So I scored a Model 2 Saturn for $25 but it has no controllers or AV cables and I was wondering where I'd go about obtaining these things. It seems like all the controllers and cables on eBay are third-party but I may be wrong. I'm thinking a Model 2 controller would be best since everyone seems to swear by it. EDIT: And I've gotten myself a Japanese Model 2 controller from a trusted source. Still haven't picked up AV cables yet. EDIT2: I've found some AV cables too. Now I just feel bad about posting all of this in the first place, but I guess it'd be nice to know where to look for a second controller in the future. I'm looking for games like Sonic Jam (which seems impossible to find), Mega Man 8, Rayman, Sonic 3D Blast, Capcom fighters, and (if they weren't so expensive) the Panzer Dragoon games. Complete, NTSC-U versions to be exact. There doesn't seem to be many NTSC-U games on eBay so I'm wondering if there's some shop online I somehow haven't found that sells them? Are there any hidden gems I should look into getting?
It seems I have the opposite problem right now; the disk drive on my Saturn is broken, but I have everything else (the AV cords, controllers etc).
In Toronto where I live this shit is so common you can take your pick of what stores you want to buy it from. In particular there's a store called A&C Games where you can find any of these things for fair prices.
Toronto is not even that far from where I live. I need to take a trip up there sometime. Small town game shops refuse to carry SEGA for some reason.
I was gonna say that Sonic Jam is piss easy to find a Japanese copy of, but now realizing that you only have a JP Saturn controller, I can understand why it'd be harder. For some reason you can find Jam and R's Japanese copies on eBay for under $5-10.
Whoa, for some reason I thought the Japanese version of Jam was rare and/or expensive. Off to eBay I go
Often japanese versions are way cheaper. Panzer Dragoon Saga jap version is damn cheap too (of course its all in japanese). OP, most of the better games on the Saturn are japanese only, specifically the best Capcom fighters. And they also use the ram expansion. So you'll need an Action Replay to cover that. I'd also recommend a backups memory card, because the Action Replay is a piece of shit that dies every so often and you can only save to that in its own menu, not ingame.
Well, I could see why Japanese versions of Saturn games would be cheaper, the console was much more successful there so I'd imagine there are many more copies of games available over there.
I can attest to the whole "Japanese Saturn games are cheaper than the US ones" thing as well. Many years ago I was watching Ebay for a cheap copy of the U.S. version of Christmas NiGHTS, but they were all too expensive. However, the Japanese copies of the game were all like $10-$20 or so. I finally caved and bought one, as well as an Action Replay 4-in-1 to bypass region lockout. If you can get a 4-in-1 cart, and you're willing to put up with Japanese text in games (some having more text than others), I say go for some imports. Looking at the prices of some U.S. games on Ebay right now... it's ridiculous how much it's all changed. When the fuck did Astal and Die Hard Arcade become so damn expensive?
The Playstation is indeed a fine Saturn stand. Sony continued that trend with the Playstation 2, which was an even better Dreamcast stand.
Japanese copies of Sonic Jam go over $10-15, like this one and that. Yet, this Japanese Saturn version of 3D Flickies Island goes for $50+ dollars!
What is the difference between NiGHTS Sampler and Christmas NiGHTS Sampler? I heard somewhere they were the same disc with different labels but I'm not so sure that's the case...
The japanese version of Sonic 3d was released very late, after the Dreamcast launch, and even had Sonic Adventure style artwork. I don't know why they did that... No, they are different. Nights Sampler is a demo of the original game, Xmas Nights is a christmas themed "minigame" where you constantly do the same 2 levels to unlock tons of bonus stuff, even extra game modes.
If I was the kind of person who sigged, I would sig this. I'd be pretty set to buy that, but >2nd link >pictures of spine card >“Spine Card: Without a spine card” >
Whoa! I'd buy one, be ironically retro by putting my Saturn on it rather than my Dreamcast, attempt to somewhat validate the existence of the PS2 by loading up the remake of NiGHTS, facepalm at all the effectively game-breaking differences, and go back to playing the Saturn. :v:
You're gonna pay out the ass for Megaman 8. That game goes for a lot unless you can find someone reasonable to sell to you. The saturn is totally worth spending money on, though. In the last month, I've spent over $1500 on saturn games, but my collection is goddamn awesome now. You might think it's expensive, but I completely recommend Shining Force III, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Burning Rangers, and Deep Fear. All will run you at least $150+, likely up to the $250+ range if you're using ebay, but they're the best 4 games on the system. I also recommend picking up the japanese-exclusive Shining Force III scenarios (along with the premium disc) and modding your saturn to play them translated on real hardware. All of what I described could total you up to $1500 if you're not looking for good deals, though, but it's so worth it. Another game worth dropping some cash on is Psychic Killer Taromaru. Only 7,000 copies exist, but it's likely the best action game on the system. Of course, you're gonna need a Pro Action Replay 4m+ to play all these imports, but picking up one of those is well worth it. A modded saturn plus a PAR4m+ is basically a region free, 4 mb ram extended saturn that can play absolutely any title. If you're looking for some better, but cheaper, games, I suggest Thunder Force V, Dead or Alive, Fighters Megamix, and Sega Rally. Those won't break the bank like the games listed above, but they're great games for the system.
Cooljerk, you're making me want to go rob a bank or something. I look forward to my future with this system. The AV cord and Japanese Model 2 controller came in today. I played some Virtua Fighter 2, failed at burning some "backup copies" of Sonic Jam and Mega Man 8 probably due to an incompetent CD writer, and reading the new posts here I want more. Still no sign of a complete American copy of Sonic Jam online, though. Is the swap trick hard to master? And it does let me play imports, right? Rockman 8 seems cheaper to buy (along with bearable voices) and I do want to play Shining Force and some of the other games Cooljerk mentioned.
I have one of these, and it's one of the best things I have ever bought for a system. - Flash memory for when your saturn battery dies, keep your saves alive - Extra RAM to play all the sweet games - Action replay cheats, although I don't use them - Bypass region lock Also, it can aid in doing the disc swap with less damage to the laser. Although I've been doing the disc swap for years on the same system and had no problems. Just don't be stupid about it.