Wasn't it just about 3 years ago people were finally starting to hack Mario 64? It's impressive that someone has managed to figure out how to crack Mario Galaxy open. I'm getting more and more reasons to mod my Wii every day.
Remember, Wii games have a proper file-structure, with a N64 game you need to find were the data actually is stored making them a lot harder to deal with.
No, no no no no no! DON'T GIVE THEM IDEAS, NOT EVEN AS A JOKE. Aside from that, this actually looks to be quite amazing! Shame I don't have the game ISO torn apart on my hard drive to make use of it, but I'm sure someone can use it to restore all the lost planets as proper levels!
Super Mario Galaxy hacking. That was quick. I'm stoked to see what kind of levels could come out the capabilities of this level editor in the future.
Basically, just what I was thinking. <3 I've been meaning to get Dolphin-emu programmers to implant something similar to riivolution so we can have this shit on the PC, this might help seal the deal. I look forward for more development on this.
To be fair, Kaizo Mario in 3D probably doesn't work anywhere near as well as in 2D. The extra dimension simply makes it too easy to screw up compared to its 2D counterpart. Not really feasible. There video YT page points to a forum post. In that topic there's a download link for a primitive editor. Try it yourself?
I'm actually the leader of a project using anarchy, called "Super Mario Galaxy 2.5" Website here: SuperMarioGalaxy2-5.com Edit: Anyone who wants to join would be appreciated, we're currently working on fluffy bluff :v:
O_O This is amazing and so cool. It makes me glad I installed homebrew on my Wii. Edit- God, someone could probably make an amazing remake of Super Mario 64 with this.
Well, the editor is just a HEX editor... something like a Super Mario 64 remake can't be done, since you can't "create" land. You can only use models the game gives you.
Off the top of my head, Big Boo's Haunt would be simply impossible, with its reliance on the vanish cap. I think as a whole, differences in powerups could cause all sorts of problems. Not to mention recreating bosses.
The problem is that the actual GROUND needed to create such a level does not exist. We cannot hack textures or models, we need to use models from the game. So, unless you want big boo's haunt made out of question mark blocks, it's not going to happen.
This is very impressive. I do hope that this is used to make some more unique experiences, rather than just harder versions of each level.