So I was looking at the Sega Retro page for the Bootleg Sampler Saturn demo disk, and noticed a few differences between the one on the wiki and my own copy. First off, the disk artwork is actually different; rather than the orange color the EU version has, my US one has a silver/Blank CD colored cover with orange and black text (hopefully I can get around to scanning it, b/c there is no image of it there). More importantly, I noticed that on the wiki, it states that Bug! had a playable demo on the disk. However, there is no Bug! demo on my copy, just a video trailer for it. Since the scanned EU copy is likely the one used for this information, this would imply that the two versions could actually be different. Can someone confirm if this is just a wiki mistake or not? It would be interesting if the PAL version actually had an extra demo on it.
There's a few variants of Bootleg Sampler. I assumed they were all the same but on closer inspection, they're not - some have Bug! as a playable demo, others don't (but it's a simple mistake to make - the list of games "featured" is technically the same). The US seems to have received the "three demo" variant you've just described, though I have no idea if they received the "four demo" one. Europe received the "four demo" variant... but there's also another undocumented European Bootleg Sampler disc which may have different contents. Wiki needs correcting. It's little things like this that are often overlooked, but that's down to the nature of the material - only in Japan did Sega bother to keep track of software, and third-party sources are often unreliable.
How interesting! Though it does beg the question of why SEGA would release different variations of the same demo disk. Nevertheless, I guess I can try to fix that page up a little (maybe add a note or two about this). EDIT: Made the relevant changes. However, should I change the "number of players" since World Series Baseball (and Sega Rally Championship as well) had a 2-Player mode?
There are 3 variants to Bootleg Sampler. The original one had a FMV of Bug. The second one had a playable demo of Bug with three levels (I think they were the desert level, the dragonfly stage, and Reptilia). The third version was the PAL release and it was identical to the second, except for a few PAL related messages, like how it says that the VF2 demo runs NTSC code and the full final PAL release will be faster and full screen. Note that the Bug fmv is still on the game disc for the second USA and the PAL release, you can view them if you have a truemotion codec (ffdshow has one).
Great info. Fixed the page, changed/added the above information. Also, why would they not include the Bug! FMV in the second? Screen space problems?
Nah, he said it's still on the disc - more likely they figured that if there was a playable demo the FMV wasn't needed, but taking it physically off the CD might have caused issues.
1st ver had a Bug FMV 2nd ver had a Bug playable demo, the fmv just remained among the disc files (to the best of my knowledge, it never plays in the demo). 3rd ver was same as 2nd regarding that game.
Was this the same Playable Preview that was released individually? I have/had a copy somewhere (can't play it right now) and remember that it had two of the regular levels (one part of Reptilia and one part of Quaria) and a bonus stage leel playable.
I wouldn't be surprised. Let me check. edit: The Bootleg Sampler version has no fmv intro, title screen music, or cd audio voices when Bug gets hit (even though 5 of them are recorded on the disc). The fmv intro is not the same as the fmv preview on the early versions of Bootleg Sampler.