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Archie Sonic Comic Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    This would be a crazy way to end the series. I personally never cared much for the pre-reboot stuff. Too much cringey romance and extended family. Didn't Amy have a cousin who looked exactly like Sonic? Creepy. However, the way they pruned and reintroduced characters and the world in this reboot is good. I'd love to get a tradeback of the the whole last arc, and I don't really buy comics that often in general. If this is truly the way it ends, Ian and Aleah should write the games. The Happy Tree Friends guys are just not cutting it.
  2. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    You mean Rob o' the Hedge?

    I do hope the comic isn't ending. If it is, Penders can go to hell :argh:
  3. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well yea we did, but unlike the Megaman comics where they started from Megaman 1, the post reboot started from Unleashed... sort of. Also because it was some kinda strange universe merger, they have to constantly explain "Oh this is what happened because of SatAM but it's a little different now because of XYZ, but Sonic 1 happened too. Everything already happened but we have to reexplain it." Like if Sega ever allowed it to happen it would have been nice to restart the comic from Sonic 1.

    And honestly I didn't mind Rob O' the Hedge. And of course he looked similar to Sonic, they're hedgehogs. Only pre-reboot characters I kinda miss are Julie-su (Koala girl is a nice replacement though), Finetivus, and Ian's versions of Mammoth Mogul, Geoffrey, and Lein-da (But Breezie makes a good replacement for Mogul). Most of Penders' Echidnas were useless fodder but at least those 3 I felt like they added something to the universe once Flynn took over. Shame we never got to see more of Lein-da with electric powers.

    I wonder. If Sega gave the license to some other publisher they would most likely have to do another clean slate. Do you think they'd allow use of SatAM and AoSTH characters this time around? I feel like the only reason they get away with it now is because they're so ingrained into the comic based on how old it is.
  4. Zeether


    I'm doubting Penders is the problem here and it's likely Archie trying to recoup money they lost from that failed Kickstarter by dropping series as well as possibly doing some "core brand strengthening" due to Riverdale on CW being a thing (and possibly something else they started throwing money towards without realizing the consequences). Either way it's not going to end well, and I'm pretty disappointed in them (and obviously Penders if it really is the case) because after Mega Man being canceled along with seemingly any future trades I've started to wonder if they just don't care about licenses now and want to focus on their main brand instead. Not very good business decisions being made on their behalf.

    Hopefully Ian et al aren't out of a job for long and some other publisher (IDW please) can get Sonic back.
  5. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!

    So apparently someone called regarding the subscriptions and was told that they weren't taking subscriptions for either Sonic comic. When asked if that meant that the series was cancelled the representative said that it could well be.

    So it's certainly not looking so hot for Archie Sonic.
  6. Zeether


    Wow, even that article is saying maybe IDW would get it. Great minds think alike.
  7. Barry the Nomad

    Barry the Nomad

    Site Staff
    IDW would be a perfect fit. They treat licensed comics right, they employ some Sonic comic staff already as freelancers, they could open doors for some really fun crossovers, and they even publish trade paperbacks of Archie Adventure Series comics. Should Archie still retain any rights to Sonic, they would likely do a similar deal to what they have going with IDW (and by extension Nickelodeon) with the TMNT comics. IDW publishes Sonic back issues in trade form and Archie gets a cut.

    Personally, I think the series should go to IDW and they should make an ongoing classic Sonic series and an ongoing modern Sonic series. Have the classic series take place between Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic Adventure and have Flynn write and bring on Heese as the lead artist. Have it skew largely SEGASONIC but still have some Archie Sonic reboot stuff slipped in, should they get the rights to the characters. The modern Sonic series could pick up from where Archie ended, numbering and all. They could then do the occasional crossovers with time travel or events from the past affecting events in the present. Drop the Sonic Universe line.
  8. Candescence


    Sydney, Australia
    3D Indie Stuff
    IDW in general would be fantastic for both Sonic and Mega Man. The quality of the comics has had more to do with the people working on it than the actual publisher, who has time and time again been questionable at best with the stewardship of its licensed franchises. IDW, on the other hand...

    Plus crossovers with Ninja Turtles, Transformers and the like would be a nice added bonus. Mega Man X and Optimus Prime sitting down to chat about the nature of robotics and organics and the pursuit of peace? Sign me the fuck up.
  9. Zeether


    I'd be okay with IDW Mega Man as well, it'd be funny too since that'd not be the first time IDW got a property Dreamwave once owned...
  10. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I kinda like Sonic Universe as it doesn't have to follow a timeline or stick to a more strict story. It can, but it doesn't have to. Like if they wanted to do a Sonic 3 & Knuckles adaption they could easily do one in Sonic Universe without having to restart everything. I mean the name says it all, it's all about Sonic's Universe. That can relate to anything Sonic without being tied down to one particular thing, plus it allows for other characters to get the spotlight.

    If another publisher were to take over I hope they would do a better job with graphic novels and other sorts of compilations. Archie has always sucked with those (How many archive series do they have for Sonic alone, like 4?).
  11. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    All I hope is, if Sonic is really just moving publishers instead of Sega outright just not having a Sonic comic at all, that Ian Flynn and Tyson Hesse migrate with it. They're not Archie employees, they're freelance contractors, so it would cause no problems for a new publisher to take them with it.

    I can't even imagine the kinds of great things Flynn could pull off if he didn't have to reboot everything he's worked hard to build every couple of years because the publisher couldn't get their act together with troublesome previous employees.
  12. Zeether


    Ian's already working for IDW, so if they shifted there he'd at least be on board.
  13. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    RIP Archie Sonic. If they do go to a new publisher, let's take the opportunity to bring some Fleetway stuff onboard =P
  14. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    If the comic is truly ending then that's really sad. The Archie comic is what got me into Sonic in the first place. :( Hopefully it can get picked up by someone else and continue elsewhere.
  15. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
  16. Turbohog


    Honestly, maybe it should just die? I haven't read the comics in years. But the story is so convoluted now due to Penders' awful characters and stories, Penders' suit resulting in a reboot of sorts, etc. The comic has had a good run.

    Again, I haven't read in years, so feel free to hate me.

    Edit: I feel like ideally, Archie Sonic would be cancelled and a new comic, with a clean slate, could start. It would be great to have Ian, Spaz, and co involved in this hypothetical comic.
  17. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    We did get a clean slate though, thats what the #252 reboot is! its just that fucking number, Ian wanted it reset but the old editor wouldn't let him.
  18. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Oh boy thats interesting.

    Honestly the comic's kinda been a hit and miss shitshow lately with a comic either being a fun romp/read or a goddamn advertisement for the next comic (the first Chu-nan comic can go fuck itself). I don't want it to end though because there's a lot of creativity, but it feels either terribly mismanaged in some places or just fucking boring altogether. To me the highlights of the comic were really when flynn was adapting Penders' old work and turning it into somethijg engaging rather than all this pressure to set up his own entire cast/lineup, make the story "Sonic Unleashed except not" or in some cases "with lots of unneeded exposition."

    That said, I almost ALWAYS enjoy Universe, and the Fighters arc was AWESOME. The stories actually feel fun and focused on being their own thing rather than "WE HAVE TO EXPLAIN WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT." It also helps that those issues have/had my personal favorite artists working on it, with Skelly on Fighters and Yardley(!) on Universe. Universe also seems to have a monopoly on Herms' coloring right now, and honestly his style is what I consider quitissential Comic Sonic. Not to discredit the rest of the team at all, but the comic suffers from a lot of consistency issues at this point when it previously did a great job of building a style after years of garbage.

    This just tells me the comic really shines when it keeps the focus small scale. The bigger they tackle issues, the worse their stories become. Worlds Collide was incredibly fun, Worlds Unite was a hot mess. The King Nagus and Mecha Sally material was enjoyable and intense, while "freedom fighters fly in to save the day again" isnt exactly... fun.

    Also tbh I miss old Antoine and Rotors' designs. Antoine's color palette and general look was a nice element to the cast. Idk why but he looks kinda derp now. Rotor is too damn sleek honestly. The old man element wasnt a bad one either.

    All in all, I feel this comic needs to just get its grand terror bullshit over with already. I don't want it to *end* so suddenly but rather shift publishers if Archie's looking to capsize. When this comic's good, it's really REALLY good. Nowadays, at its worst, it's simply "meh" with pretty good art.
  19. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well fortunately, the Unleashed arc is over. What that means next I'm not sure, but the next couple of issues post Genesis of a Hero seem to be a couple of one offs. 292 doesn't seem to be about anything in particular, and 293 involves Sonic, Honey, and something they refer to as the Sonic Man Heroes (Ya, Sonic 06 Sonic Man). Meanwhile Universe is doing a series of one offs for the Freedom Fighters.

    And I also miss the old Antonie and Rotor designs. I get that they wanted to Segaify them but they went a bit too far with those two. I'm sure there was a middle ground somewhere. Also I wonder what happened with Heavy and Bomb. They were reintroduced to the Freedom Fighters B-team pre reboot (with their proper designs finally), but then they just vanished.
  20. Turbohog


    I didn't even know they were redesigned. I looked them up and I ... really don't like the redesigns.