.

    Btw, I'm giving a huge brownie point award to whoever makes a genesis chiptune version of Greensleeves / What Child Is This for this.
  5. Tweaker


    Right. I've finished what is likely to be the final version of my contribution to this project. It's based largely on the stylings of Richard Jacques' works from Sonic R, and I'd say you could even solidly fit some vocals in there! I'm proud of how it turned out, and I hope you guys enjoy it once the album is released. :)

    There may or may not be some clipping in the mp3; if there is, I'll try and re-render it at a lower volume and do some post-processing.
  6. Tweaker


    Did you hear his Sonic-related album? All of the lyrics were entirely contextual, usually referring to memories of Sonic, playing the Genesis, et al. The guy is as much of a fan as the rest of us, and it really shows in his music. There's some fantastic sampling all over the place, and it's a blast to see how the classic Genesis music was transformed into something very fitting of a modern music setting. He knows his stuff; I'm willing to bet that the "bitches and hoes" music is largely attributed to appealing to a widestream audience. He's fully capable of going outside of that particular point of focus, as he's shown quite well.

    Personally, I'm looking forward to having a professional contribution towards the album. It reminds me of Richard Jacques' appearance at Summer of Sonic—the professionals and the fans working together and getting along is a fantastic, humbling experience, and I'm honored to know that we have such an opportunity. Relish in the opportunity, and look forward to the results. I bet you won't be disappointed if his previous Sonic-related efforts have anything to show. :psyduck:
  7. Yeah my fault, I was remembering "November 10th", I did base all my "angst" towards how he butchered the S3&K mid boss theme for one of his songs, and I really couldn't understand the lyrics. "Frustration and Failed Suicide Attempts" in "Sonic the Hamilton". Plus you got to admit the mixtape title sounds really retarded dude.

    I wouldn't exactly call him a "professional" Tweaks. More like an up-in-coming artist, or a one-hit-wonder if he makes it that far. I'd would have been more excited if 50 Cent jumped on the project instead of this unheard of guy (read: not by much). Seriously, I can ask every black person I know in Flint and Portland alone, and I guarantee none of the more underground hip-hop focus ones have heard of him.

    But shit, I'm just going to quit bitching about it and wait until the finished product before I start judging.

    EDIT: And Tweaker, the whole "bitches and hoes to appeal to a mainsteam artist" argument is bullshit, I get on Kanye West for doing it. If you're wrapping your entire message into this negative capsule to attract an audience, then you're pretty much saying that the entire audience is so ignorant that they can't comprehend your real message, you're just trying to make money. Not trying to take this out on you, but current marketing practices irritate the fuck out of me, on how they approach us.
  8. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    I would have a sketch to show you guys. A sketch that I was actually happy with.

    And it's gone, because I fell asleep while working and my computer fucking turned itself off. You'd think it would've asked me to save my work and for that screen to be there when I woke up, but noooo, my computer turned itself the fuck off with absolutely no user input. It's fucking stupid.

    Ugh...guess I'll just start the fuck over again later. Fucking bullshit.
  9. Tweaker


    Not to try and offend you personally, but that is exactly what I'm saying. People buy into this stuff like candy—why do you think the "hardcore gangsta" fad is still going on? Everything is about being hardcore, living in the ghetto, making millions of dollars, and fucking as many hoes as possible. The media sees this and they market more aspiring artists to conform to this style, as it is absolutely guaranteed to get the most profit, the most attention, and the most record deals, music videos, et al.

    It's sad to say, but a majority of the world is that ignorant, and will buy into it. It's just how things work, whether we'd like them to or not.

    Ouch, that sucks. :(

    Here's hoping you can still realize your original vision. You're an awesome artist, so I'm sure it'll be a treat when it's finished. :(
  10. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    Yeah, I'm a dumbfuck and forgot to grab my tablet before ecology class, or else I'd actually have some time. I may be able to do it tonight. I'm just...really disappointed. I was just about to save it and send it to Shadix too, but I got into reading something and passed out. I gotta stop working as late as 3am.

    Lemme....bounce back here, and maybe I'll have something else tonight. Hopefully as good. U.U
  11. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    I was thinking of doing something for this. I'm not such a hot musician, and don't do very polished stuff; but I would like to have a go at a Christmas version of Casino Night Zone if nobody's doing it.

    This is an example of the sort of production quality I'm getting right now (Yeah, I know I posted it in Creative Works). I can work in a few musical styles, though.
  12. Shadix


    New stuff:
    -Skit Tracks that will be interspersed throughout the album, with voiceovers and story-telling.
    -Nekofrog from OCRemix is making a mix
    -Potentially 3 songs from an associate of mine, including a blues jazz styled arrangement of Tidal Tempest, with live instrumentation. (ps this track alone will be the shit)

    New Ways to Help:
    -Voice Talent (We need a Tails, a Nack, and MAYBE a Sonic voice actor. Extras may be needed so don't hesitate if you don't have an impression)
    -script Writer
    -Lyricist (StrikeDaMic needs an AIM or some way I can contact him easier. He doesn't realize how much he wants to write lyrics.)

    Specific Track Lookout Wish:
    -Genesis Sonic Chiptune styled Christmas songs
    -Greensleeves in Chiptune form ^^
    -Original Christmas tracks
    -Basically Anything thats not a flatout remix. Be creative, this album needs depth haha. (Not saying remixes aren't accepted anymore, I'd just like to see other things, because if we get too many tracks and I have to make cuts remixes are currently in the overwhelming majority.)
  13. Shit, if anything I want to be a Nack. Because, you know, he steals shit.
  14. Rokkan


    I think I may dub Tails. I used doing it but I'm not sure if I can anymore :Ç
  15. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    If Wetflame is not involved with this aspect of the album in some way, I will be severely disappointed.
  16. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    Alright, what I was going to do was lyrical;

    Have a Merry Christmas, from all of us.

    Jingle bells, but not for the gambling man,
    As he staggers back home, no presents in his hand.
    Lost it all there at the slots, what will he say?
    His habit might just have ruined Christmas Day.

    Not all is lost, not for that gambling man,
    He can turn a new leaf, better do it while he can.
    So let's all say a prayer, for our friend,
    And they might still have, they might still just have, they might have Christmas in the end.

    (Have a good Christmas)

    And repeat... as the tune (Casino Night Zone 1P) does. (Edited, like a word ^^;)

    I was going to try and do a Bing Crosby sort of delivery as well... sort of suits the style of the track anyway. Oh, and added bells here and there, because it's Christmas and all. Sort of nice, eh? Keeps with the theme of the level, plus delivers a nice Christmas message without being too saccharin-sweet.
  17. Max Firestorm

    Max Firestorm

    Pyrodramatic Member
    Well, I took a crack at singing it (as people on #Retro know) so here it is.

    Christmas Night Zone
  18. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    This bought a tear to my eye. Merry Christmas, Max ;)
  19. Max Firestorm

    Max Firestorm

    Pyrodramatic Member
    Hehe ^^ Merry Christmas Jay. Glad you enjoyed it.
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