I can chip in. I'll try to talk to the guy, see if he has anything else (the proper way of course). Edit: I can also lead on the purchase if needed.
I've got some cash on me and I regret having not gotten in on the GC NR one so I might as well chuck something at this one and see what we get.
I guess I'll lead. I'll put in about $100-$200. I'll try to contact the guy first. But either way I'll put in a bid.
Committing $20-$50 for the time being. Leme see what the income looks like and I'll adjust accordingly.
The guy definitely has other stuff, the one standing out the most is Chaotix on 3 EPROMs. I'm assuming you guys noticed that if you see his other stuff. Hope it's worth it if you get it. I'm so jaded by protos and their always ending up being nothing but final builds that I can't get too excited anymore. Too bad no dates are too visible so we can make better judgements. Edit: I think the Chaotix EPROMs say 2-8-95.
Yeah, that's kind of what I thought when I stumbled across it too. In case anyone was wondering why I didn't take the lead, I only stumbled across it via the buyee.jp proxy service, and they wouldn't let me bid on it as the seller doesn't accept bank transfers, and that's the limit of my expertise in buying stuff from Japan. It should be noted that the listing is ranked high on the popularity rank, so there could be a high stakes bidding war in the final moments.
We already have a dump of the 2-8-95 Chaotix build and several others, thanks to drx. Obviously it may be worth it if someone wants the cart, but I figured it would be worth mentioning that it's one of the 13 builds we have already. Edit: Stupid auto-correct
Hmm it could pretty much be the same "prototype" that Orenge received not too long ago, but hey can never be too sure about these things right? I may chip in a few dollars towards this, but no promises as I get paid next on Thursday and rent is due soon. Really hope we can get these even though we have the Chaotix prototype.
I meant other than the stuff listed. edit: I should mention that I will separately bid on the Chaotix lot. At least $300 I think.
Just curious here, is there a closing date? I'd be interested in pitching in something, but I'd need to know in advance how much time we have on this to build up and contribute.
Nice find, Eggfan! drx, I might try and chip in but I don't get paid til next week, so my contribution might not be very much unfortunately.
The time left is about 1 day and 20 hours. Current tally - Sonic Labirynth: me: $200 Glitch: $100 Tanks: $20-50 Chaotix: me: $500 edit: I should mention that the probability that this will be anything interesting is low.
Is this bidding on solely the Sonic Labyrinth ROM chip, or is it on the lot (including the chip labeled LUNAR on the test board)? I'm really interested in the contents of the LUNAR chip, so I'm a bit curious.
From what I gather it includes everything. If we win this, I will release all of the chips of course.
While finding some neat stuff is always fun, I more appreciate the chance to see differences in builds (if any) and preservation. It saddens me that there are people who sit on prototype carts in plastic boxes and assume they're getting more valuable when really, they're just rotting away and will eventually be scraps of silicon and copper.