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Charles Hamilton and his Sonic albums.

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Spookss, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. Spookss


    Don't ask me to repeat, cause idek what I said. Member
    I was on the internet with a friend and he showed me an artist named Charles Hamilton and his discography that consists of 90% Sonic content, albeit the album covers or sampling sonic music etc. I haven't listened to much but but it seems surprisingly not bad considering some of these album covers.

    This man has HUGE lore including a a song produced by Eminem (The song is I don't care, its not a super great song imo) and supposedly had tied to Kanye West, I barely know anything about this man and what little I am finding out is insane, and all this while trying to be synonymous with Sonic the Hedgehog.

    Hell, even in this track November 10th he samples Marble Zone and the music video is completely filled with just Sonic reference, and the crazy part is the beat is actually good too:

    Heres a few more album covers I found on Youtube

    I also ended up finding one of Sonic surrounded by women but I'm not sure if that'd break any rules on Sonic Retro off the top of my head so I'm not gonna bother posting it, you can find it quite easily on Youtube if you're so curious.

    Anyways does anyone here actually recognize him? Does anyone recommend any tracks by him if so? General opinions in this guy?
  2. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    Oh man. He put out an album in Fall of 2008 to celebrate his Birthday that year, and it somehow wound up being my background music while working on stuff for the next several years. Haven't pulled it up in forever.
  3. BigTigerM


    Fucking preem, choom! Brings me back to an age where cover artists would take Sonic tunes and make their own lyrics for 'em. I remember this one random gal that took Robotnik's themes and sung over them, was prolly my first exposure to fan media but I can't for the life of me find the vid... That, and the lullaby mixes by xTrickyWolfy, now famed VTuber Trickywi. Sonic was really on top of the web at the time.

    Anyways, listening to this guys' album now - thanks for the new album to add to my listening list! All vibes, this is sampling galore.

    Edit: I am ridiculously giddy rn, beyond compare.
  4. Spookss


    Don't ask me to repeat, cause idek what I said. Member
    I'm still listening to some of his music right now and I'm kinda bouncing from random track to random track but it's still been fairly decent music.
    I can drop some tracks if you'd like
  5. BigTigerM


    Broski he came in with Casino Night Zone mid-song and blasted my butt back into my seat. The only thing that comes close to topping being able to kiss boys is listening to good fan music. Hit us with your favourite tracks, I'll make a list myself as I listen and post later so we can compare.

    Admittedly I am very easy to please... ōwō;;
  6. Spookss


    Don't ask me to repeat, cause idek what I said. Member