not exactly a mash-up, but a subtle remix, nonetheless...
Ice Cap Zone - Hard Times SMPS Already posted this here, but since it is a mashup, I might as well drop it in here too. Since guests can't access that thread, I'll quote the post for them: Enjoy~
Gonna leave this here :v:/> (Request from (Iceman404)
This is a reedit of the Jetzons When the Sun Comes Down and Marble Garden Zone, my previous version was pretty crap to say the least (and was deleted). Although not as similar match as Hard Times, its still pretty obvious it was the basis for the zone music, there is still a little "busyness" to the song but it fits much better this time. [media][/media]
Been on a sonic music comparison binge the last hour or so, and of course this is the first post I see when I log on. Neat find, nonetheless. The Jetzons song alone for comparison.
I'm not hearing the obviousness of it. You seem to be making the connection in the same way I hear either act of Hydro City in half of Michael Jackson's songs. There's a stylistic similarity, but there's nothing that jumps out at me conclusively like Hard Times/Ice Cap. Heck, I feel like S3's Credits and Stranger In Moscow could almost be coincidence because of the differences between them, if it hadn't been confirmed.
well, the obviousness that both were written by Brad Buxer is one thing, another is the use of a very similar synth patch, and the same rhythm (some of the notes are different however the root note is the same). Another really good one is the "chime" section at around 0:51 in the Jetzons track is repeated at 1:17 in the MGZ track with a very similar synth patch and style. The guitar breakdown section at 1:31 and 2:22 has underlying synth bass with the exact same rhythm as the MGZ "solo" section, so much so you really cant tell its both tracks playing together.
Since we post mahsups, this is one I like a lot. Some Genesis love. Streets of Rage 2 / Aphex Twin mashup
It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... On days like these, Hedgehogs like you... Should live and learn.
Here's a mix of Adele and Sonic 3, using Rolling In the Deep and Hydrocity Zone Act 1 as the two tracks put together. P.S: Can't seem to get the Youtube tags working...:|
Uploaded this mashup way back in 13 April 2015. Combining two worlds of blips and bleeps together. :-3
It's possible that I may have a problem. EDIT: Now on YouTube!
I realize you posted that a month ago but this one's better I don't know why there's more than one of these but I'm grateful.
That reminds me of this classic of Sonic musical mash-ups: [video][/video]
Can't believe I haven't posted in this thread, I'm absolute mashup / demake remix trash. :v Rest are in links because of media file limit. Bowser's Galaxy Generator mashup (SMG2 original and M&S 2014 remix) Reach For The Stars 8-bit Remix Frozen Factory 16-bit Remix