Green Grove Zone - $DDBB Rusty Ruins - $6DD5 Spring Stadium Zone - $8851 Diamond Dust Zone - $F265 Volcano Valley Zone - $9E65 Gene Gadget Zone - $11113 Panic Puppet Zone Right Arm Part 1? - $125ED Panic Puppet Zone Right Arm Part 2? - $13097 I bet you all predicted that I'd do something like this.
Great job Mustapha! Now just find the hitcounts for the rest of these bosses, and then move on to the other games.
I wish it were up to me to decide who the tech members were because Mustapha would be one in a minute.
That's a great work, but boss hitcounts are very easy to find. This just requires time, that's why nobody made this before. I'm waiting for more bosses modifications and reprogramming rather than their hitcounts.
I still don't particularly understand how one can go about finding this stuff. When you are looking for anything in a ROM, how do you know what to look for and where to look for it?
I take a savestate beofre and after something's changed. For example, take one before you lose a life and one after, then compare the savestates in a hex editor. If there's any values that're similar but different, fiddle with them and test them out.
Well, hitcounts, like music or mappings, are generally in a shared format throughout the game. One you fully understand the format of something, you learn things that are the same in each block of data. So, you can look up these similar characteristics, and learn to recognize the results as a certain type of data by the rest of its format.
If (yes, if ; I'd most likely be bombarded with "This is crap" as soon as I release it, and I'm trying to speak from a realistic point of view) I ever get around to finishing my multi-game and multi-thingo editor, they'll be in there. Or I could always just do what I did with the S1 hitcount editor - make a standalone.