I figured with all the changes/anomalies I've heard of coming from this title, it would make sense to have one single place where we can consolidate the issues (partly so that the devs can have an easier time finding these and potentially having the opportunity to fix them- we know the team does read this community, after all). One such issue that I've personally been trying to figure out, to no avail, is why I get no voice acting in the cutscenes for the Sonic Generations portion of the package. I haven't seen anyone else with this problem, but hopefully I'm not the only one with it, because then it might be something specific to my system for some reason... I actually haven't played much of the Sonic portion of the package, so there's not much else I can comment on (I was trying to fix the above thing so I could enjoy the rewritten cutscenes). But there's a few instances in Shadow Gens where I managed to glitch out of the stage into the sky and fall to my death...
In the Mephiles fight I got stuck in the climbable pillar as Doom Morph at one point. Additionally, in the same fight the depth of field during the final cutscene looks strange around the bottom and right extremities of the screen. I've also experienced a very awkward 'softlock' of sorts in the section where you slide down the building in Radical Highway Act 1; being hit by the Black Arms enemy right as you come off the rail will lock Shadow facing the screen and you have to spam Chaos Spear to turn around out of it, which can take as long as 15-20 seconds. Additionally, in the same stage, I've noticed a few people mentioning (on PC, obviously) at higher framerates, you tend to die unexpectedly on the alternate path with the big spiral loop. Shadow will just careen off into space. I'm playing the PS5 version.
Not a remaster bug but you can still fuse yourself with the orange rocket by smuggling it to the point that there's a directional cannon and firing up into it.
I only ran into one bug during my casual run of shadow Gens and I actually caught it while recording. I chalk it up as pretty good for sonic teams track record. Charcoal seemed to understand it but I did not. Spoiler: Video contains final stage
For what it's worth I've actually found somebody who has the same voice over issue as me in a different language... https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicTheHe...panish_sonic_x_shadow_generations_cinematics/ Here's their reddit post. And just like them, when I RECORD the game, the recording has the voice over dialogue. This bug gets weirder and weirder... ...this is exactly what happened to me! That's what I meant by "But there's a few instances in Shadow Gens where I managed to glitch out of the stage into the sky and fall to my death...". Apparently there's a part in Rail Canyon where if you're boosting at one of the rail sections you fly off the stage at well, at least at higher framerates... Also, in Chemical Plant Act 2, I've had some camera shenanigans, where the camera gets stuck/glitches out. Sometimes it even freaks out in the stage intro...
Hm, is the audio being set to 6-channel instead of stereo? That might explain why it sounds right when recording, possibly getting mixed back down to stereo
Just a reminder, you can actually report bugs in the game directly to SEGA over at SEGA's support site...! On the Sonic Generations side of things, I'd suggest prioritising reporting anything that doesn't work as it should compared to the original release. I've already reported the swapped music tracks in the Metal Sonic rival battle, Classic Sonic's balancing animation straight-up not playing, and the incorrect subtitle text when rescuing Cream the Rabbit as Classic Sonic, but I'd encourage others to report them too along with any other finds. The more people who flag up a bug, the more likely it is to actually get looked into as part of any updates/patches the game receives in future. When reporting, make sure to keep your tone polite, and be sure to flag up each issue individually rather than just lumping them all into a single report. EDIT: I have feedback on all three that I've submitted, but it sounds like they either don't get the problem re: the Metal Sonic boss fight music, or don't think there's an issue, as they've not said they're forwarding that one on to be reported. Is anyone else able to also submit that one in particular? I'm hoping if a different agent sees it they may actually pass on the information so it can be properly fixed.
I finally did confirm that my voice over thing was caused due to my Headphones being set to Surround Sound... But still, there's no way to configure Surround/Stereo audio setting for the Generations Remaster in the game itself. Hopefully SEGA adds it!
Okay, made some headway with reporting the music issue in the Metal Sonic rival fight; I remembered I actually have two accounts on SEGA's support site, as when Origins released I signed up for one with my current email, having forgotten that I already had an account tied to an older address. So I signed into the other one and reported it again; this time I must have explained it a little better, as despite being assigned the same agent I've been assured that it'll be passed on this time. Phew! If other people make sure to report these issues too, then hopefully they'll be seen as a priority to be fixed in a future update. = ) EDIT: I mentioned a while back in the main topic that on the Switch version, like Sonic Origins, the software doesn't actually suspend on pressing the Home button to return to the Home menu - rather, it keeps on running in the background and just force-pauses itself wherever possible. Now that I've done some further testing, I can say that this is handled slightly more elegantly than in Origins as it at least appears to be able to pause itself during cutscenes, but there's still some things you'll miss with a poorly-timed trip to the Home screen. Worse, since this game actually timestamps your save files, any time you spend on the Home screen while the software is loaded seems to actually count towards your completion time! I had to duck out of playing mid-stage the other day, so suspended the software so as to not lose my progress - on returning an hour later, I noticed the game had also incremented my save file's timestamp by that full hour...! Needless to say, I've reported this one as well, though I'm not that optimistic that it'll ever actually be fixed. No idea why they keep doing this - Sonic X Shadow Generations and Sonic Origins are literally the only two Switch games I've played which manage not to integrate this functionality correctly.
Not a bug per se but, very bizarrely, the last milisecond digit of the timer in Sonic Generations specifically causes a patch of screen burn-in on my laptop screen. There are no means the Retro Wiki won't use in pursuit of catalogue level maps for as many games as possible...