Car Navi Saturn apparently. You connect with your car navigator and .... it works! Does anybody know of this? EDIT: Yes, that is a picture of neptune at the right サターンはセガの「セガサターン」以外にも、日本ビクターから「Vサターン(1994年11月22日発売・44,800円、1996年6月7日発売・20,000円)」が、日立からはビデオCDとフォトCD機能が標準装備された「ハイサターン」が登場した。後に「ハイサターン」はカーナビ機能を追加した「ゲーム&カーナビ ハイサターン(1995年12月6日発売・150,000円)」として独自の進化を遂げた。 there we go; it's actually called "Game & Car Navi Hi-Saturn"
Yeah it's the stupidly expensive one with lots of silly extras. because this is obviously what the Japanese consumer wants it's basically a Sega Saturn + Karaoke + LCD screen + GPS + other things. Spotted once at $1200 USD etc.
I can imagine the Saturn falling down to the drivers knee and causing a car accident. Car Navi Saturn - Leading cause of Car accidents :v:
Random aside - I like how the Nomad has a space in it there so it actually gives an Engrish impression of it not being angry =P