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Blue Spheres Forever - Beta Test

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by erbuka, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. erbuka


    Hi guys,

    this is a little project I've worked on the last 3 months. As the topic description says, the game is a remake of the classic "Get Blue Spheres" game written from ground in C++ and OpenGL. The project's goal is to maintain the original gameplay while giving the game a full 3D graphics.
    Here it is the last gameplay trailer, which is not up to the latest build, but it gives an idea of what the game looks like:

    The reason I do this beta test is that I want to know if the game installs and runs correctly under Windows systems. I also would like to realize something about the performance on different graphics cards, just because I only ran it on my GTX 560 and got 60 fps (140 without v-sync) at the highest quality, but, I suppose it may have hard times on older systems.

    You can download the windows installer from here.
    All the info you need should be on the website under the Game Guide section. Anyway, feel free to contact me or directly reply to this thread for any questions.

    Thanks for your time :)
  2. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Wow this actually looks really cool. I'll have to give it a shot in the near future.
  3. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    Wow, this is actually impressive. Blue Spheres isn't a hard game to recreate faithfully, but I like how it's given a 3D makeover and the ability to make your own Blue Sphere levels.
  4. Captain VG

    Captain VG

    I'll give this a shot later. So did you try to port the original engine over or is this from eyeballing it? If its eyeballed, damn that looks pretty dead on to me... I'll let my play through have the final word on that though. :P
  5. Knucklez


    Dear lord, you have no idea what you just made me do to my keyboard.. this is amazing beyond description. I mean anything S3K-related being perfected like this is.. AHHHH. I love you. :thumbsup:
  6. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    This is quite impressive. Keep up the good work!
  7. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    Looks pretty boss. Will Tails and Knuckles be playable? :v:
  8. Hitaxas


    Retro 80's themed Twitch streamer ( on hiatus) Member
    Funny thing is: I saw this on youtube about 2 days ago. So to see that it was posted here just yesterday is amazing to me. It's awesome!
  9. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    I notice only one thing... when you enclose blue spheres with red spheres, and the spheres turn into rings, the ring that appears where you are standing should already be collected by the player once it transforms... other than that, I see no bugs, or anything I can think of. Good work.
  10. erbuka


    Sorry I'm Italian, I don't know what "eyeballed" means :( To make the game, I played the original one, and try to figure out how it worked. Also I hacked the s&k rom to modifiy the layout of the special stages, and create particular situations to see the game behaviour.

    Yes, I was planning to do that. It's only a matter of finding good models and rigging them. Now I'm very busy with university, but I will do that when I have a little more time.

    Wow... Pretty good eye :) Yes, I knew about this, and I made the game work this way because the original one sometimes gives you that ring, and sometimes doesn't... Anyway I guess you're right, that ring should be given to the player.
  11. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    Very impressive, this is the sort of thing I've been wanting to see for a while. But for the love of god, move Sonic down. He should be on the lower third of the screen, not dead center! You can barely see what's ahead of him. I've never seen anything so disorienting in a game.

    Be warned, I have every intention of creating an hour long mixtape with accompanying awful fanfiction just for this. Blue Balls 3D: Lollapalooza! just got the green light.
  12. Captain VG

    Captain VG

    That is actually what "eyeballed" means. Basically, you did not look at the hard data, you looked at the game and copied what you saw. This is usually considered very impressive, especially if your final product is extremely accurate. It is almost like the difference between tracing an image and drawing an image, the later requires a lot more skills, thus making it a lot more impressive.
  13. Felik


    Well Ashura Dark Reign did that like 5 years ago :v:
    Looks good I guess.
  14. I saw this video before! And I even asked you questions. Isn't your YouTube ID nerdrage562? If so, we've met before.
  15. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    Alright, I've given it a shot, and here's my improvement suggestions:

    1) Allow the player to start turning as soon as the stage loads in. As it is, the move and first turn is at the same time, which is BAD if your route is planned to start other than the direction you face.

    2) Allow the player to turn as they hit a bumper. I understand this allows 'snaking' through a bumper field, but it's invaluable if you get caught between bumpers.

    3) Similarly, transitioning from going backwards to forwards by pressing Up is meant to have a several-frame pause, not instantaneous. This will throw timings off.

    4) When completing a stage, the original allows you to queue a turn that will be executed upon hitting the last blue sphere. This is useless, but adding it in would show faithfulness to the original.

    5) Also, when finishing a stage moving backwards (as S&K 4 requires, as does S&K 7 when getting a Perfect), there appear to be two phases. The player starts moving forward again after the 'surface clearing' phase, as it switches to the 'emerald collection' phase.

    6) In S&KStage7.dat, the ring at 10,13 is supposed to be a yellow sphere. Ring count for perfect is thus meant to be lowered to 57.

    7) Also in S&KStage7, the group (actually -pair- of groups) at 22,20 to 24,26 is meant to transform all at once while walking left from 26,23. Currently, only one group changes to rings, and it required hitting the last blue sphere in the second group to change it as well.
  16. erbuka


    The fact that Sonic is in the center doesn't give me that much trouble, anyway I guess you're right. I'll look into it... Moving it down will require some work, though.

    Are you willj168 on youtube? You said you had some suggestions to give... Please do it now :)

    These are little things that need a fix. Thank you very much, sir! The point 7 quite surprised me, I've always done that group by jumping over the middle blue sphere.

    Anyway, guys, there's another thing that no one noticed. The rings counter starts from zero, and it does so even in the S&K special stages, while in Blue Spheres starts from the perfect value and then goes down. I think that the way it is now makes the game a little harder. What do you think about? Should I make different behaviors for the Custom Stage and Blue Spheres play?
  17. Yes.

    I would really love it if:

    1) I were able to make my own layouts and palette schemes via editor -- as you can see below




    You see, I want to make my own palette combinations with both the sky/stars and the checkerboard pattern. I may want to do a sunrise or a sunset kind of background.
    If you can, would you make a layout/palette editor with a Blue Sphere level importer/exporter with shown codes?

    2) I can be able to load and play my music of choice

    S3K Special Stage with Sonic 3D Blast Special Stage Music

    3) Tails and Knuckles were playable characters

    4) You made the sphere and ring counters a little larger so I can see it a little better -- they're a little too small

    5) I can configure the controls to my liking -- I play my games using certain keys
  18. erbuka


    @Professor Neo

    1) This is a really good input!! The problem is that the game is not based on palettes, so we have to find a workaround. I can modify my level editor: instead of using PNG images for the floor, I think I can give you the possibility to choose the color of the ground pattern and a range of colors for the stars and planets (for instance, from yellow to white). The sky background is made with a gradient, I can let you choose the start and the end color. I know nothing about how palettes work, so tell me if this is enough...
    Importing layouts is not a problem.

    2) This can be easily done, even though you'll have to make sure that your music loops correctly.

    3) This is already on the TODO list.

    4) This can be done. Personally I don't think they're small, but, let's see what other people think.

    5) This is also on the TODO list.
  19. I can't wait till all this is done! You know I love playing around with palettes and layouts! I ought to show you all those Blue Sphere videos I made
  20. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    I can't seem to load my custom level. :V Also, can we have the arrow keys? I can't stand using WASD other than in FPS games.