[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_U97mosu-c[/youtube] Completed a Beastie Boys mix using the Bad Future version of Collision Chaos.
Wow! This is a near perfect fit! And it explains why it sounded more than familiar the first tiem I heard LP's song. Haha, this blew my mind! Great Mix!
Yeah, good job on that Yuzo. That Beastie Boys mash up kicks ass. I like it when the mash-upers do tributes for fallen musical heroes. Who was it that did the Whitney Houston song mashed up with Chrome Gadget zone? That was fantastic and I still listen to that on a weekly basis.
Super lame! What the hell is it with these companies? Do they think people won't buy Whitney Houston albums or MP3s because they can get it mixed with Sonic music? Freakin' weirdos...
Thanks Friend Of Sonic I think the video was removed because Youtube have wised up to the mirrored videos that were avoiding copyright detection. It is a great mix from a great mixer!
Hey Yuzo, while you're here, I downloaded a good chunk of the MJ mashups. I love Flying Diana Zone so much
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwoyCTkBoQQ&feature=fvwrel[/youtube] Besides a few editing hiccups, this is a wonderful mashup.
And now for something slightly different... [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG3z-Cc_WNw&list=UUULGREstUZ39X1HE4zo7QXg&index=1&feature=plcp[/youtube] This mashup is more in the vein of Sonic CD 6290 or Sonic Blast! than most mashups here.
Glad you enjoyed them, been looking into a few Sonic Heroes and 3d Blast mixes for the next update Rusty Ruins Act 2(Saturn) with History by MJ is a possibility.
Do it, dooooo it. I love the Rusty Ruins tracks from the Saturn version. Any Tupac mixes in the pipeline? Those are equally awesome.
Very nice mix, a brilliant combination @Friend Of Sonic - Nothing majorly in the pipeline with Tupac yet, but im sure to get around to it in the near future, thanks
Welp, I wound up spending tonight hammering out some rough ideas of a few mashups I've had in the back of my mind for a while. They're merely WIP versions I did for the sake of getting something done. I may or may not come back to them, but I wanted to at least put out some rough ideas. If anyone else wants to use these ideas, by all means, go for it. Terminal Velocity x Skyscraper Scamper (Day) (Respective Tempos: 87.5 BPM and 77.5 BPM) Lost Impact x Sky Troops (Respective Tempos: 131.1 BPM and 142 BPM) One of these days I'll have to map out each section of Lost Impact and Sky Troops. Each of them have to be edited/cut around at certain points to flow reasonably well. I feel like I could come up with a decent layout if I plan it out. Terminal Velocity and Skyscraper Scamper can generally play alongside one another with little meddling; save for one of them looping once afterwards while the other only plays once through. Apologies in advance if volumes are fucked up; I'm lacking headphones at the moment and had to rely on standard laptop speakers. :v: Suggestions, criticism, etc. are welcome.
Miniboss is better, because it's nearly in-tune. :v: EDIT I just spent a good hour or so messing around with this idea before Mixcraft finally crashed on me. I did write down the tempos for each song though. OOZ comes first when lining them up; IIRC there's a one step difference between semitones. Processed Beats - 106.7 BPM Oil Ocean Zone - 121.7 BPM
EDIT: I went ahead and added Afro Circus to the rest of the Sonic 4 Episode II soundtrack. Download it and annoy all of your friends with orchestral feline masterpieces, synthetic waterfowl masterpieces, and Circuses of the Afro Variety. http://www.mediafire.com/?ud94c4u514ilmg4