Hey, we're currently looking for someone who is fluent or native in both English AND Spanish or Portuguese to help us pilot a Sonic Retro project over the next month or so. We'll need you to do a few hours a week of translating written pieces as an experiment, so strong language skills are a must. We would prefer someone who speaks either Brazilian Portuguese or Latin/South American Spanish, but are willing to work with European speakers of those two languages. If you are interested, please contact me directly over PM with times you are usually on Sonic Retro.
Hey guys, thanks for all the interest I've received about this, but I have to sit on my hands for a little bit while I speak with Facebook. I guess I'm smarter than Mark Zuckerberg because I'm the first person apparently to want to try what I want to try. Seems weird.
I don't know if you already got someone but I'm argentinian and I speak spanish, it's my native language. I want to cooperate in what you need.
Retro will become a new social network, didn't you know? Oh boy it will have those Facebook stuff like "Share" and "Like", and will have the timeline, you will add people that you've met for like, 5 minutes on the real life... etc. Retrobook I request Scarred Sun to change her name to Scarred Sunkerberg
OK, I've sent out PMs to Spanish-English speakers, as we chose to move forward using Spanish. If you are a member in good standing and still interested, please let me know.
It's a geographical consideration—when tracking Retro activity, the amount of Latin Spanish speakers dwarfs Castilian ones. Likewise for Brazilian Portuguese.
I could swear I saw the Sonic 4 post at the front page today in Spanish. Then I refreshed and it appeared in English. How do I view the Spanish version then? EDIT: I tried in chrome and it redirected me to the /es version. That's pretty cool. I dunno why in Firefox it sends me to the english version after refreshing though.
I'm glad that you considered me to help. But I do have a problem because the link is broken. It says the 'Page is Broken'. I try refreshing it but still no luck.
For those of you involved, I'd like some feedback on the post TimmiT put up today, mostly since I know Spanish is different in almost every location it's spoken in. Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure if I'm "involved", but it needs just a bit more proof-reading. Most of that is just typos anyway. So no biggie, it's completely readable, and I'm glad to see something like this being worked on. Keep it up!
It has something that makes it difficult to understand at the end too, because in Spanish we don't use the 's to talk of something that is property of someone, and in that way seems that "Boxer Hockey" is the name of the author. Instead of "(que fue creado por Boxer Hockey's Tyson Hesse.)" a more accurate translation will be something like "visto en la web de Tyson Hesse "Boxer Hockey" (seen on the web of Tyson Hesse "Boxer Hockey") or "creado por Tyson Hesse y publicado en Boxer Hockey" (created by Tyson Hesse and published on Boxer Hockey). I'm glad to see that you want to try to reach people with other lenguages too I can help but only for the Spain variation of the lenguage, if aid is needed for it.