For moddifing a Model 2 Sega Genesis? I want to Change out the LED and such, possibly an audio and video mod.
Well, for the LED.. Why would you need a tutorial? Get a soldering iron, desolder the old one, and put in the new one. I used a 3V LED myself. For the others, it's a 2 second google search.
I am not sure how to remove the motherboard from the bottom piece of the case, which is a majority of my problem. Also, yes, I was also looking into some sort of RGB setup for the video.
It's called a screwdriver... There's screws holding down the aluminum, unscrew them and the board and aluminum sheet come off...
I'll have to post a picture. I got the metal part that covers the motherboard, but the motherboard is somehow connected to the bottom part of the casing. And there are no screws present, I took out any and I think all screws. Edit: It's still attached to this somehow.
I got the controller ports to pop out of place, but the middle of the board seems stuck, pulling hard might break the thing in half...
did you remove the cartslot screws (they're black and I could not tell from the pic if they're there or not) ? get all screws out, and pull from the back of the board, controller ports won't cause trouble this way.