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Can you name these Sega developers?

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by cartridgeculture, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. cartridgeculture


    Wiki Editor Member
    Hello!! I've come across a few group photos for which we still need to identify the developers pictured. If anyone knows the name of any of these people, please let us know here (and tell us where in the photo they are), thanks so much for anyone you can point out!! :)

    See also:
    Can you name these Sega musicians and composers?
    Can you name these Sonic developers?

    TOP ROW: Who are the two men in the very top-left?
    TOP ROW: Who is the man behind and to the left of Nakayama?
    BOTTOM ROW: Who is the man kneeling in front of Spielberg?
    BOTTOM ROW: Who is the man kneeling in front of Cerny? (Takayuki Nakamura?)

    Who is the woman in this photograph? (Emiko Yamamoto?)

    Other than Yu Suzuki, Satoshi Mifune, and Hiroshi Kawaguchi, who are the other three developers here?

    Who is the developer second from left?
    Who is the developer on the far right?
    Whi is the developer on the bottom?

    Who are the three male developers?

    Who are these Sega World Tour '91 developers? (minus Al Nilsen)

    Who are the two Jurassic Park (Mega-CD) developers wearing hats?

    Who are these Product Development Team developers? We already know Chris Smith, Ken Balthaser, Stewart Kosoy, Jim Huether, Ed Annunziata, Cindy Hardgrave, Bert Schroeder

    Who are the two left-most men?

    Who are the two men on the left?
    Who is the woman on the right?

    Who is the man on the very right?

    Who is the man on the very right?

    Can anyone name the office this photograph was taken in?

    Can anyone name this developer? It's named "Daiichi.jpg" if that's any help. My first thought was Daichi Katagiri, but he looks a little different, isn't wearing glasses, and the filename's "Daiichi" as opposed to "Daichi".
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
  2. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    Naoto Ohshima

    Takashi Iizuka
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  3. biggestsonicfan


    Model2wannaB Tech Member
    ALWAYS Sonic the Fighters
    There's a good thread with other photos from the Speilberg visit on twitter here, but MegaDriveShock never cited their source for the photos.

    A translated Fumitsu article here (original is down atm) says that Katagiri was working on Sonic the Fighters when he visited AM2. The cabinet there is most likely a Super Megalo 2.
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  4. cartridgeculture


    Wiki Editor Member
    Would that be a young Daichi Katagiri popping his head up on the far right, or the person above Spielberg's son? and thank you everyone, I'm getting this all added as we speak.
  5. Ted909


    the future kick your ass Member
    Hisao Oguchi is above Spielberg's son, Mie Kumagai is playing beside him. Both were of AM3 at that time and are specifically identified by the 4Gamer piece with Hisashi Suzuki, which I did reference on Spielberg's discussion page. And as already mooted that cabinet is most likely a Super Megalo 2.

    Upper far right is Rikiya Nakagawa, and Hisashi Suzuki is to the left of him. Oguchi is present again too. Not as certain on some of the others but I have a few ideas (Toshihiro Nagoshi, Tetsuya Mizuguchi, lesser-seen developers from AM4, AM5, and AM6 whose specific names currently escape me...).

    I'd hazard a strong guess they were from Harmony - would be great if we could get confirmation from @Gryson himself though :)
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
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  6. cartridgeculture


    Wiki Editor Member
    The photo of Spielberg wearing the MVD... is that Nakagawa? Maybe he takes his glasses off for photos, and took off a sweater he was wearing earlier, but the face feels a little different. Hair looks a little bulkier too, but I dont know. and awesome tyyy!!, this info rocks

    Also wow Naka looks so young I legit missed him at first.
  7. Ted909


    the future kick your ass Member
    At a glance, yeah, that probably isn't him. Another I'm not entirely certain on is bottom left (Skip Paul?). The ones I really haven't the faintest clue about are the two behind Nakayama, though.

    I believe Nagoshi is to the left of Hisashi Suzuki, then who I think is likely Mizuguchi next to Naka - but yes, they look so young here that they're almost unrecognisable to our eyes. And I say that as someone who has combed through many old magazine interviews and even footage featuring some of these people...
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
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  8. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    I think I only about recognised Yuji, Naoto and Takashi in the few photos, no-one else really rings a bell. I was half expecting to see Tom Kalinske in amongst those business guys in that photo with the old Mega Drive box, but alas no...
    I don't know anyone in this photo, though the bottom left guy with the shades looks like George Michael... I'm sure it's not, but that would've been one hell of a twist "first Michael Jackson, now George Michael :D".
  9. Asagoth


    Behold! The mighty, the flawless, salted cod eater Member
    wiki stuff... and a beer... or two... or more...
    That big bearded fella on the right who's behind that other big bearded guy with a blue shirt is Ed Annunziata... ;) ...
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  10. Ted909


    the future kick your ass Member
    Some others to add to the SOA pile here while we're at it - I'm not particularly well versed in their early 90s personnel outside the obvious guys (Kalinske, Nilsen, Katz, etc):

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  11. cartridgeculture


    Wiki Editor Member
    Thank you (and everyone), added!!
  12. cartridgeculture


    Wiki Editor Member
    Normally not a fan of bumping posts, but I've added a few more pictures to the list, if anyone sees anyone new! Thanks again everyone, you're all helping out a ton :)
  13. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Member
    For the ones I know...
    Red shirt is Tom Fry, direct center is Simon Thomley.

    On the right, Jasmin Hernandez and Mike Cisneros.

    Leftmost is Austin Keys, next to him is Shun Nakamura.

    Not sure about the rest, but Mike Cisneros is here again next to Aaron.

    Jason Berry from Sonic Stadium.
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  14. Ted909


    the future kick your ass Member
    Having refreshed myself on the GameWorks venture of late, I now realise that the white guy to the right of Nakayama is one Jon Snoddy - vice president of design from its 1996 inception to 2001 DreamWorks pullout. He did work for Disney's theme parks before and after this.

    Still none the wiser about some of the others though.
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  15. cartridgeculture


    Wiki Editor Member
    ...Hm. The man kneeling directly under Cerny... is that Takayuki Nakamura? At first I didn't think so, his jaw is more angular here, but most telling: see the mole under his lip? Later photos of Nakamura show him with a barely-visible scar where that mole was, indicating he may have had it removed...

    Directly to the left of Spielberg... is that Emiko Yamamoto? She's got a very similar smile, and wears turtlenecks. But this photo appears to have her hair parted on the right side, where Yamamoto's appears on the left...
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2021
  16. I happened to be looking at the SPACE HARRIER photo again, and while I can't say these with certainty... seeing as I've found out many more of the game's developers, I think these are the missing people

    upload_2023-11-30_1-46-15.png upload_2023-11-30_1-46-29.png
    (I've never really seen it, but apparently he smiles a lot more than his couple pictures let on. Otherwise I'm not so sure.)

    upload_2023-11-30_1-47-59.png [​IMG]

    upload_2023-11-30_1-48-45.png [​IMG]

    Again, just guesses of mine, so not really much anyone can do with them.

    I don't really know about the person at the bottom, who I tended to assume was Hiro with an out-of-shot keyboard, but...

    Hiroshi Kawaguchi might not be in that photo. A fluent person will need to check what he said for sure, but his last sentence could be something like "by the way, not in the picture on the right".
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