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Amy In Sonic 1

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by E-122-Psi, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Awesome. I'll give this new version a try.

    Proooobably should update the first post too, those Imageshack imgs are dead.
  2. MotorRoach


    I certainly love this update, feels nice for the hammer spin to be less overpowered now.
  3. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Just played Amy in Sonic 1. My first playthrough and I enjoyed it.

    The physics feel very good. The movement is nice, the higher jump and quicker speed is a great help. I had no problem using the hammer. The bosses were straightforward. The Super Peel-Out was a nice edition, although I hardly used it after Green Hill.

    It's cool playing as Amy with her Sonic CD sprites. I took a few screenshots on my laptop:


    I managed to get all six chaos emeralds by the skin of my teeth. I had to get the last one at the end of Star Light zone act 2.

    I noticed the colour for the "pinballs" in the special stages was slightly off. A dark orange/red color which isn't quite right. Also, whenever the Roller badnik appeared in Spring Yard it's sprite was messed up:

    Other than that I couldn't find any other glitches. It's a really nice hack. Great work!

    Oh and I totally didn't attempt to hit Eggman whilst he was escaping at the end of Final zone (after you've hit him eight times) and got killed because I didn't time my attack with the hammer correctly :v:/>

    Serves me right for being over confident!
  4. E-122-Psi


    The pinballs could be fixed in SYZ due to conveniently placed palette colours, which special stage lacks, and I can't really free any VRAM to make extra layers (the Roller glitch is likely a result of doing so, thought I'd fixed all of them D:). By the way, surely I'm not the only one who noticed the tile glitch caused by the caterkiller art still being in that level.

    Well you wouldn't be the first. I think I've trolled a good few people with that last second screw over. XD
  5. E-122-Psi


    Revision 2.0 uploaded:

    * The hearts are now separate sprites and flow properly just like in Advance. Special thanx to Selbi, Snkenjoi, Flamewing and Shockwave677 for coding help.
    * A couple more bug fixes and palette tweaks (both the roller glitch and the bumper colour mentioned above are fixed).

    As you can see I am likely going to keep tweaking this hack (and others) for as long as I can find even the slightest chance of improvement. If anyone finds any bugs or possible issues, please tell me, it would likely spare an excess revision or two.
  6. MotorRoach


    Just tried it out, and I have to say that the new heart effects are really nicely done, and her attacks flow much better like this. Now the only thing bothering me is that you can keep spamming the ground hammer attack (neutral A), and yes, I mean in the middle of when she's attacking. It's not much of an issue, but it's a rather silly thing.
  7. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Just done a full playthrough of version 2.0.

    The Roller sprite showed correctly every time I encountered one of those badniks in Spring Yard. Nice job in fixing that and the bumper colour in the special stages, which now looks a lot better.

    I couldn't find any other issues in the zones. There was some occasional slowdown in acts 2&3 of Labyrinth zone when underwater.

    Oh and nice job with the hearts. Looks neat.

    One thing I like about Amy's moveset; is that if you are falling (from high up) and there is an item box below you, then if you hit the item box with Amy's hammer (just before you land on it), the effect acts likes a spring and propels Amy even higher up from where she fell! I managed to do this on an item box in Scrap Brain (act1). It's a neat little move.

    Actually, I think this is a good edition. I really like how you can now spam the hammer because it makes it a bit easier to take out enemies, and to keep the momentum going when hitting badniks without having to stop or slow down as much. Makes the game flow slightly better and trying to take out enemies less frustrating. It's a positive change.
  8. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Aargh, of course there always has to be something you overlook when you change stuff, right? Yeah, when rewriting the ground hammer attack I forgot to add a check to see if Amy is already doing the attack. But I've fixed the code now and made some improvements too. Just come to the IRC again and pick it up, Psi.

    EDIT: Wait, so this is a good thing or not? Your call, Psi. :v:
  9. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden

    Sonic CD's Sound Test Member
    I love the hearts and they actually work just as I'd expect, so nice one.

    As for issues, the background in Spring Yard Zone has the wrong layout, causing mountains to be cut off. (I think this is a result of implementing the Rev 01 code on top of the old Rev 00 one, but I might be wrong).

    There's also a strange side effect to the new hammer behaviour that allows you to moonwalk while using the hammer on the ground.

    EDIT: Removed video.
  10. Machenstein


    I don't know if this has been asked before, but would it be possible to add in that head slide attack Amy has in Advance? It's a nice ground attack against enemies and the animation for it is amusing too.
  11. E-122-Psi


    I'm not sure about the 'spam' allowance. If I remember correctly you COULD do it in Advance, albeit only once, like a quick reflex bonus if you mashed it correctly.

    As for the head slide pratfall, I'd be willing to put it in if I knew how. Seems kinda complex to setup and time.
  12. Clownacy


    OCs are for the weak Tech Member
    That problem with SYZ's background sounds awfully similar to a side effect of Project Sonic 1: Two-Eight. The lowered maximum number of (the now-smaller) chunks necessitated the removal of some of them. This reached its worst with SYZ, where the background chunks suffered greatly.
  13. MotorRoach


    I just downloaded Sonic Advance for the sake of trying that out... and I call BS.

    Pressing the hammer button in Advance a second time will make Amy swing her hammer again, in which she uses her right arm instead, and moves a bit forward. Mashing the hammer button will just make her keep doing it over and over again, and even if you time it differently, she will just keep attacking in place, which is not really a problem.

    If you look at the video that D.A. Garden posted, regarding the hammer spam, it's completely different. The sound keeps cancelling itself out in an attempt to keep repeating, the heart effects keep resetting, and the moonwalk is just stupid. Her Sonic Advance hammer swing is nowhere as messed up. Instead of excusing it, how about actually making it impossible to keep repeating the move until Amy is done attacking to begin with?
  14. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Wow, there's been a lot of improvements since last time I checked. Great work!

    Just a few things, all of them considering her moveset from Sonic Advance:

    About Amy's rolling mode:
    -Amy should get hurt when she tries to hit an enemy while spinning, as she's supposed not to be able to do a regular spin attack.
    -When she starts spinning when going inside a tube (and until the engine stops forcing her into that state), she should keep making a different sound than the regular spinning one, as can be seen here: (not in the Special Stage, for obvious reasons)
    -Her rolling animation in Advance didn't have a "ball" frame as usual, probably so that it looked less like an attack and people didn't try to hit enemies in that state. Removing it as in that game would make her animation look less like Sonic's spherical attack and more like a regular, vulnerable spinning character (think Shinobi's jump).
    -Perhaps her spinning frames look a bit too dark? Currently, the purple shades stand out more than her main pink color.

    Other stuff:
    -Crouching seems to be delayed when she's going fast down a ramp.
    -Amy's Down+Attack move cancels the upwards momentum way too much. She should keep going up when doing it right after hitting an upwards spring.
    -She shouldn't be able to change directions while airborn after doing her Down+Jump move while standing still.
    -When standing still, the hammer sound and the trailing hearts restart each time the B button is spammed.
    -Amy's combos while attacking should be like this: Regular attack (in place)-> If the attack button is pressed before her attack finishes -> Start combo with the other hand (moving forward a little) -> End attack. If the attack button is pressed again during her second attack, it should have no effect, as she can't chan more than two attacks.
    -Her falling animation when jumping has her arms way too upwards. That pose made sense in Sonic CD when he was supposed to be falling from a big distance, but not from regular jump-height falls. I'd adjust that animation to match Sonic Advance's a little more, where she keeps control over her arms.
    -Amy's eyelids are half pink, half peach when pushing something.
    -The fall-flat-on-face-attack could be a great addition, indeed.
    -I think the new Up+Jump move is kind of redundant, when Down+Jump already gives all the extra boost she'll ever need (and she's not supposed to be able to run so fast on her own)...
    -B button for attack, please. =P
  15. Clownacy


    OCs are for the weak Tech Member
    Something that is related to the REV01 scrolling: as is obvious in Marble Zone, you're still using the REV00 background chunks (some of MZ's clouds are stuck to the mountains). The Git disasm has the changed files clearly pointed out, so correcting it should be a simple copy/paste job.

    Also, what's a nice way of saying 'zipped ROMs pls'?
  16. E-122-Psi


    Think I've fixed it (SYZ doesn't have that 'seam' anymore at least). Interesting to discover the background edits. Wonder why they didn't do the same to GHZ's blatantly choppy one.

    The reason I didn't upload in zip form was because the wiki wasn't taking the format for some reason last time I tried it.

    No need to get so persecuting about it. I admitted it was a mistake, I just said the effect was similar. I'll probably just fix it to how it was before unless I can find a way to make it work akin to Advance.

    The thing here (concerning this, the pratfall move and ICEKnight's many many many points) is that I still don't know how to implement them perfectly, especially since I'm working off an engine that behaves with some differences from the Genesis/Megadrive series.
  17. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Psi, I told you before, I got the fixed code for that attack ready. You just need to tell me if you want it and I can maybe PM it to you.
  18. E-122-Psi


    My apologies. I've been working the past few days so couldn't get a good time to IRC. I've just tried looking at the coding myself but don't get what's missing, so if it's okay with you, yes please.
  19. Psi could make a hack of Cream in Sonic 1.
  20. E-122-Psi


    I have a sprite sheet handy so probably should try it out really. I uploaded a quick sprite swap somewhere around here though.