Dunno if this footage has already been made publicly available through a VHS recording or linked here before, but have just come across a couple of videos on the BBC's website: https://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/christmas_videogames_go_mainstream/zhjby9q https://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/segaworld-indoor-theme-park-opens/z3fbsk7 Very good picture quality with it coming from the digitised master copies in the BBC's archive, and definitely some interesting stuff in there, especially regarding Sega in the UK during the 90s.
For info. The BBC is usually geolocked to the UK, the worldwide site is normally restricted. A standard VPN should let you view the vids (even a free one will probably work). There's also this amazingly bad Dreamcast news report which is comically terrible. https://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/sega_dreamcast/z664rj6 Just beware if you do YouTube rips. BBC does tend to Content ID claim.