Hi there, I hope you're well. I have just released "BSD's BLUE FEAR", a set of 16 stages that get quite tricky after stage 1 and anyone who would like to play it can download it from this video's description: I have recorded a walkthrough but it won't premiere until the 20th December and I hope to release a new pack every couple of months. All that's required are good timing and a pretty deep knowledge of blue sphere's mechanics. For fun these are the stage names: 1. THE INTRODUCTION 2. THE GRINDER 3. THE INJECTOR 4. THE CRAZYTRONIC 5. THE WHACKY RIDE 6. THE STINGER 7. THE BREAK 8. PERFECTION? 9. THE TROUBLE 10. THE SHREDDER 11. THE CRUSHER 12. THE BROKEN ROAD 13. THE MINCER 14. THE REWINDING CORRIDORS 15. THE SCRAMBLER 16. THE SHIPWRECK I designed the stages on Blue Balls and locked them onto Blue Sphere Plus. All the best, BSD