Does anyone know of lightweight, userfriendly dev environments to write, edit, compile, & run 68K or 65c816 assembly? Also, might such an IDE allow for x64 assembly too (just in case I wanna know some)? Also, does any opinion on this?
fresh ide Needs modification but has code available and fasm built-in already. radasm2 & radasm winasm-studio (fasm add-in adds support for other assemblers and fasm) Consider vasm and vlink with notepad++. edit This might sound weird but MacOS9 with Macintosh Programmers Workshop will give a lot more with much less software and storage requirements. Three gigabyte backup of workshop here Sheepshaver with MacOS9 works without machine translation on PowerPC machines and it's compatible with Linux. Nintendo WiiU should work with Linux and sheepshaver this way but I can't prove it. Unfortunately I was banned. Xbox 360 users have the Free60 linux project. Playstation 3 40GB (and older models) users have Linux Wiiu has Linux These are all PowerPC machines and should start Sheepshaver in Linux without machine translation. Even if you're not using PowerPC hardware, Sheepshaver with machine translation may be more useful than say DosBox. You'd have Codewarrior, Adobe Photoshop, Softwindows, VirtualPC, and many other genuine programs at your disposal. You'll find better support in these forums for Mars CD development Unfortunately most Sega support is heavily oriented towards "Sega Standards" and isn't always flexible (e.g. Sega's 315-5755 I.C. is poorly documented and too much Sega influence. Sega doesn't support other hardware besides Sega very well either.). Moreover too many Sega communities prefer hacking instead of development and/or programming. edit: Appears sheepshaver has issues so decided to post edit... There's Mac-On-Linux from sourceforge but only works on kernel-2.22.x.
Whoa, I'd never seen that Sega Xtreme site before - looks like I might be getting back into homebrew...
Here's a direct link to buy the six cell powerbank I mentioned. $14.09 after mailing and good seller Just to warn, the USB plug is shared so be careful setting voltage to 5v when powering USB 5v devices. Various applications work fine with this. Here's a list of some that are very portable and usually have Dosbox available: Nintendo DS Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 2DS Sony PSVita Sony PSP Pico power supply units are a great choice too: Look for broken vcr, full size DVD player or other consoles; these work great for mounting ATX PC pcbs and others (e.g. imac, g4 towers, and other computer pcbs). LVDS kits are useful too. Various types exist for different lcd panels so you must choose the right one. Here's an example