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Assembler games member has Sonic xtreme POV stuff

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Spinksy, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Ah, my bad! Still, pretty cool that things have come this far.

    Also, Bart's Nightmare was getting a port at one point...? Why?
  2. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    for now at least.

    Apparently it was never really announced. A weird half remake, used the SNES version sprites and levels, but entirely reworked gameplay. It died with Acclaim.
  3. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.

    Oh my god.

    Also dat timing, the name and it being buggy is just the theme this week.
  4. hxc


    spotteddove Researcher
    Well, now that is something.
  5. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    Looks like this screenshot but from a different perspective (sorry for the quality-this was taken from Google images as the original image it linked to had a broken link of sorts). Also agree that the game was named Sonic Boom and the build is in a glitchy state is pretty ironic timing.


    Even with the odd fish-eye lens approach, I think the game looks really nice from a 2D perspective. Add to that the multiple planes of levels in the background, and it looks like a precursor to Classic Sonic's stages from Generations.
  6. Spinksy



    Exciting stuff, I noticed another NV1 on ebay earlier but again no Saturn board...
  7. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Yes its the same level, and yes its been leaked in the HXC leak previously, you can find it in there its called JG_07 if memory serves correct.
    As for the shine that's part of the texture. Also another note the green gradient for the surface grass was done by engine shading if I'm not mistaken.

    Here is a screen of my reconstructed level based on HXC's leak of the same file named JG_07.DEF ( last week when making comparisons between both versions of the .pcx map layout and.DEF files, I noticed the water texture was different as well as a few block placements were off.

    HXC version leak is dated 06/27/96. Time 16:37:05.
    JR leak version is dated 06/26/96. Time 11:52:26.
    So just 1 day apart. That probably does not mean anything significant.
    Just a guess here: there were multiple backups of the assets done by STI threwout the development process, STI happened to send over an older archived version of their assets to POV.

    File dating is presented at the tops of the .def files like so
    // Date 06/26/96. Time 11:52:26.
  8. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    hehe the missing texture is right there in your pic :V
  9. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Yes it is , lol That was missing from the HXC leak , but found within JR's assets, (my guess is that the texture is missing from JR's Screenshot because its an older version of the level, or that it was missing in his folder structure for that particular build.

    If we look at what JR has, there are a lot of duplicate folder structures for various levels and or builds of the game, many structures contain the same file names but the actual texture is not the same. sometimes files are missing from the structure all together.
    I'm waiting for JR to repack his assets once more, because the first time he sent them over he wrote a tool that removed duplicate files if they were the same binary wise. I have a combonation pack ready over here , but I'm not 100% sure if I have everything in the correct place because of the removal process he did. It took about 4 days for me to sort threw. So yeah, once he sends the new pack over I can triple check for accuracy.

    EDIT: okay I just checked both def files and both call for Grass10f1. so it comes down to that its missing in his folder structure for that particular build. (unless there is another unseen aspect)
  10. Wow, even the level editor looks fantastic and very functional. I've always wanted to see that particular map in motion as it appears Senn took a very different design approach. Question, is the early Jade Gully we saw in that off-screen grainy E3 video in this collection?
  11. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Yes its there. It's file name is Jungle and not Jade gully. Between the 2 leaks, we have every level shown, Excluding New world's, the pool mini game, and boss stages.
    ( as far as I know)

    New worlds:
  12. Spinksy


    New worlds always fascinated me as an individual level. (both the Saturn and PC one).

    Pretty dam good that all the other levels are there though, I also think the Jade Gully/jungle looks like a very good (but different approach).

    Just realised is that Eggman on the wall in that screenshot? Never noticed it was him before lol...
  13. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    What is being loaded in its place? Is it just garbage?

    Incidentally, I was looking at old footage last night, and I realized that some of the most grainy footage might have been from POV's saturn port all along. There are number of videos that are extremely poor quality, like they were recorded off screen, than exhibits the behavior from the saturn build, namely the way the Sonic Sprite is pasted over objects in front of him, where, in the PC version, those objects merely become transparent.
  14. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Much of what POV has is directly from STI , They may have changed some things up in the files JR has. butI think for the most part it looks identical, and don't forget that Christina coffin got the Saturn code to run faster than 2 Frames per second on Saturn hardware. according to Mike Wallis.

    The place holder sprite for the grass is in the system folder. ( name is BASIC01 and BASIC02.pcx)

    EDIT again:
    here is the PCX as seen in photoshop. it was also leaked previously.
  15. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    No no, I mean the engine behavior. Ofer's engine would automatically make obfuscating pieces of geometry transparent if they got in between sonic and the camera, see here:


    the saturn build we have exhibits different behavior:


    We see that same behavior in some of the stranger footage for Xtreme, example:


    In footage from this area, we also see Sonic jump repeatedly, multiple times in the air (as in, more than twice). Also, in this footage, when sonic jumps, he becomes a blue sphere, where in the PC footage, when he jumps, he displays individual frames of jumping animation. I'm not sure if this is just a case of frames being missed in the video capture or not, however. Also, in the above footage, Sonic can't collect rings, just like the Saturn build, but unlike the PC build.

    Obviously any actual art or test levels they got would have been created by STI. I'm merely talking about footage of the saturn engine... potentially. I think the above that I pointed out is from POV.

    edit: of course, it could also just be from an earlier version of Ofer's engine and the quirks I'm pointing out in the saturn build were lifted directly from Ofer's work...

    we won't know till later, I guess. Just interesting to go back and watch the old footage.

    I'd love to get my hands on the new worlds build, that looks the most complete the game ever got.
  16. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    STI sent their builds to POV, that's why it looks similar , because its one and the same. ( JR has no way of knowing if its been edited by POV as there are no notes in the code )
    Kind of off topic here, but during a conversation with Chris ,when news of the new leak was first announced, I asked him about it, and he thought that it would have been an older version that POV has and not the newer version engine with all the fancy expanding contracting paths . ( it sounded like STI did not send the latest engine to POV)
  17. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Heh, you posted just as I edited my original post. I had just considered that the quirks might have been present in Ofer's earlier work.

    You know, this line of questioning brings actually raises a point I don't think I've gotten an answer to: Can the NV1 produce transparencies?? VF Remix uses the same stipple dithering as the saturn version.
  18. Lostgame


    producer/turnablist. homebrew dev. cosplayer. Oldbie
    Toronto, ON
    The O.I.C.
    Is there any other threads, IRC chats, et cetera, to keep more up-to-date with this information? I am absolutely fascinated and would love to lend a bunch of time as a coder and designer to help get this thing into a semi-finished state if that's ever a possibility..
  19. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    This thread is probably the most consistently up-to-date source.
  20. Adamis


    Gimme waffles! Oldbie
    Lammy and "Fafnir"
    That's maybe a stupid question, but is there anything related to the story / Tiara Boobowski in the files you have ? Any hint of other playable characters ?