I'm just going to shamelessly steal the mixer's introductory quote: “Citizens of Earth, lend me your ears and listen to me very carefully! My name is Dr. Eggslam, the world's greatest dunker, and soon to be the world's greatest baller! Now witness the beginning of the greatest chaos dunk of all time!” + - Not as good as the DuckTales mashup, but still pretty good.
I'm terrible at this, but sometimes I have good ideas: would these mash up well together? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud6sU3AclT4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_BKi6KPKJQ And Arique, goddamn you, I already have enough Slam mash ups, but I absolutely love Spacequeens. Good work.
This mashup will make you cry of nostalgic happiness. I actually nearly cried while listening to it ;.; Sonic 4 ~ Splash Hill Zone Act 1 (Sonic 2 Emerald Hill Zone Mix)
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyJkx6Px1To[/youtube] I...what? Why is this so catchy? What are these visuals I am seeing in my head?
I love that one. The original one is still the best Hydrocity Zone Act 1 (Sonic Spinball Remix) and Sonic 3 Hydrocity Zone Act 1 Fused!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF5PST7lKbM&feature=related
Nice mashup! Slightly O/T, but did you know the music video (seen in the song) was a tribute to New Order's Crystal video, which The Killers got their name from...?
Oh nice choice. I love NicoCW's remixes. My personal favorites gotta be his Chaos Angel Modern This is what I imagine an HD Sonic Advance series soundtrack remake made by Jun Senoue would sound like :D
Awesome mix... you have NO IDEA how many times I tried the same track when I was still starting out with music and FL Studio back in 2005. Sounds like he's using the same MIDI (one of EspioKaos') Much better production then mine... its hard to get all those instruments down and still listenable. ETA: To embarass myself, this is my last attempt at it from 2008. This is just too complex for me to mix XD; Uploaded to Mediafire, because lol couldn't get Soundcloud to work. Hope no one minds it, though XD; http://www.mediafire.com/?c7pw6s1jd6otocg I used to do this with music all the time. I once did Venus Lighthouse and Mars Lighthouse, for a fellow SoaH Member, because I thought the GBA didn't do them justice. Its actually how I got into music in the first place, thinking that all these GBA songs sounded good, but could've sounded better at a higher res. Anyone else hear Duel of the Fates in it? I also once tried to do a mashup between Schala and Tikal, alternating phrases and chorus. I don't think I have that saved anywhere.