I always felt the images I've seen around don't really give you a clear picture of what this enemy was suppost to look like, so I've made my own rip, and given it a palette that gives it a fiery kind of appearance. http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~nemesis2k2/junk/bubble2.bmp> The palette used here is CPZ palette line 3 I think, with the backdrop colour dropped back to 0. As for how and where it was going to be used, I'll leave that up to you to speculate over.
You can see an image of it you may be more familiar with on Esrael's lost s2b sprites page at http://ssrg.emulationzone.org/esrael/sonic2/sonic2.htm It's in the bottom left quadrant of the first tileview image.
lost with your permision can I use that sonic picture in your avatar in my flash game SONIC BOOM? (see sonic-cult to find out more) and nem nice rips...
well 1st off if anyone helps me there name will go down on the credits... so would you like your proper name down or your user name? and 2nd It will be used at the end of the game when the characters do there end posses...
That pallete really seems to fit it...I say it's a monster that emerges from HTZ lava or something... And the weird bubbles could be lava bubbles turning into smoke...
This is a very interesting concept for an enemy. It has a great deal of different locations it could have been in. Personally, to me, it looks like it would hide in some bubbles to fool you into comming over to breath, and attack. But that's just me
But remember that it's using the Chemical Plant palette. Perhaps it won't look like lava when you apply the Metropolis or Hill Top palette. Is Chemical Plant's the only palette that makes this enemy look right? If so, it may have used a lost palette, from one of the stages that were scrapped. Personally, I think it could have been an orbinaut, like L0st said, but emerging from some bubbles, underwater.
Stupid Arse New Topic button.. -.- In the wrong place... ... Stupid Preview button, too.... --- You know what I think? Chemical Plant. Tha thing in Chemical Plant... Think about it... Certain Chemicals mutate things... Perhas... Chemical Plant, was supposed to have Mutant things, too? Like. Mutant air Bubbles, perhaps?
Mutant air bubbles? o.o; Mutant air bubbles? Woo, that'd be creepy. Methinks the idea possibly got scrapped, since it doesn't appear to actually be a robot. o.o; And therefore, it's not a typically 'Sonic-y' enemy. But, that's just my theory.
if you don't know what zone it suits best then put it back in the game and take a look =P or superimpose it on a picture, either is good.