Well I'll be damn, although it doesn't surprise me seeing Chaos Headgie & Wetflame baned, Im actually more curious into why x64 wanted to hack retro? There's a few assholes but there are other forums, that are filled with failure and this isn't one of them. Also congratulations to Chimpo for being a Moderator, and lets hope we can move on. EDIT: Nevermind I read it was an accident, although now Im curious why was he banned?, Also, Who is this mysterious new mod REPK.EXE? Just asking.
An accident my ass. REPK.EXE is Xkeeper, who's account, along with GerbilSoft's, was deleted while x64 had his tantrum.
I still don't get it. A decision was made amongst higher-ups that Chaos Hedgie and Wetflame should be banned, but rather than just . . . doing it, you go "well, I guess we'll wait a while." Why? If specific users are such detriment to the quality of the community that you feel they must be banned to serve the greater good, why drag your feet on actually doing it? I'm certainly not interested in trying to defend the individuals banned, as I think they're both basically idiots, and I don't spend enough time on these forums to have a stake in saying who should and should not be allowed to post. I don't agree with the process, though. The thread in the oldbie lounge basically consisted of Chimpo dangling the pending bans over the heads of Wetflame and Chaos Hedgie. Not surprisingly, Wetflame comes in and starts getting all upset and defensive, Pachuka comes in and goes "HA HA SHUT UP YOU STUPID TRANNY!!" and everyone goes "oh pachuka u so funny" and then Wetflame is banned. What a stupid and unnecessary circle jerk. KILL THE PIG, CUT HER THROAT, SPILL HER BLOOD, etc. Also, Chimpo is an idiot and I don't think he'll be a good moderator. Sorry.
Still haven't got those by the way. Procrastination The "Fundraiser" had nothing to do with the bans. I mentioned it as a joke to Tweaker, Tweaker said he was going to do it eventually, so I gave him money anyways. You know, since I've already donated to Retro, once before, in a large amount. BOY, A DONATION PATTERN, WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! That was my intention, yes. Cool story bro. This positive reinforcement is starting to piss me off. Get back to negative feedback.
I mentioned to Tristan that the "delay" between the ban and the whole deal with the money was a result of extremely convenient timing. We were talking about it in IRC, and in the midst of that Chimpo decided to voice his support, so we made plans from there. Chaos Hedgie was banned first and Wetflame came afterwards because we decided to let him play on the joke that was established earlier in IRC. There was a reason it was in a private forum, you know. In any case, if all you're going to do is ignore the official—and truthful—explanation of what happened, then I don't even know why you're bothering to ask questions and dig around in the first place. You're not going to find any different info on how things happened because this is how it happened; anything that states the contrary is, in fact, not based in fact. End of. Also, if you never come to this forum, how do you actually know if Chimpo is an "idiot" or not, or even if he'd make a good moderator? I've known him for years now, so I think I know a little bit more about how fit he is than you. Not trying to start a cockfight here—just stating facts.
This happened on a forum I mod as well. There was no back up though so we had to do everything by hand, me and other 4 mods. I dunno how it's retro, but that one was 40-50 threads a day for years, so I can sympathise. It's boring and repetitive, it will take a lot of time (three month for us, but we slacked off). Good luck on that though. Everything else, I shouldn't comment very deeply. Though I've been a lurker of the site for years (and other scene sites) I started to post only recently, so a newbie shouldn't speak about the administration of a forum that has been running for years. But congrats to where it's due of course and please think it over for the ban things. A community cannot be made of flawless individuals that agree in everything. And banning doesn't really work IRL, they just set up a new account and troll away the twenty introductory posts. Even if you ip-range or email ban them, there's always proxies.
Wow, moving all that back by hand looks horribly tedious. If there's any way I could volunteer to help, I'd love to (although that would involve giving me temporary mod power or something, which I can't imagine happening).
I wish the staff the best of luck with sorting out all the threads. I went through a similar problem when I imported a forum database and for some reason it dumped every thread into one forum. Sure the forum only had about 300-400 threads, but doing that alone by myself was tiring. So I know I and many others here greatly appreciate your work! Also congrats Chimpp, I'm sure you'll do great.
Its ridiculously tedious. I've had to do it myself on a forum. Worst part is, no one ever says thanks :P So thanks to the Retro staff for sorting through all this bullshit.
Update: I've recreated all of the original forums in their original order, most with their original description. Next on the list is editing the forum ID numbers in the SQL and moving more topics there. Hoping to keep things at a steady pace so we can be done soon.
Ah thank god that Project: Sonic Retro archives are still there, it's a great resource for inspiration when looking for new ideas.
Another heads up—for those of you who noticed the wiki was locked from editing, it should be unlocked now. Sorry for the trouble; I thought I'd unlocked it earlier today, but apparently I did something wrong.
Seconded. Also, do the backups of Retro not have the topics stored in their correct forums? It would seem that most of the thousands of topics should be quickly matchable that way if somebody just wrote a sorting script using the current data and the most recent backup.
Yes, there is a backup with the correct forums assigned, and yes, we're planning to use it, the only problem is that it's quite outdated (february 2008), so this still leaves us with thousands of threads to be moved by hand, but don't worry, we are working on that.