can anyone else not get past the training levels? I do exactly what it tells me to do but I can't get through. It's the one where I'm supposed to hold left, then left go of left and press B when I pass over my partner or something. I do that but it never proceeds.
Have partner hold. Press left. Build up ring power. Let go of left but still hold B. Immediately after, press
The one where you have to hold left of your partner, and then go right? Just follow what it says, and remember that you have to keep holding left to get the ring power to actually charge because of those weird extra steps Knux takes. The game can be a bitch with that one, I know. Just download the savestate, that should get you to the more interesting part, even if you have to play with Charmy (Which I'm using because of his mobility, saving me having to pause and use debug).
Press B. Press left. Build up ring power (keep left held down). Let go of left but still hold B. Immediately after, press right. Build up ring power again (keep right held down). Let go of B. SUCCESS!
man I dunno, I do it right, we go up the ramp... everything seems cool but it always goes back to the first step. I have no idea O_o
Press left. Charge ring to maximum left of combi. Go right. When you pass combi, release B. You are now at top of ramp. Still, you could just download the savestate, unless you want to play as a specific character. If you do, well, I'll have the "Player Select" savestate up tomorrow, K?
yeah sorry Ill download the save state, it's just one of those things where I want to figure out how I'm doing it so horribly wrong... it's like between me and the game.
It's just that the game's a bitch about doing that PERFECTLY right in all versions. As I said, I'll upload a Player Select savestate later. In about an hour.
Yes Sammy, I think it got pointed out in another Chaotix topic. Guess that easily explains the 'inspiration' behind Bomb, not that it was all that pressing an issue.
WARNING! Trial Member posting lame discoveries. :P When getting the Big Ring drop or Increase size power-ups, the icon doesn't show. Also during the Pinball level select, the place where Metal Sonic is placed is fully shown, this doesn't happen in the final unless you have cleared all the levels. Proto: Final: Sorry about the ultra bad image quality.
Just FYI, the loops DO work in this version. I was playing the 1207 version and they don't work well in that one. Yes they do work in this one but it's hard to backtrack through them.