I know usually linking to other forums is something that's kind of taboo, but for something like SEGA Retro this could be quite interesting if it gets dumped (and in a playable form). The guy selling this actually used to work for SEGA from 1994 till shortly after they went 3rd party. He's released a bunch of interesting information (why Propeller Arena was cancelled, Geist Force sucks, he was the reason that Sonic Xtreme build got leaked, etc etc). Sale Thread SEGA information thread
Neat! Glad to see new awnsers to old questions we always had. Anyone inform drx of this? maybe he would be interested (if he considers the dreamcast "old" in his aspect)
drx knows of it, but can't chip much in due to doctor bills apparently. There is a fundraiser going on ASSEMblers to see this released. Should be interesting if it does go through.
Oh man, that is a really interesting read. I'm bookmarking that thread, it's DEFINITELY not everyday that some ex-worker comes and tells all about what was going on with a video-game company behind the scenes.
I would be really tempted to bid on it, if there was some kind of reassurance that a playable demo could be extracted. As it is, there's every chance it could turn out to be a $500+ coaster. Ah, fuck it.
Starting to question my bid, but still holding out hope that something can be extracted. The uncertainty around it may keep the price down, which would be good.
Not going to lie here- considering the apparent state of the disc, I think any funds would be better pooled for something more likely to have some usable data. Of course, I have several nice hats to eat if you manage to get anything off of this disc.
See I kind of question the fact that it failed, because if he puts the disc in a PC it will show how full the disc is, but won't boot on retail hardware (which doesn't that make sense?). I feel we won't really know the state of the disc until it's put into a devkit or ripped.
Just to update on this our own Eggfan is in the lead at $650, and there is ~25 minutes left (assuming I have time zones right, it ends at noon and I'm 1:35 Central). Considering I know he wants it dumped I really hope he gets it so eventually everyone can enjoy it.
LeGit won, however he's not too sure if he'll be able to get the money together in the time he has, so it will go to the last bidder if he can't. At least that's what I got out of the end of the thread.
drat and double drat. Oh well, it was getting too pricey for me anyway, especially if it turns out to contain no useful data.
LeGit plans to get it dumped so nothing's lost. I suspect it may be a dud though At least now DonnyK can move onto other auctions, since he claims to have more unreleased stuff!
Very very very very very very very very bad news. From ASSEMBler: tl;dr Disc was damaged from shipping
We have acquired another disc from another Sega Employee and have successfully raised $700 to pay for it in only 4 hours. Head to Assemblergames.com for more details.
I can't remember where the thread is, but the guy who was directly responsible for that posted not that long ago on another site that this was indeed the reason.
bump It's been released http://the-dreamcast-junkyard.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/geist-force-is-out.html Apparently, it's really high quality Wish I'd have known about it. Oh well. Wonder whether they could do this kind of thing with the Sentinels of the Universe beta code.