I have a thing for 8 and 16-bit first-person shooters, and recently I decided to purchase some MD/Genesis games in this genre for my collection. Yesterday I tried Bloodshot on hardware for the first time, and these glitchy-looking wall textures caught my attention: I had already noticed these before in gameplay videos and when playing on emulators, but always brushed them off as emulation glitches, corrupted ROM files or something like that, and never made much of it. And then yesterday I was quite surprised to see that they're there when using an authentic cartridge on an authentic console... I'm having a hard time believing that those textures are intentional, since they not only look weird as hell (there's no discernible shape or pattern to them), but I'm not even sure that there's a stable texture there, being properly mapped to those wall sections. I looked on YouTube for a playthrough of the Sega/Mega CD version of the game (which appears to have different levels, BTW) and after a quick inspection I didn't notice any weird walls there. I don't do any MD/Genesis coding, so I'm not sure I want to try and debug this, but as a player I was curious enough that I had to come here and ask if anyone else was ever bothered by this, and see if maybe someone had any clues on what the hell is going on here. EDIT: I just googled it and it looks like this is a known issue and there's even a patch to fix it. It's crazy how they shipped the game with a glitch that's so obvious right on the first few seconds of gameplay. I went out of my way to get the original cartridge thinking that it would provide the best possible experience, but turns ou that to play the proper-looking version of the game you actually have to use a hacked ROM on a flash cart. Insane.
Correction: now it's a known issue. I read someone saying this was fixed in the Sega Channel version of the game, but uh... how would they know? The service is dead and the ROM hasn't been dumped.