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Basic Questions & Answers thread

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Tweaker, May 29, 2008.

  1. Tweaker


    Can you post the specific error log? It'll be easier to tell what went wrong that way.
  2. Joaki


    AKA BombJack93 Member
    Here the image is, to specify my problem (I am sorry that the size of the image is so big...):
    Edit: I hope that with this image it has specified the problem... is it possible to resolve? Thank you in advance.
  3. HighFrictionZone


    Hi. Member
    Katy, Texas
    Perhaps if you put your hack on the C:\ drive
    Like instead of putting it in C:\Documents and Settings\restofpath\hack put it in C:\hack
    and see what that does. I'm pretty sure ESE ASM editor basically uses SNASM68K to compile the rom and that doesn't work well with long filenames which have spaces. Or was it that other compiler. Regardless, basically putting it in C:\hack or something should make it work.

    I hope I explained it well, and I hope that helps (though in the future, if you have a problem, could you perhaps be a bit more specific on what you were doing when the problem happened?)
  4. Joaki


    AKA BombJack93 Member
    OK, I will put into practice the advice. Thank you! ^^
  5. Dr. Kylstein

    Dr. Kylstein

    Where are the mappings for the lives counter in Sonic 2 (Xenowhirl '07 disassembly)? Are there any? I need to change the palettes it uses.

    Edit: I think I found it in the ring/score/time mappings, but now I don't know how to load them properly in SonMapEd. I can get "SCOR TIME RINGS", but everything else is garbage.
  6. Tweaker


    The mappings for the life icon are stored with the HUD. You have to edit it like that.
  7. Esrael


    Neto Tech Member
    Brazil, São Paulo, Guarulhos
    Neto Assembler Editor / Sonic 2 Delta / Neto MD-DOS
    Please update ESE Asm Edit.
    The new version has some bugs fixed and Long File Names Support.

    ESE ASM Edit v0.05
  8. Joaki


    AKA BombJack93 Member
    I have followed the advices and still there goes out for me the mistake (even with THIS ASM 0.05). Nevertheless I discovered more: On having moved the dissassembly to C:\(folder) There goes out "Error" (in the same elements that I mentioned before) but it says "not defined"...

    Here a more extended image:

    Now, what can I do?
  9. As far as I can tell, it just means the assembler can't find those labels. Are you sure they exist?
  10. Joaki


    AKA BombJack93 Member
  11. Well, the images you posted just mean the labels are referenced somewhere in the code. Are the labels actually associated with some address in the disassembly?

    EDIT: I think I know the problem. Hive's original disassembly uses an external program for includes, which I don't think ESE ASM Edit supports. I believe you're either gonna have to use a normal text editor, or else convert the disassembly to use ASM68k and standard include directives.
  12. Joaki


    AKA BombJack93 Member
  13. Esrael


    Neto Tech Member
    Brazil, São Paulo, Guarulhos
    Neto Assembler Editor / Sonic 2 Delta / Neto MD-DOS
  14. Joaki


    AKA BombJack93 Member
    Yes!! I have seen them! (I suppose that it is loc_13ADE in last image) If wrong me, since s*** goes...
  15. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.
    Could anyone help me set up a hack so that SonED2 uses it correctly? I'm restarting my hack, so I'd like to make art editing and layout editing as easy as possible, so I don't need to merge, and rename files so much.

    Also, is there any guide to using xm3smps correctly? I'm retarded when it comes to all Mega Drive hacking, so feel free to call me a retard. :lol:

    I seen a guide of how to make new level art from scratch for Sonic 2 in SonED2, will the same guide work for Sonic 1?
  16. FraGag


    Tech Member
    I never understood the ccncept of "setting up a disassembly for SonED2." The latest disassemblies come with SonED2 project files, just open them with SonED2 and it should work right out of the box. The only issue is GHZ, but it's only a matter of pasting 2 files together and compressing the result (use The Sega Data Compressor if you can't figure out derecmp.exe). SonED2 can not be used to easily edit GHZ art. Editing the split art files in another program is probably easier than doing so in SonED2, but you won't be able to see the changes as easily.
  17. Peruant


    Just dropping in through gaps Member
    I've been interested in certain fields of hacking. I always wanted to know how to find the music pointers in other games but they are from SNES. Is there a way to port and edit them?

    edit: Disregard most of what I ask except me asking how to do level/graphics etc editing
  18. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    I didn't have to figure out either. I edited GHZ1.sep so it loaded the second set of tiles, then dumped them as a .pcx file. Then I edited the .sep file to load the first set of tiles, and imported the .pcx and saved. I then have it all in one file.
  19. Hey, I have two questions. First off, anybody recommend any palette editors? Second, anybody have the link to the Sonic Compressed Art Archive? I've been looking for it for a week now, and I haven't found the page where all the art really is.

    Thanks anyway,
    Masonary (I don't really know about the "ary" part...
  20. Dr. Kylstein

    Dr. Kylstein

    Is there a way to make SonMapEd load all of the HUD graphics instead of just "SCOR RINGS TIME"? It's difficult to modify the HUD mappings without all the graphics present.