I've hacked aladdin to sega genesis extensively in those past months, so I decided to share my findings in here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initial quantities of lifes in practice mode 0x1b0048 00 35 initial quantities of lifes in normal mode 0x1b0056 00 33 initial quantities of lifes in difficult mode 0x1b0064 00 32 initial quantities of apples in practice mode 0x1aa670 31 35 initial quantities of apples in normal mode 0x1aa67e 31 30 initial quantities of apples in difficult mode 0x1aa68c 30 35 initial quantities of gems (all mode) 0x1aa666 30 30 In the game, the aladdin's life limit is "9" (00 39). Example: If you want to change the initial life amount in the normal mode from "3" to "7", you will need to use "00 37". Do not use "30 37" (07), as this will glitch the amount of life apples and gems have a limit of "99" (39 39). dec hex 08 = 30 38 18 = 31 38 32 = 33 32 99 = 39 39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commands "START" Code (Text): 1b3208 0839000500FFF155 BTST #$ 5, $FFF1555.1 1b3219 4e75 rts "UP" Code (Text): 1b3212 0839000000FFF156 BTST #$ 0, $FFF1556.1 1b321A 4e75 rts "DOWN" Code (Text): 1b321C 0839000100FFF156 BTST #$ 1, $FFF1556.1 1b3224 4e75 rts "LEFT" Code (Text): 1b3216 0839000200FFF156 BTST #$ 2, $FFF1556.1 1b322E 4e75 rts "RIGHT" Code (Text): 1b3230 0839000300FFF156 BTST #$ 3, $FFF1556.1 1b3238 4e75 rts "A" Code (Text): 1b323A 0839000400FFF155 BTST #$ 4, $FFF1555.1 1b3242 4e75 rts "B" Code (Text): 1b3244 0839000400FFF156 BTST #$ 4, $FFF1556.1 1b324C 4e75 rts "C" Code (Text): 1b324E 0839000500FFF156 BTST #$ 5, $FFF1556.1 1b3256 4e75 rts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entities Data Code (Text): 00 - nothing 01 - flagpole 02 - 03 - iago 04 - boss iago 05 - bats 06 - pot thrower 07 - snake 2 stage 08 - 09 - 0a - knife juggler 0b - fish 0c - shiva statue 0d - 0e - snake charmer 0f - snake of the snake charmer 10 - Razoul 11 - cobra jaffar 12 - jaffar 13 - Gazeem 14 - apple thief 15 - stealing apple (power of the apple thief) 16 - skeleton 17 - ghost 18 - cave boss (5 stage) 19 - 1a - red statue 1b - 1c - 1d - Fazahl 1e - Zagoolien 1f - Hakim 20 - 21- 22 - 23 - pot that give you gem 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - release abu 2a - pot of the pot thrower 2b - 3 stage key to market 2c - spit of the fish 2d - all knifes 2e - projectile of the shiva statues 2f - barrel 30 - fire of cave boss 31 - bones 32 - lava splash 33 - 34 - genie tokens 35 - apples 36 - black lamp 37 - magic lamp (5th stage) 38 - 39 - 3a - gem 3b - gem in the pot 3c - level complete 3d - scrab 1 (2 stage) 3e - scrab dust 3f - scrab halve cutscene 40 - apples 41 - abu token 42 - apples slice 43 - checkpoint 44 - genie heart 45 - 46 - life 47 - flute 48 - flute 49 - flute 4a - flute 4b - flute 4c - flute 4d - jaffar tractor 4e - genie hands spring 4f - genie spring 50 - genie ballon explode 51 - genie ballon ? 52- stationary genie hand plataform 53- rotary genie hand plataform 54- giant rock (rug ride stage) 55- falling block stage 2 56- 57- 58- disappearing blocks 59- spawn ghost 5a- 5b- 5c- 5d- 5e- magic carpet 5f- magic carpet lying down (9 stage) 60- magic carpet (7 stage) 61- 62- plataform sink 63- 64- 65- camel 66- 67- flamingo 68- 69- plataform 6a- 6b- 6c- 6d - 6e- 6f- 70- block 71- 72- 73- 74- plataform cave (waterfall) 75- 76- falling platafom cave 77- 78- 79- spike in the ground (2 stage) 7a- 7b- fire of the cobra jaffar 7c- pot that contain the magic rope 7d- giant rock 7e- peddler’s stall 7f- spit dromedary 80- 81- 82- 83- aladdin 84- 85- 86- 87- merchant 88- 89- rocks of cave plataform 8a- cave boss 1º plataform ? 8b- cave boss 2º plataform 8c- fire in charcoal 8d- 8e- 8f-
Sound address 122db5 - flagpole 1b32a5 - menu change 1a9c73 - head pop 1b1353 - ne naw tune (music of preview level) 1af48b - apples 1af24b - gem 1b0d9d - music level complete 1b5199 - apu bonus level music 1abef9 - apple splat 1b5689 - pole slide 1acd3f - flamingo hey! 1acd1b - flamingo hey 2 1add93 - rock bounce 1a9473 - out of apples 1af3d7 - abu tokens 1af4ed - genie tokens 1aeeef - genie heart 1abe9f - sword ching (knife juggler, Fazahl, Razoul, Gazeem) 1ae5a9 - aladdin hurt 1ae699 - continue point (checkpoint) 1a96c5 - low sword 1aecab - gazeem hit 1 1ac209 - gazeem hit 2 1a944f - object throw -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sound data Code (Text): 00 - high sword 01 - low sword 02 - no sound (probably silent lamb) 03 - object throw 04 - menu select 05 - flagpole 06 - menu change 07 - head bop 08 - wall hit 2 09 - cloud poof 0a - ne naw tune 0b - apple collect 0c - apple slice 0d - gem collect 0e - jaffar laugh 0f - arab rock 1 10 - arabic rock 2 11 - music level complete 12 - bonus level music 13 - scarab wow 14 - one jump ahead 15 - music stage 1 16 - turban jazz 17 - remove music 19 - music reset 1a - new world 1b - friend like me 1c - friend like me 2 1d - rug ride 1e - rug ride 2 1f - ballon pop 20 - sword spinning 21 - sword ching 22 - apple splat 23 - gloomy tune 24 - gloomy tune 25 - gloomy tune 26 - camel jazz 27 - pole slide 29 - rope launch 2a - genie fumes 2b - guards pants 2c - rope appear 2d - yago squawk 2e - honk 2f - landing ooof 31 - aladdin hurt 32 - boss tune 33 - boss tune 34 - boss tune 35 - boss tune 36 - boss tune 37 - skeleton explosion 38 - bones tinkle 39 - clay pot 3a - boxing bell 3b - aladdin push 3c - splash 3d - camel spit 3e - guard beckon 3f - canopy bounce 40 - flamingo hey! 41 - guard hit 42 - guard hit 2 43 - geyser 44 - flamingo hey 2 45 - stone rumble 46 - spring doing 1 47 - spring doing 2 48 - cash registery 49 - prince ali 4a - prince ali 2 4b - honk 4c - fire from coal 4d - stones crumbels 4e - wall spikes 4f - tip toe 50 - rock bounce 51 - out of apples 52 - arabian nigths 53 - earthquake 54 - storytine 55 - drama 56 - mushy one 5a - stopping 5b - win a bonus 5c - starting gun 5d - abu uh oh 5e - oooo 5f - ahhh 60 - eeee 61 - iiee 62 - extra health 63 - continue point (checkpoint) 64 - scarab pickup 65 - body crunch 66 - yeahh 67 - flute pickup 68 - jaffar tractor 69 - wow 6a - gazeem hit 1 6b - gazeem hit 2 6c - jaffar snake 6d - peddle shop 6e - abu waving 70 - coming out of the checkpoint sound 71 - honkey sound 73 - cloud poof
First off, fantastic. This is a game I'm surprised doesn't have a more active hacking scene, as it is widely considered one of the best Genesis games ever. Great work, and thank you for sharing your findings! Secondly, as unfortunately hidden as it might be there, this is probably better suited to the 'Technical Discussion' forum.
Sprites data abu stomping in a guard/ celebrating 06AE 00 1E 5A 24 06B2 00 1E 5A 42 06B6 00 1E 5A 60 06Ba 00 1E 5A AE 06Be 00 1E 5A F0 06c2 00 1E 5B 32 06c6 00 1E 5B 50 06ca 00 1E 5B 6E 06ce 00 1E 5B BC ------------------ abu spitting water (5th stage) 06d2 00 1E 5B F2 ----------------------------- abu jumping 06d6 00 1E 5C 40 06da 00 1E 5C 6A 06de 00 1E 5C 94 06e2 00 1E 5C D6 06e6 00 1E 5D 0C 06ea 00 1E 5D 4E 06ee 00 1E 5D 9C abu death screen 06f2 00 1E 5D EA 06f6 00 1E 5E 2C 06fa 00 1E 5E 7A 06fe 00 1E 5E E0 0702 00 1E 5F 46 0706 00 1E 5F 88 ---------------------- abu walking in the "level complete" screen 070a 00 1E 5F CA 070e 00 1E 5F F4 0712 00 1E 60 42 0716 00 1E 60 84 071a 00 1E 60 D2 071e 00 1E 60 FC 0722 00 1E 61 3E 0726 00 1E 61 74 ---------------------------------------------- abu running with a sword 072a 00 1E 61 9E 072e 00 1E 61 D4 0732 00 1E 62 16 0736 00 1E 62 64 073a 00 1E 62 A6 073e 00 1E 63 00 0742 00 1E 63 36 0746 00 1E 63 60 074a 00 1E 63 8A 074e 00 1E 63 B4 ------------------------------- abu attacking 0752 00 1E 63 EA 0756 00 1E 64 2C 075a 00 1E 64 9E 075e 00 1E 64 E0 0762 00 1E 65 0A ------------------ water being spiting by apu 0766 00 1E 65 40 076a 00 1E 65 82 076e 00 1E 65 AC 0772 00 1E 65 E2 0776 00 1E 66 18 077a 00 1E 66 66 ---------------------- apu in his bonus level 077e 00 1E 66 A8 0782 00 1E 66 C6 0786 00 1E 67 14 078a 00 1E 67 4A 078e 00 1E 67 8C 0792 00 1E 67 CE 0796 00 1E 68 10 079a 00 1E 68 5e 079e 00 1E 68 94 07a2 00 1E 68 D6 07a6 00 1E 69 30 --------------------- aladdin 07aa 00 1E 69 96 07ae 00 1E 69 FC 07b2 00 1E 6A 56 07b6 00 1E 6A A4 ------------------------------------ aladdin rope 07ba 00 1E 6A E6 07be 00 1E 6B 34 07c2 00 1E 6B 9A 07c6 00 1E 6B DC 07ca 00 1E 6C 36 07ce 00 1E 6C 90 07d2 00 1E 6C F6 07d6 00 1E 6D 50 -------------------------------------------------------- aladdin getting hurt 07da 00 1E 6D C2 07de 00 1E 6E 40 07e2 00 1E 6E BE 07e6 00 1E 6F 24 07ea 00 1E 6F 4E 07ee 00 1E 6F A8 07f2 00 1E 6F F6 07f6 00 1E 70 38 07fa 00 1E 70 7A 07fe 00 1E 70 D4 0802 00 1E 71 16 0806 00 1E 71 40 ---------------------------------------------- aladdin death screen 080a 00 1E 71 82 080e 00 1E 71 D0 0812 00 1E 72 4E 0816 00 1E 72 CC 081a 00 1E 73 26 081e 00 1E 73 98 0822 00 1E 74 46 0826 00 1E 74 F4 082a 00 1E 75 C6 082e 00 1E 76 98 0832 00 1E 77 CA 0836 00 1E 79 2C 083a 00 1E 7A 5E 083e 00 1E 7B 84 0842 00 1E 7C B6 0846 00 1E 7D E8 084a 00 1E 7F 0E 084e 00 1E 80 34 ------------------ aladdin in the rug 0852 00 1E 81 8A 0856 00 1E 81 E4 085a 00 1E 82 1A 085e 00 1E 82 5C 0862 00 1E 82 92 0866 00 1E 82 F8 086a 00 1E 83 46 086e 00 1E 83 88 0872 00 1E 83 D6 0876 00 1E 84 24 087a 00 1E 84 72 ------------------------------------ aladdin falling 087e 00 1E 84 A8 0882 00 1E 85 1A 0886 00 1E 85 B0 088a 00 1E 86 3A 088e 00 1E 86 88 0892 00 1E 86 EE 0896 00 1E 87 54 089a 00 1E 87 96 089e 00 1E 87 E4 08a2 00 1E 88 26 08a6 00 1E 88 5C 08aa 00 1E 88 AA 08ae 00 1E 89 04 08b2 00 1E 89 5E ---------------------------------------- aladdin in the rug (7th stage) 08b6 00 1E 89 C4 08ba 00 1E 8A 1E 08be 00 1E 8A 84 08c2 00 1E 8A EA 08c6 00 1E 8B 38 08ca 00 1E 8B 86 ------------------------------------------ aladdin rope horizontal 08ce 00 1E 8B C8 08d2 00 1E 8C 16 08d6 00 1E 8C 88 08da 00 1E 8C FA 08de 00 1E 8D 60 08e2 00 1E 8D C6 08e6 00 1E 8E 2C 08ea 00 1E 8E 9E 08ee 00 1E 8F 10 08f2 00 1E 8F 6A 08f6 00 1E 8F C4 08fa 00 1E 90 06 08fe 00 1E 90 6C 0902 00 1E 90 D2 0906 00 1E 91 14 -------------------------------------------------- aladdin in a ladder (cutscene) 090a 00 1E 91 7A ------------------------------------------ aladdin jumping in a rope 090e 00 1E 91 C8 0912 00 1E 92 22 0916 00 1E 92 64 091a 00 1E 92 BE 091e 00 1E 93 18 0922 00 1E 93 66 0926 00 1E 93 C0 092a 00 1E 94 0E 092e 00 1E 94 68 ------------------------------------------------ jumping 0932 00 1E 94 CE 0936 00 1E 95 1C 093a 00 1E 95 6A 093e 00 1E 95 D0 0942 00 1E 96 4E 0946 00 1E 96 B4 094a 00 1E 97 1A 094e 00 1E 97 74 0952 00 1E 97 9E 0956 00 1E 98 04 095a 00 1E 98 6A ----------------------------------------------------- running jumping 095e 00 1E 98 DC 0962 00 1E 99 12 0966 00 1E 99 6C 096a 00 1E 99 D2 096e 00 1E 9A 2C 0972 00 1E 9A 86 0976 00 1E 9A E0 ----------------------------------------------- aladdin and jasmine 097a 00 1E 9B 2E 097e 00 1E 9B A0 0982 00 1E 9C 12 0986 00 1E 9C 6C 098a 00 1E 9C C6 098e 00 1E 9C FC 0992 00 1E 9D 4A 0996 00 1E 9D 98 099a 00 1E 9E 0A 099e 00 1E 9E 7C ---------------------- aladdin look up 09a2 00 1E 9E BE 09a6 00 1E 9F 24 09aa 00 1E 9F 7E ----------------------------------------------- aladdin pushing wall 09ae 00 1E 9F FC 09b2 00 1E A0 62 09b6 00 1E A0 BC 09ba 00 1E A1 22 09be 00 1E A1 94 09c2 00 1E A1 EE 09c6 00 1E A2 48 09ca 00 1E A2 A2 09ce 00 1E A2 FC ------------------------------------------ aladdin running 09d2 00 1E A3 4A 09d6 00 1E A3 8C 09da 00 1E A3 C2 09de 00 1E A4 10 09e2 00 1E A4 8E 09e6 00 1E A5 00 09ea 00 1E A5 66 09ee 00 1E A5 B4 09f2 00 1E A6 0E 09f6 00 1E A6 74 09fa 00 1E A6 CE 09fe 00 1E A7 1C 0a02 00 1E A7 6A 0a06 00 1E A7 94 ---------------------- aladdin running in "level complete" screen 0a0a 00 1E A7 EE 0a0e 00 1E A8 60 0a12 00 1E A8 D2 0a16 00 1E A9 20 0a1a 00 1E A9 7A 0a1e 00 1E A9 D4 0a22 00 1E AA 3A 0a26 00 1E AA 94 0a2a 00 1E AA D6 0a2e 00 1E AB 24 ------------------------------------------ allading falling at the palm-tree 0a32 00 1E AB 7E 0a36 00 1E AB C0 0a3a 00 1E AC 0E 0a3e 00 1E AC 50 0a42 00 1E AC 9E 0a46 00 1E AD 046 0a4a 00 1E AD 6A 0a4e 00 1E AD B8 --------------------------------------------------- aladding stoping 0a52 00 1E AE 1E 0a56 00 1E AE 78 0a5a 00 1E AE D2 0a5e 00 1E AF 50 0a62 00 1E AF 86 0a66 00 1E AF D4 0a6a 00 1E B0 16 0a6e 00 1E B0 64 ------------------------------------------------- aladdin sword attack 0a72 00 1E B0 A6 0a76 00 1E B1 0C 0a7a 00 1E B1 7E 0a7e 00 1E B1 D8 0a82 00 1E B2 7A ---------------------------------------------------- aladdin ducking sword attack 0a86 00 1E B2 C8 0a8a 00 1E B2 E6 0a8e 00 1E B3 10 0a92 00 1E B3 5E 0a96 00 1E B3 A0 0a9a 00 1E B4 06 -------------------------------------------------- aladdin running sword atacking 0a9e 00 1E B4 3C 0aa2 00 1E B4 72 0aa6 00 1E B4 D8 0aaa 00 1E B5 3E 0aae 00 1E B5 B0 0ab2 00 1E B6 3A 0ab6 00 1E B6 88 0aba 00 1E B6 CA 0abe 00 1E B7 3C 0ac2 00 1E B7 A2 0ac6 00 1E B7 FC 0aca 00 1E B8 9E ------------------------------------------------------------------ aladdin sword attacking in the rope (horizontal) 0ace 00 1E B8 F8 0ad2 00 1E B9 5E 0ad6 00 1E B9 C4 0ada 00 1E BA 42 0ade 00 1E BA E4 0ae2 00 1E BB 62 ---------------------------------------------------------- aladdin up sword attack 0ae6 00 1E BC 04 0aea 00 1E BC 52 0aee 00 1E BC AC 0af2 00 1E BD 2A 0af6 00 1E BD 6C 0afa 00 1E BD AE 0afe 00 1E BE 14 0b02 00 1E BE 9E 0b06 00 1E BF 04 0b0a 00 1E BF 76 0b0e 00 1E BF DC 0b12 00 1E C0 2A 0b16 00 1E C0 6C 0b1a 00 1E C0 BA 0b1e 00 1E C1 14 0b22 00 1E C1 7A 0b26 00 1E C1 D4 0b2a 00 1E C2 2E ------------------------------------------------------------ iddle animation 2 0b2e 00 1E C2 7C 0b32 00 1E C2 CA 0b36 00 1E C3 30 0b3a 00 1E C3 96 0b3e 00 1E C3 CC 0b42 00 1E C4 1A 0b46 00 1E C4 68 0b4a 00 1E C4 C2 0b4e 00 1E C5 1C 0b52 00 1E C5 82 0b56 00 1E C5 DC 0b5a 00 1E C6 36 0b5e 00 1E C6 B4 0b62 00 1E C6 F6 0b66 00 1E C7 74 0b6a 00 1E C7 DA 0b6e 00 1E C8 1C 0b72 00 1E C8 76 0b76 00 1E C8 E8 0b7a 00 1E C9 36 0b7e 00 1E C9 84 0b82 00 1E C9 DE 0b86 00 1E CA 38 0b8a 00 1E CA 92 0b8e 00 1E CA F8 0B92 00 1E CB 5E 0B96 00 1E CB AC 0B9a 00 1E CC 12 ---------------------------------------------------------- aladdin hurt 0B9e 00 1E CC 6C 0ba2 00 1E CC AE 0ba6 00 1E CD 20 0baa 00 1E CD 92 0bae 00 1E CE 10 0bb2 00 1E CE 9A ---------------------------------------------------- aladdin checkpoint 0bb6 00 1E CF 00 0bba 00 1E CF A2 0bbe 00 1E D0 08 0bc2 00 1E D0 92 0bc6 00 1E D0 F8 0bca 00 1E D1 52 0bce 00 1E D1 B8 0bd2 00 1E D1 FA 0bd6 00 1E D2 30 ------------------------------------------------ ? 0bda 00 1E D2 72 0bde 00 1E D2 90 0be2 00 1E D2 A2 0be6 00 1E D2 E4 ---------------------------------------------------- aladdin apple attack 0bea 00 1E D3 4A 0bee 00 1E D3 C8 0bf2 00 1E D4 22 0bf6 00 1E D4 70 0bfa 00 1E D4 E2 0bfe 00 1E D5 3C 0C02 00 1E D5 96 ------------------------------------------------ aladdin apple atack down 0C06 00 1E D5 E4 0C0a 00 1E D6 3E 0c0e 00 1E D6 8C 0c12 00 1E D6 CE 0c16 00 1E D7 04 ------------------------------------------------------- aladdin apple atack rope (horizontal) 0c1a 00 1E D7 52 0c1e 00 1E D7 A0 0c22 00 1E D7 EE 0c26 00 1E D8 60 0c2a 00 1E D8 AE 0c2e 00 1E D9 14 ------------------------------------------------------- aladdin apple attack running 0c32 00 1E D9 62 0c36 00 1E D9 A4 0c3a 00 1E D9 FE 0c3e 00 1E DA 58 0c42 00 1E DA EE 0c46 00 1E DB 84 ------------------------------------------------- aladdin apple attack jumping 0c4a 00 1E DB BA 0c4e 00 1E DC 08 0c52 00 1E DC 6E 0c56 00 1E DC A4 0c5a 00 1E DC FE 0c5e 00 1E DD 58 ------------------- aladdin bouncing in the flagpole 0c62 00 1E DD 8E 0c66 00 1E DD E8 0c6a 00 1E DE 12 0c6e 00 1E DE 54 0c72 00 1E DE 96 0c76 00 1E DE CC 0c7a 00 1E DE F6 0c7e 00 1E DF 20 ----------------------------------------------------- pot thrower 0c82 00 1E DF 62 0c86 00 1E DF 74 0c8a 00 1E DF 92 0c8e 00 1E DF A4 0c92 00 1E DF C2 0c96 00 1E DF EC 0c9a 00 1E E0 22 0c9e 00 1E E0 4C 0ca2 00 1E E0 6A 0ca6 00 1E E0 88 -------------------------------------------------------- letters and numbers and pontuations 0caa 00 1E E0 9A 0cae 00 1E E0 AC 0cb2 00 1E E0 BE 0cb6 00 1E E0 D0 0cba 00 1E E0 E2 0cbe 00 1E E0 F4 0CC2 00 1E E1 06 0cc6 00 1E E1 18 0cca 00 1E E1 2A 0cce 00 1E E1 3C 0cd2 00 1E E1 4E 0cd6 00 1E E1 60 0cda 00 1E E1 72 0cde 00 1E E1 84 0ce2 00 1E E1 96 0ce6 00 1E E1 A8 0cea 00 1E E1 BA 0cee 00 1E E1 CC 0cf2 00 1E E1 DE 0cf6 00 1E E1 F0 0cfa 00 1E E2 02 0cfe 00 1E E2 14 0D02 00 1E E2 26 0D06 00 1E E2 38 0D0a 00 1E E2 4A 0D0e 00 1E E2 5C 0d12 00 1E E2 6E 0d16 00 1E E2 80 0d1a 00 1E E2 92 0d1e 00 1E E2 A4 0d22 00 1E E2 B6 0d26 00 1E E2 C8 0d2a 00 1E E2 DA 0d2e 00 1E E2 EC 0d32 00 1E E2 FE 0d36 00 1E E3 10 0d3a 00 1E E3 22 0d3e 00 1E E3 34 0d42 00 1E E3 46 -------------------------------------------- ? 0d46 00 1E E3 58 0d4a 00 1E E3 6A 0d4e 00 1E E3 7C ball chain 0D52 00 1E E3 8E 0d56 00 1E E3 B8 0d5a 00 1E E3 E2 0d5e 00 1E E4 0C 0d62 00 1E E4 36 0d66 00 1E E4 60 0d6a 00 1E E4 8A 0d6e 00 1E E4 C0 0d72 00 1E E4 F6 0d76 00 1E E5 44 0d7a 00 1E E5 86 0d7e 00 1E E5 D4 0d82 00 1E E6 22 0d86 00 1E E6 64 0d8a 00 1E E6 BE ----------------- black block 0d8e 00 1E E7 18 ---------------------------------------- lava splash 0d92 00 1E E7 2A 0d96 00 1E E7 3C 0d9a 00 1E E7 7E 0d9e 00 1E E8 08 0da2 00 1E E8 86 0da6 00 1E E8 F8 0daa 00 1E E9 46 0dae 00 1E E9 94 0db2 00 1E E9 EE 0db6 00 1E EA 60 0dba 00 1E EA C6 0dbe 00 1E EB 2C ------------------------------------------------- 0DC2 blue smoke 00 1E EB 92 0DC6 00 1E EB B0 0DCA 00 1E EC 0A 0DCE 00 1E EC C4 0DD2 00 1E ED 7E 0DD6 00 1E EE 08 0DDA 00 1E EE 92 0DDE 00 1E EF 04 0DE2 00 1E EF A6 0DE6 00 1E F0 6C 0DEA 00 1E F1 02 0DEE 00 1E F1 8C 0DF2 00 1E F2 0A 0DF6 00 1E F2 64 0DFA 00 1E F2 A6 ---------------- Iago cutscene 0dfe 00 1E F2 DC 0e02 00 1E F2 EE 0e06 00 1E F3 00 0e0a 00 1E F3 1E 0e0e 00 1E F3 1E 0e12 00 1E F3 72 0e16 00 1E F3 9C 0e1a 00 1E F3 C6 music notes 0e1e 00 1E F3 FC 0e22 00 1E F4 0E 0e26 00 1E F4 20 0e2a 00 1E F4 32 0e2e 00 1E F4 44 0e32 00 1E F4 56 0e36 00 1E F4 68 0e3a 00 1E F4 7A 0e3e 00 1E F4 8C 0e42 00 1E F4 9E 0e46 00 1E F4 B0 --------- explosion when oick genie token 0e4a 00 1E F4 C2 0e4e 00 1E F4 D4 0e52 00 1E F4 E6 0e56 00 1E F5 04 0e5a 00 1E F5 46 0e5e 00 1E F5 64 0e62 00 1E F5 B2 0e66 00 1E F5 DC 0e6a 00 1E F6 36 0e6e 00 1E F6 78 0e72 00 1E F6 C6 0e76 00 1E F7 14 0e7a 00 1E F7 4A 0e7e 00 1E F7 80 0e82 00 1E F7 C2 0e86 00 1E F8 04 0e8a 00 1E F8 3A 0e8e 00 1E F8 64 0E92 00 1E F8 8E 0E96 00 1E F8 B8 magic dust 0E9a 00 1E F8 E2 0E9e 00 1E F9 00 0ea2 00 1E F9 1E 0ea6 00 1E F9 3C 0eaa 00 1E F9 66 0eae 00 1E F9 90 ------------------------------------------------- footprint 0eb2 00 1E F9 A2 0eb6 00 1E F9 B4 0eba 00 1E F9 C6 0ebe 00 1E F9 D8 0ec2 00 1E F9 EA ----------------------------------------------------- dust 0ec6 00 1E F9 FC 0eca 00 1E FA 0E 0ece 00 1E FA 2C 0ed2 00 1E FA 4A 0ed6 00 1E FA 68 0eda 00 1E FA B6 0ede 00 1E FA F8 0ee2 00 1E FB 22 0ee6 00 1E FB 7C 0eea 00 1E FB A6 --------------------------------------------------- aladdin and jasmine in the rug (cutscene) 0eee 00 1E FB DC 0EF2 00 1E FC 2A 0EF6 00 1E FC 78 0EFa 00 1E FC A2 0EFe 00 1E FC E4 ---------------------- Smoke of the 3 stage key market 0F02 00 1E FD 0E 0F06 00 1E FD 38 0F0A 00 1E FD 56 0F0E 00 1E FD 74 0F12 00 1E FD 86 0F16 00 1E FD A4 0F1A 00 1E FD C2 0F1E 00 1E FD EC ------------------------ ???? 0F22 00 1E FE 0A 0F26 00 1E FE 1C 0F2A 00 1E FE 2E 0F2E 00 1E FE 40 0f32 00 1E FE 52 0f36 00 1E FE 70 0f3a 00 1E FE 8E 0f3e 00 1E FE A0 0f42 00 1E FE B2 0f46 00 1E FE C4 0f4a 00 1E FE E2 0f4e 00 1E FF 00 ---------------------------- splash water 0f52 00 1E FF 12 0f56 00 1E FF 24 0f5a 00 1E FF 4E 0f5e 00 1E FF 78 0f62 00 1E FF BA 0f66 00 1E FF F0 0f6a 00 1F 00 26 0f6e 00 1F 00 50 0f72 00 1F 00 7A 0f76 00 1F 00 A4 stars 0f7a 00 1F 00 B6 0f7e 00 1F 00 C8 0F82 00 1F 00 DA ----------------- little rock 0F86 00 1F 00 F8 0F8a 00 1F 01 0A 0F8e 00 1F 01 1C 0F92 00 1F 01 2e 0f96 00 1F 01 40 -------------------- rock 0f9a 00 1F 01 52 0f9e 00 1F 01 64 0FA2 00 1F 01 76 0FA6 00 1F 01 94 0FAA 00 1F 01 B2 0FAE 00 1F 01 C4 0FB2 00 1F 01 EE Bat hurt by apple 0FB6 00 1F 02 18 0fba 00 1F 02 36 0fbe 00 1F 02 78 0fc2 00 1F 02 A2 0fc6 00 1F 02 F0 0fca 00 1F 03 32 0fce 00 1F 03 80 0fd2 00 1F 03 CE 0fd6 00 1F 04 10 bat 0fda 00 1F 04 52 0fde 00 1F 04 70 0fe2 00 1F 04 82 0fe6 00 1F 04 AC 0fea 00 1F 04 CA 0fee 00 1F 04 DC 0ff2 00 1F 04 EE 0ff6 00 1F 05 18 0ffa 00 1F 05 2A 0ffe 00 1F 05 48 1002 00 1F 05 66 ------------------------------ snake charmer 1006 00 1F 05 78 100a 00 1F 05 BA 100e 00 1F 05 F0 1012 00 1F 06 26 ----------------------------------- dromedary 1016 00 1F 06 5C 101a 00 1F 06 AA 101e 00 1F 07 1C 1022 00 1F 07 9A 1026 00 1F 08 18 102a 00 1F 08 AE 102e 00 1F 09 20 --------------------------------------- magic carpert 1032 00 1F 09 86 1036 00 1F 09 E0 103a 00 1F 0A 2E 103e 00 1F 0A 70 1042 00 1F 0A B2 1046 00 1F 0A F4 104a 00 1F 0B 42 104e 00 1F 0B 84 1052 00 1F 0B 96 1056 00 1F 0C 08 105a 00 1F 0C 62 105e 00 1F 0C D4 1062 00 1F 0D 52 1066 00 1F 0D AC 106a 00 1F 0E 06 106e 00 1F 0E 90 1072 00 1F 0F 02 1076 00 1F 0F 74 107a 00 1F 0F F2 ------------------------------ genie hand up 107e 00 1F 10 34 -------------------------- genie hand down 1082 00 1F 10 82 -------------------------------- Interrogation sprites (7th stage) 1086 00 1F 10 D0 -------------------------------------- apple slice 108a 00 1F 10 FA ----------------------------------------- big rock 7th stage 108e 00 1F 11 0C ---------------------------------------- flamingo 1092 00 1F 11 5A 1096 00 1F 11 A8 109a 00 1F 12 02 109e 00 1F 12 50 10a2 00 1F 12 92 10a6 00 1F 12 E0 0 10aa 0 1F 13 22 10ae 00 1F 13 70 10b2 00 1F 13 9A ----------------- water drop 10b6 00 1F 13 DC 10ba 00 1F 13 EE 10be 00 1F 14 00 10c2 00 1F 14 12 10c6 00 1F 14 24 10ca 00 1F 14 36 10ce 00 1F 14 54 fish 10d2 00 1F 14 72 10d6 00 1F 14 90 10da 00 1F 14 AE 10de 00 1F 14 D8 10e2 00 1F 14 F6 10e6 00 1F 15 08 10ea 00 1F 15 32 10ee 00 1F 15 68 10F2 00 1F 15 B6 10F6 00 1F 15 F8 10Fa 00 1F 16 2E 10Fe 00 1F 16 58 ------------------------ Zagoolien standing 1102 00 1F 16 82 1106 00 1F 16 C4 110a 00 1F 17 12 110e 00 1F 17 60 1112 00 1F 17 AE 1116 00 1F 18 14 ------------------ Fazahl idle 111a 00 1F 18 62 111e 00 1F 18 B0 1122 00 1F 18 FE 1126 00 1F 19 58 112a 00 1F 19 A6 112e 00 1F 19 F4 1132 00 1F 1A 5A 1136 00 1F 1A 90 113a 00 1F 1A BA --------------------------------------- Fazahl pants down 113e 00 1F 1B 08 1142 00 1F 1B 4A 1146 00 1F 1B 98 114a 00 1F 1B F2 114e 00 1F 1C 4C 1152 00 1F 1C A6 1156 00 1F 1D 30 -------------------------- Fazahl attack 115a 00 1F 1D A2 115e 00 1F 1D F0 1162 00 1F 1E 4A 1166 00 1F 1E 8C 116a 00 1F 1E E6 116e 00 1F 1F 28 ------------------------------------------ Fazahl walking 1172 00 1F 1F 52 1176 00 1F 1F 94 117a 00 1F 1F EE 117e 00 1F 20 48 1182 00 1F 20 7E 1186 00 1F 20 B4 118a 00 1F 20 EA 118e 00 1F 21 20 --------------------------------------------- guard being stomping by apu 1192 00 1F 21 4A 1196 00 1F 21 74 119a 00 1F 21 AA 119e 00 1F 21 D4 ---------------------------------- Zagoolien hurt 11a2 00 1F 21 FE 11a6 00 1F 22 88 11aa 00 1F 22 CA 11ae 00 1F 23 78 11b2 00 1F 24 0E 11b6 00 1F 24 74 11ba 00 1F 24 E6 11be 00 1F 25 64 11c2 00 1F 25 BE 11c6 00 1F 26 18 11ca 00 1F 26 66 11ce 00 1F 26 CC 11D2 00 1F 27 1A 11D6 00 1F 27 74 11Da 00 1F 27 CE 11De 00 1F 28 1C --------------------------------------- Zagoolien attacking 11e2 00 1F 28 6A 11e6 00 1F 28 AC 11ea 00 1F 29 06 11ee 00 1F 29 60 11f2 00 1F 29 AE 11f6 00 1F 2A 38 11fa 00 1F 2A CE 11fe 00 1F 2B 1C 1202 00 1F 2B 82 1206 00 1F 2B DC 120a 00 1F 2C 36 120e 00 1F 2C 9C ---------------------------------------- Zagoolien walking 1212 00 1F 2D 0E 1216 00 1F 2D 50 121a 00 1F 2D 9E 121e 00 1F 2D F8 1222 00 1F 2E 5E 1226 00 1F 2E B8 122a 00 1F 2E FA 122e 00 1F 2F 3C ----------------------------- hakim hurt 1232 00 1F 2F 7E 1236 00 1F 2F C0 123a 00 1F 30 3E 123e 00 1F 30 8C --------------------------------------------- hakim attack 1242 00 1F 30 E6 1246 00 1F 31 58 124a 00 1F 31 BE 124e 00 1F 32 30 1252 00 1F 32 A2 1256 00 1F 33 20 125a 00 1F 33 7A 125e 00 1F 33 EC ----------------------------------------- hakim attack 1262 00 1F 34 5E 1266 00 1F 34 C4 126a 00 1F 35 06 126e 00 1F 35 60 1272 00 1F 35 BA 1276 00 1F 36 20 127a 00 1F 36 92 127e 00 1f 36 C8 --------------------------------- ghost sprites 0x128A 00 1F 37 B2 0x128E 00 1F 37 D0 0x1292 00 1F 37 FA 0x1296 00 1F 38 30 0x129A 00 1F 38 72 0x129E 00 1F 38 9C --------------------------------- ballon 12A2 00 1F 38 BA 12A6 00 1F 38 FC 12AA 00 1F 39 4A 12AE 00 1F 39 80 12B2 00 1F 39 B6 12B6 00 1F 39 E0 12BA 00 1F 39 FE 12BE 00 1F 3A 28 --------------------------- genie intro virgin logo 12C2 00 1F 3A 46 12C6 00 1F 3A C4 12CA 00 1F 3B 42 12CE 00 1F 3B C0 12D2 00 1F 3C 3E 12D6 00 1F 3C A4 12DA 00 1F 3D 0A 12DE 00 1F 3D 7C ----------------------------------- genie made you look sprites 12f2 00 1F 3E DE 12f6 00 1F 3F 2C 12fa 00 1F 3F 92 12fe 00 1F 40 1C 1302 00 1F 40 BE 1306 00 1F 41 3C --------------------------------------- ballo pooping 130a 00 1F 41 C6 130e 00 1F 42 68 1312 00 1F 43 22 1316 00 1F 43 D0 131a 00 1F 44 2A 131E 00 1F 44 78 1322 00 1F 44 A2 -------------------------------- genie checkpoint 1326 00 1F 44 C0 132a 00 1F 44 DE 132e 00 1F 45 08 1332 00 1F 45 3E 1336 00 1F 45 5C 133a 00 1F 45 7A 133e 00 1F 45 98 1342 00 1F 45 B6 1346 00 1F 45 E0 134a 00 1F 45 FE 134e 00 1F 46 28 -------------------------------- genie intro logo 1352 00 1F 46 46 1356 00 1F 47 3C 135a 00 1F 47 F6 135e 00 1F 48 B0 1362 00 1F 49 6A 1366 00 1F 4A 18 136a 00 1F 4A AE 136e 00 1F 4B 68 00 1372 00 1F 4B E6 -------------------------------- clock 1376 00 1F 4C 7C 137a 00 1F 4C 8E 137e 00 1F 4C A0 1382 00 1F 4C B2 1386 00 1F 4C C4 138a 1F 4C D6 -------------------------------------- genie hand spring 138E 00 1F 4C E8 1392 00 1F 4D 42 1396 00 1F 4D A8 139a 00 1F 4E 3E 139e 00 1F 4E BC -------------------------- genie hand plataform 13A2 00 1F 4F 16 13a6 00 1F 4F 28 13aa 00 1F 4F 46 13ae 00 1F 4F 70 13b2 00 1F 4F 8E ----------------------- genie head sprimg 13b6 00 1F 4F B8 13ba 00 1F 4F EE 13be 00 1F 50 18 13c2 00 1F 50 4E 13c6 00 1F 50 84 13ca 00 1F 50 C6 ------------------ shiva statue 13ce 00 1F 50 F0 13d2 00 1F 51 62 13d6 00 1F 51 D4 13da 00 1F 52 2E 13de 0 1F 52 2E 13e2 00 1F 52 E2 13e6 00 1F 53 3C 13ea 00 1F 53 96 13ee 00 1F 53 96 ------------------ gazee 13f2 00 1F 54 56 13f6 00 1F 54 74 13fa 00 1F 54 9E 13fe 00 1F 54 E0 1402 00 1F 55 22 1406 00 1F 55 64 140a 00 1F 55 A6 140e 00 1F 55 F4 1412 00 1F 56 1E 1416 00 1F 56 3C 141a 00 1F 56 5A 141e 00 1F 56 6C 1422 00 1F 56 AE 1426 00 1F 56 F0 142a 00 1F 57 1A 142e 00 1F 57 5C 1432 00 1F 57 9E 1436 00 1F 57 EC 143a 00 1F 58 46 143e 00 1F 58 88 1442 00 1F 58 D6 1446 00 1F 59 18 --------------------------------- feathers 144a 00 1F 59 42 144e 00 1F 59 60 1452 00 1F 59 72 1456 00 1F 59 84 145a 00 1F 59 96 145e 00 1F 59 A8 -------------------- iago 1462 00 1F 59 BA 1466 00 1F 5A 20 146a 00 1F 5A 62 146e 00 1F 5A 98 1472 00 1F 5A E6 1476 00 1F 5B 10 147a 00 1F 5B 46 147e 00 1F 5B 94 1482 00 1F 5B E2 1486 00 1F 5C 18 148a 00 1F 5C BA 148e 00 1F 5C FC -------------------------------- iago intro 1492 00 1F 5D 26 1496 00 1F 5D 68 149a 00 1F 5D AA -------------------------- smoke 9th stage boss 149e 00 1F 5D E0 14a2 00 1F 5E 22 14a6 00 1F 5E 64 14aa 00 1F 5E A6 14ae 00 1F 5E F4 14B2 00 1F 5F 42 14b6 00 1F 5F 84 14ba 00 1F 5F C6 ------------------- iago boss geting hurt 14BE 00 1F 5F FC 14C2 00 1F 60 32 14c6 00 1F 60 5C 14ca 00 1F 60 92 14ce 00 1F 60 D4 14d2 00 1F 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00 1F 73 EE 158e 00 1F 74 0C 1592 00 1F 74 36 ------------------------- falling block 1596 00 1F 74 54 159a 00 1F 74 66 159e 00 1F 74 84 15a2 00 1F 74 96 15a6 00 1F 74 B4 15aa 00 1F 74 D2 15ae 00 1F 75 14 15b2 00 1F 75 4A 15b6 00 1F 75 98 15ba 00 1F 75 CE ----------------------------- plataform 1st stage 15be 00 1F 76 04 15c2 00 1F 76 22 15c6 00 1F 76 4C 15ca 00 1F 76 76 15ce 00 1F 76 AC 15d2 00 1F 76 D6 15d6 00 1F 77 24 15da 00 1F 77 72 ---------- plataform 1st stage 15de 00 1F 77 24 15e2 00 1F 77 BA 15e6 00 1F 77 E4 15ea 00 1F 78 0E 15ee 00 1F 78 44 15f2 00 1F 78 92 15f6 00 1F 78 F8 15fa 00 1F 79 5E 15fe 00 1F 79 AC 1602 00 1F 79 FA 1606 00 1F 7A 24 160a 00 1F 7A 42 ------------------------ waterfall 160e 00 1F 7A 54 1612 00 1F 7A BA 1616 00 1F 7B 08 161a 00 1F 7B 92 161e 00 1F 7B F8 1622 00 1F 7C 8E 1626 00 1F 7D 30 ------------------------- plataform cave 162a 00 1F 7D A2 ----------------- flagpole 162e 00 1F 7D C0 1632 00 1F 7D EA 1636 00 1F 7E 08 163a 00 1F 7E 32 163e 00 1F 7E 5C 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12 1866 00 1F 98 A8 186a 00 1F 98 D2 186e 00 1F 99 14 1872 00 1F 99 56 1876 00 1F 99 A4 187a 00 1F 99 F2 187e 00 1F 9A 28 ------------------------ peddler 1882 00 1F 9A 52 1886 00 1F 9A 7C 188a 00 1F 9A 9A 188e 00 1F 9A B8 1892 00 1F 9A D6 1896 00 1F 9A F4 189a 00 1F 9B 36 189e 00 1F 9B 84 18a2 00 1F 9B F6 18a6 00 1F 9C 68 18aa 00 1F 9D 0A 18ae 00 1F 9D B8 18b2 00 1F 9E 42 18b6 00 1F 9F 5C 18ba 00 1F A0 2E 18be 00 1F A1 0C ---------------------- market 18c2 00 1F A1 DE 18c6 00 1F A2 08 18ca 00 1F A2 32 18ce 00 1F A2 74 18d2 00 1F A2 CE 18d6 00 1F A3 18da 00 1F A3 6A 18de 00 1F A3 D0 --------------------- razhoul 18e2 00 1F A4 1E 18e6 00 1F A4 84 18ea 00 1F A5 0E 18ee 00 1F A5 68 18f2 00 1F A5 CE 18f6 00 1F A6 04 18fa 00 1F A6 6A 18fe 00 1F A6 D0 1902 00 1F A7 2A 1906 00 1F A7 78 190a 00 1F A7 BA 190e 00 1F A7 F0 1912 00 1F A8 3E 1916 00 1F A8 98 191a 00 1F A8 E6 191e 00 1F A8 E6 1922 00 1F A9 CA 1926 00 1F AA 30 192a 00 1F AA A2 192e 00 1F AB 44 1932 00 1F AB AA ------------------------- scrab load level 1936 00 1F AC 04 193a 00 1F AD 72 ---------------------------- skeleton 193e 00 1F AE 98 1942 00 1F AE E6 1946 00 1F AF 4C 194a 00 1F AF D6 194e 00 1F B0 3C 1952 00 1F B0 A2 1956 00 1F B1 20 195a 00 1F B1 92 195e 00 1F B2 10 1962 00 1F B2 8E 1966 00 1F B3 18 196a 00 1F B3 C6 196e 00 1F B4 68 1972 00 1F B4 FE 1976 00 1F B5 64 197a 00 1F B5 E2 197e 00 1F B6 60 1982 00 1F B6 EA 1986 00 1F B7 8C 198a 00 1F B8 22 ------------------------- bones 198e 00 1F B8 A0 1992 00 1F B8 BE 1996 00 1F B8 D0 199a 00 1F B8 E2 199e 00 1F B9 00 19a2 00 1F B9 12 ------------------- aladdin life bonus round 19a6 00 1F B9 24 gem bonus round 19aa 00 1F B9 4E apple bonus round 19ae 00 1F B9 6C jaffar lose bonus round 19b2 00 1F B9 7E ------------------------ 5th stage sub boss 19b6 00 1F B9 F0 19ba 00 1F BA 4A 19be 00 1F BA B0 19c2 00 1F BB 0A 19c6 00 1F BB 70 19ca 00 1F BB D6 19ce 00 1F BC 54 19d2 00 1F BC AE 19d6 00 1F BC FC 19da 00 1F BD 4A 19de 00 1F BD A4 --------------- sub boss 19f2 00 1F C0 02 19f6 00 1F C0 C8 19fa 00 1F C1 6A 19fe 00 1F C1 E8 1a02 00 1F C2 66 1a06 00 1F C2 FC 1a0a 00 1F C3 AA 1a0e 00 1F C4 34 1A12 00 1F C4 CA 1a16 00 1F C5 30 1a1a 00 1F C5 DE 1a1e 00 1F C6 74 1a22 00 1F C6 F2 1a26 00 1F C7 94 1a2a 00 1F C8 12 1a2e 00 1F C8 A8 ----------------------------- green snake 1a32 00 1F C9 1A 1a36 00 1F C9 44 1a3a 00 1F C9 9E 1a3e 00 1F CA 04 1a42 00 1F CA 76 1a46 00 1F CA C4 1a4a 00 1F CB 06 1a4e 00 1F CB 3C 1a52 00 1F CB 72 1a56 00 1F CB CC 1a5a 00 1F CC 26 ---------------- momkey statue 1a5e 00 1F CC 74 1a62 00 1F CC 9E 1a66 00 1F CC D4 1a6a 00 1F CD 22 1a6e 00 1F CD 64 1a72 00 1F CD 8E 1a76 00 1F CD A0 ------------------------ apple thief 1a7a 00 1F CD FA 1a7e 00 1F CE 3C 1a82 00 1F CE 7E 1a86 00 1F CE CC 1a8a 00 1F CF 26 1a8e 00 1F CF 74e 1A92 00 1F CF B6 1a96 00 1F CF E0 1a9a 00 1F D0 16 1a9e 00 1F D0 40 1aa2 00 1F D0 76 1aa6 00 1F D0 AC 1aaa 00 1F D0 EE 1aae 00 1F D1 24 1ab2 00 1F D1 7E 1ab6 00 1F D1 D8 1aba 00 1F D2 1A 1abe 00 1F D2 50 1ac2 00 1F D2 92 1ac6 00 1F D2 D4 1aca 00 1F D3 22 1ace 00 1F D3 70 1ad2 00 1F D3 CA 1ad6 00 1F D4 00 1ada 00 1F D4 36 ---------------------------- ????? 1ade 00 1F D4 78 1ae2 00 1F D4 8A 1ae6 00 1F D4 9C 1aea 00 1F D4 AE 1aee 00 1F D4 C0 1af2 00 1F D4 DE 1af6 00 1F D4 F0 1afa 00 1F D5 0E 1afe 00 1F D5 2C ------------- black lamp 1B02 00 1F D5 62 1B06 00 1F D5 74 1B0a 00 1F D5 9E 1B0e 00 1F D5 C8 ----------------- ???? 1B12 00 1F D6 22 1B16 00 1F D6 34 1b1a 00 1F D6 52 1b1e 00 1F D6 70 1b22 00 1F D6 A6 1b26 00 1F D6 E8 1b2a 00 1F D6 FA 1b2e 00 1F D7 0C 1b32 00 1F D7 2A 1b36 00 1F D7 48 ------------------ big rock 1b3a 00 1F D7 5A 1b3e 00 1F D7 F0 1B42 00 1F D8 86 ------------------- fire of 5th stage sub boss 1b46 00 1F D9 28 1b4a 00 1F D9 5E 1b4e 00 1F D9 94 1b52 00 1F D9 D6 1b56 00 1F DA 0C 1b5a 00 1F DA 36 1b5e 00 1F DA 78 1b62 00 1F DA AE 1b66 00 1F DB 08 1b6a 00 1F DB 6E 1b6e 00 1F DB BC 1b72 00 1F DC 22 -------------------------- snake of the snake charmer 1b76 00 1F DC 88 1b7a 00 1F DC A6 1b7e 00 1F DC C4 1b82 00 1F DC D6 1b86 00 1F DC F4 1b8a 00 1F DD 42 1b8e 00 1F DD 6C 1b92 00 1F DD 96 ---------------- knife projectile 1b96 00 1F DD B4 1b9a 00 1F DD D2 1b9e 00 1F DD FC 1ba2 00 1F DE 1A 1ba6 00 1F DE 44 1baa 00 1F DE 62 1bae 00 1F DE 8C 1bb2 00 1F DE AA ------------------- flames of cobra jaffar 1bb6 00 1F DE C8 1bba 00 1F DF 16 1bbe 00 1f df 70 1bc2 00 1F DF CA 1bc6 00 1F E0 54 1bca 00 1F E0 BA 1bce 00 1F E1 14 ----------------------- ??????? 1bd2 00 1F E1 62 1bd6 00 1F E1 A4 1bda 00 1F E1 C2 1bde 00 1F E1 EC 1be2 00 1F E2 0A 1be6 00 1F E2 34 1bea 00 1F E2 6A 1bee 00 1F E2 94 1bf2 00 1F E2 BE ------------------------------ shiva projectile 1bf6 00 1F E2 D0 1bfa 00 1F E2 E2 1bfe 00 1F E2 F4 1c02 00 1F E3 06 1c06 00 1F E3 18 ----------------------- spawn ghost 1c0a 00 1F E3 2A 1c0e 00 1F E3 78 1c12 00 1F E3 C6 1c16 00 1F E4 14 ----------------- pot being trow 1c1a 00 1F E4 62 1c1e 00 1F E4 74 1c22 00 1F E4 86 1c26 00 1F E4 98 1c2a 00 1F E4 AA 1c2e 00 1F E4 BC 1c32 00 1F E4 DA 1c36 00 1F E4 F8 1c3a 00 1F E5 22 1c3e 00 1F E5 64 1c42 00 1F E5 BE ----------------------- spike in the ground 1c46 00 1F E6 24 1c4a 00 1F E6 42 1c4e 00 1F E6 6C 1c52 00 1F E6 A2 -------------------- spit 1c56 00 1F E6 CC 1c5a 00 1F E6 EA 1c5e 00 1F E7 14 1c62 00 1F E7 26 1c66 00 1F E7 38 1c6a 00 1F E7 4A 1c6e 00 1F E7 68 1c72 00 1F E7 86 1c76 00 1F E7 A4 1c7a 00 1F E7 C2 ------------------------ spike in the wall 1c7e 00 1F E7 E0 1c82 00 1F E7 FE 1c86 00 1F E8 1C 1c8a 00 1F E8 52 1c8e 00 1F E8 88 1c92 00 1F E8 CA -------------------- apple sliced 1c96 00 1F E8 F4 1c9a 00 1F E9 12 1c9e 00 1F E9 3C 1ca2 00 1F E9 7E 1ca6 00 1F E9 90 1caa 00 1F E9 A2 1cae 00 1F E9 B4
You mind making a page for Sega Retro on this stuff? Disney's Aladdin/Technical information You could use Ristar/Technical information for guidance.
In the offset "0x1dbe" we can see this code Code (Text): 00 1a f4 68 ori.b #0x68,(A2) This code it is referent to the apples function (when you touch a apple you gain 1 apple) now let's go to the offset "0x1d96" Code (Text): 00 1a f5 16 ori.b #0x16,(A2)+ This is the code for the black lamp, when you touch it, the lamp explodes and damages nearby enemies Now let's go again to the "0x1dbe" offset and change the values of "00 1a f4 68" to "00 1a f5 16". With this change every time that you pick up an apple it will explode like a black lamp. We can change all the entities function with this logic. We can make a projectile of a enemie restore our health, make an enemy sell you items or even make an item like an apple damage you. more examples: Here is the list of the entities function note: incomplete Code (Text): 0x1CC2 flagpole 00 1A FD 84 0x1CC6 00 1A FF 82 0x1CCA iago 00 1A ED 86 0x1CCE boss iago 00 1A ED A6 0x1cd2 bat 00 1A E9 C6 0x1CD6 pot thrower 00 1A E9 DA 0x1CDA green snake 00 1A E9 C6 0x1CDE solid? 00 1A E7 22 0x1CE2 00 1A E7 22 0x1CE6 knife juggler 00 1A E9 C6 0x1CEE statue 00 1A E9 A8 0x1CF2 00 1A EB 7A 0x1CF6 snake of the snake charmer 00 1A E9 C6 0x1CFA snake charmer 00 1A E9 DA 0x1CFE Razoul 00 1A E9 C6 0x1D02 jaffar cobra 00 1A F1 10 0x1D06 jaffar 00 1A F1 10 0x1D0A ? 00 1A E9 C6 0x1D0E apple thief 00 1A EB FE 0x1D12 apple thief 00 1A E9 78 0x1D16 skeleton 00 1A E9 C6 0x1D1A ghost 00 1A E9 C6 0x1D1E monkey statue red 00 1A EA 48 0x1D22 monkey statue red 00 1A EA 48 0x1D26 monkey statue red - first 00 1A E9 E0 0x1D2A monkey statue second 00 1A EA 00 0x1D2E monkey statue red - last 00 1A EA 24 0x1D32 Fazahl 00 1A E9 C6 0x1D36 Zagoolien (hurt by charcoal) 00 1A E7 96 0x1D3A hakim normal 00 1A E7 96 0x1D4E Fazahl 00 1A E9 C6 0x1D42 Zagoolien normal 00 1A E7 96 0x1D46 hakim standing still 00 1A E7 96 0x1D4A pot that give you gem 00 1A EE CA 0x1D4E ? 00 1A EE DE 0x1D62 save abu 00 1A F4 00 0x1D66 pot 00 1A E9 C6 0x1D6A ? 00 1A EB FE 0x1D6E fish spit 00 1A EE 40 0x1D72 projectile of knife juggler, Fazahl, Gazeem, Razoul 00 1A EE 40 0x1D76 statue projectile 00 1A EE 40 0x1D7A barrel 00 1A ED A8 0x1D7E fire of cave boss 00 1A EE 18 0x1D82 skeleton bones 00 1A EE 40 0x1D86 lava splash 00 1A EB 7C 0x1D8A ? 00 1A F4 A0 0x1D8E genie tokens 00 1A F4 D8 0x1D92 ? 00 1A F4 68 0x1D96 black lamp 00 1A F5 16 0x1D9A 3 scrab of the 2 stage 00 1A F3 44 0x1D9E give 150 points 00 1A F4 A0 0x1DA2 give 150 points 00 1A F4 A0 0x1DA6 gem 00 1A F2 28 0x1DAA gem in the pot 00 1A F2 1E 0x1DAE beat the level 00 1A F3 44 0x1DB2 mil pontos (genie lamp) 00 1A F3 84 0x1DB6 scrab 00 1A F2 B0 0x1DBA scrab 00 1A F2 FA 0x1DBE apple 00 01 F4 68 0x1DC2 abu token 00 1A F3 C2 0x1DC6 apple slice 00 1A F2 64 0x1DCA checkpoint 00 1A E6 4C 0x1DCE genie hearth 00 1A EF 12 0x1DD2? 00 1A EE E0 0x1DD6 life 00 1A EF 5C 0x1DDA flute next to the apple thief 00 1A EF B0 0x1DDE flute next to Zagoolien 1 00 1A EF DC 0x1DE2 flute next to Zagoolien 2 00 1A F0 08 0x1DE6 last flute 00 1A F0 34 0x1DEA the penultimate flute (optional) 00 1A F0 60 0x1DEE first flute 00 1A F0 8C 0x1DF2 jaffar tractor 00 1A F0 B8 0x1DF6 genie hand spring 00 1A FC D2 0x1DFA genie spring 00 1A FC 4E 0x1DFE genie ballon 00 1A F8 F6 0x1E02 genie ballon 00 1A F8 F6 0x1E06 stationary genie hand plataform 00 1A F7 9E 0x1E0A rotary genie hand plataform 00 1A F7 9E 0x1E0E giant rock of the rug ride 00 1A F7 F2 0x1E12 falling block desert stage (1) 00 1A F5 90 0x1E16 falling block desert stage (2) 00 1A F5 90 0x1E1A disappearing blocks (sultan dungeon) 00 1A F5 90 0x1E1E disappearing blocks (sultan dungeon) 00 1A F5 90 0x1E22 spawn ghost 00 1A E9 C6 0x1E26 ? 00 1A F5 3E 0x1E2A 00 1A F5 4A 0x1E2E 00 1A F5 56 0x1E32 00 1A F5 62 0x1E36 ? 00 1A F6 38 0x1E3A ? 00 1A F6 AC 0x1E3E 00 1A F6 DC 0x1E42 00 1A F6 DC 0x1E46 plataform sink 00 1A F8 1C 0x1E4A plataform sink 00 1A F8 1C 0x1E4E 00 1A F8 94 0x1E52 dromedary 00 1A FB F4 0x1E56 last dromedary 00 1A FB F4 0x1E5A flamingo 00 1A F7 40 0x1E5E flamingo 00 1A F7 40 0x1E62 00 1A F9 78 0x1E66 falling plataform (Agrabah Market) 00 1A F9 78 0x1E6A falling plataform (Agrabah Market) 00 1A F9 78 0x1E6E secret plataform (Agrabah Rooftops) 00 1A F9 78 0x1E72 ? 00 1A EE 40 0x1E76 magic rope 00 1A FB 36 0x1E7A magic rope 00 1A FB 36 0x1E7E magic rope 00 1A FB 36 0x1E82 magic rope 00 1A FB 36 0x1E86 magic rope 00 1A FB 36 0x1E8A magic rope 00 1A FB 36 0x1E8E plataform waterfall 00 1A FA 84 0x1E92 waterfall 00 1A FA 84 0x1E96 plataform cave 00 1A F9 F6 0x1E9A plataform cave (falling) 00 1A F9 F6 0x1E9E chain ball 00 1A EB DC 0x1EA2 spike in the ground (desert) 00 1A EB 7C 0x1EA6 spike wall 00 1A EB DC 0x1EAA fire of the cobra jaffar 00 1A E9 D4 0x1EAE pot that contain the magic rope ? 00 1A E9 C6 0x1EB2 giant rock 00 1A EB A4 0x1EB6 peddler’s stall 00 1A FE 1C 0x1EBA ? 00 1B 65 BE 0x1EBE not solid 00 1A BF 9A 0x1EC2 apple splat 00 1A BF 8E 0x1EC6 iago hit by projectiles 00 1A C0 EE 0x1ECA iago boss hit by projectiles 00 1A C1 02 0x1ECE bat hit by projectiles 00 1A C1 B4 0x1ED2 pot trower hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 58 0x1ED6 green snake hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 58 0x1EDA ? splat 00 1A BF 8E 1EDE ? 00 1A BF 8E 0x1EE2 knife juggler hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 58 0x1EE6 fish hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 58 0x1EEA statue hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 58 0x1EEE ? falling 00 1A C6 0E 0x1EF2 snake charmer hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 58 0x1EF6 snake of the snake charmer hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 58 0x1EFA Razoul hit by projectiles 00 1A C2 BC 0x1EFE cobra jaffar hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 E8 0x1F02 jaffar hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 E8 0x1F06 gazee dying hit by projectiles 00 1A C1 D0 0x1F0A apple splat 00 1A C6 14 0x1F0E apple thief hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 58 0x1F12 skeleton hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 58 0x1F16 ghost hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 58 0x1F1A sub boss (5th stage) hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 DE 0x1F1E sub boss (5th stage) hit by projectiles when he in the air 00 1A C4 DE 0x1F22 1 monkey statue hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 08 0x1F26 2 monkey statue hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 32 0x1F2A 3 monkey statue hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 44 0x1F2E Fazahl hit by projectiles 00 1A C3 50 0x1F32 Zagoolien walking hit by projectiles 00 1A C3 18 0x1F36 Hakim walking hit by projectiles 00 1A C2 E0 0x1F3A Fazahl (stationary) 00 1A C3 50 0x1F3E Zagoolien (stationary) hit by projectiles 00 1A C3 34 0x1F42 Hakim (stationary) hit by projectiles 00 1A C2 FC 0x1F46 pot that give you gem hit by projectiles 00 1A BF F0 0x1F4A ? 00 1A C0 3E 0x1F4E ? 00 1A C0 5A 0x1F52 ? 00 1A C0 76 0x1F56 ? 150 points 00 1A C0 7C 0x1F5A ? save abu 00 1A C0 98 0x1F5E 00 1B 65 BE 0x1F62 pot hit by projectiles 00 1A C4 58 0x1F66 3 stage key to market hit by projectiles 00 1A C6 3C 0x1F6A 00 1B 65 BE 0x1F6E not solid all knifes hit by projectiles 00 1A C6 A2 0x1F72 projectile of the shiva statues hit by projectiles 00 1A C6 A2 0x1F76 not solid barrel hit by projectiles 00 1A C6 76 0x1F7A fire of the sub boss (5th stage) hit by projectiles 00 1A C6 82 0x1F7E Bones hit by projectiles 00 1A C6 A2
Just a small correction: This is NOT code. It is an offset and disassembling it as code results in non-sensical code. Everything from 0x06AA to 0x1F81 is actually a huge list of ROM locations. Some of those offsets (e.g. those that you have found) are pointing to code, which can be disassembled. Code (Text): 1AF516 6100 EDC2 BSR $1AE2DA 1AF51A 6620 BNE.S $1AF53C 1AF51C 12BC 0082 MOVE.B #$82, (A1)
I think that I have post everything that I find, later on when I start to hacking this game again, I will update this thread, meanwhile you guys can check out some cheat codes that I made for this game. https://pastebin.com/tbEY2nPg
Okay, it's appear that this game used the "Digicel" process https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Aladdin_(video_game)
here is the level order table, credits go to the user Billytime at the gamehacking.org for find it At offset 004080 in the usa version lies a level order table. Here is the list of levels: 01 - Agrabah Market 02 - Abu In Agrabah 03 - The Desert 04 - Sultan's Dungeon 05 - Cave of Wonders 06 - Abu In The Cave 07 - The Escape 08 - Rug Ride 09 - Inside The Lamp 0A - Sultan's Palace 0B - Jafar's Palace 0C - Final Boss 0D - Give Up Street Rat (Game Over)
Code (Text): 1B7864 = aladdin 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 1D 9A 10 1B7878 = aladdin damage 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E0 00 00 12 1C CE 18 1B788C = abu cutscene death screen 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E0 00 00 12 1C B0 08 1B78A0 = magic carpet 5E 00 30 00 00 00 00 11 F7 46 60 00 00 12 30 72 0B 1B78B4 = magic carpet lying down (9 stage) 5F 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 31 2C 0B 1B78C8 = magic carpert 84 00 20 20 00 00 00 11 F7 A6 60 00 00 12 31 54 00 1B78DC = flamingo 67 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 32 74 05 1B78F0 = magic rope 84 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 43 18 00 1B7904 = magic rope 6E 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 3D EA 03 1B7918 = apple projectile 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 F6 D4 60 00 00 12 2B 58 01 1B792C = projectile splat 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 2D D8 03 1B7940 = poof (explosion when a enemy dies) 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 2F A2 06 1B7954 = light (explosion when a enemy die) 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 30 12 02 1B7968 = text 85 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 1B797C = shiny dust star genie intro 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 2F 80 01 1B7990 = ? 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 0A 1B79A4 = apple cut 84 00 40 00 00 FF 00 12 03 E0 60 00 00 12 2B 9C 00 1B79BA = ? crash 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 1B79CC = life token 46 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 2C 66 02 1B79E0 = checkpoint 43 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 44 50 03 1B79F6 = ? 01 00 00 00 00 11 F6 EC 60 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 1B7A08 = tiny apple 5A 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 2C 1A 00 1B7A1C = block 2 stage 55 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 12 2D 54 04 1B7A30 = flagpole 01 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 2D 92 03 1B7A44 = menu sword 84 03 08 00 0A 00 00 11 F6 FE 60 00 00 12 2D EE 01 1B7A58 = ? 84 01 40 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 1B7A6C = iago 03 01 20 00 14 00 00 11 F7 2C 60 00 00 12 2D F2 12 1B7A80 = bats 05 01 20 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 51 A6 04 1B7A94 = bats (apu bonus level) 05 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 51 FC 04 1B7AA8 = bats group 05 00 20 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 52 28 04 1B7ABC = shiny dust pick up (apple, gem, heart, life, flute) 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 2F 80 01 1B7AD0 = spit dromedary 7F 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 57 76 01 1B7AE4 = pot give you gem 23 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 31 98 03 1B7AF8 = pot of the pot thrower 2A 00 21 00 00 00 00 12 0F 76 60 00 00 12 31 DC 03 1B7B0C = 3 stage key to market 2B 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 3F E4 07 1B7B20 = smoke of the key to market 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 40 0E 01 1B7B34 = pot thrower 06 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 32 00 03 1B7B48 = load intro scrab 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 12 03 60 40 00 00 12 32 D8 35 1B7B5C = shiny dust star fall to the ground 84 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 2F 80 01 1B7B70 = abu release 29 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 1D 5A 0E 1B7B84 = Razoul 10 09 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 39 CA 0C 1B7B98 = big smoke (9 stage boss) 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 12 4C 9C 09 1B7BAC = machine of boss iago 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 4C C0 0F 1B7BC0 = boss iago 04 0A 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 4B DC 05 1B7BD4 = barrel 2F 00 01 00 00 00 00 12 0A CC 60 00 00 12 3A 68 04 1B7BE8 = barrel (iago boss) 2F 00 00 00 00 FF 00 12 03 D0 60 00 00 12 3A 7E 04 1B7BFC = barrel (first boss and apu bonus level) 2F 00 01 00 00 00 00 12 0A CC 60 00 00 12 3A 68 04 1B7C10 = Fazahl 1D 01 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 34 0C 0A 1B7C24 = Zagoolien 1E 01 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 36 14 0F 1B7C38 = Hakim 1F 01 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 39 00 09 1B7C4C = merchant 87 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 3B 38 0B 1B7C60 = peddrel staff 84 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 3C 84 18 1B7C74 = snake charmer 0F 01 20 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 3C F8 05 1B7C88 = snake of the snake charmer 84 01 00 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 3D 34 02 1B7C9C = Black block (2 stage) 84 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 3E 76 00 1B7CB0 = knife projectile 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 F6 D4 60 00 00 12 3E E8 02 1B7CC4 = black lamp explosion 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 3E 7E 12 1B7CD8 = explosion genie token 8D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 40 CE 07 1B7CEC = explosion genie token 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 40 CE 02 1B7D00 = gem, apu token, flagpole shiny 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 2F 38 01 1B7D14 = treasure shiny 84 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 2F 4E 01 1B7D28 = logo intro genie 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 5B C6 10 1B7D3C = logo intro iago 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 12 16 84 60 00 00 12 5F 5A 04 1B7D50 = star iago intro 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 12 16 AA 60 00 00 12 60 30 01 1B7D64 = genie disney and virgin intro 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 12 09 C6 60 00 00 12 3E C2 0C 1B7D78 = falling plataform 69 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 40 46 05 1B7D8C = falling plataform (apple market) 6A 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 40 4A 05 1B7DA0 = rock of plataform (cave of wonders) 89 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 41 F8 02 1B7DB4 = falling plataform cave (cave of wonders) 76 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 41 94 05 1B7DC8 = magic carpet (7 stage) 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 15 2A 60 00 00 12 31 30 0B 1B7DDC = ball in chain 84 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 42 26 05 1B7DF0 = ball in chain 84 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 42 26 05 1B7E04 = Genie "Made you look" sprites (Game Over screen) 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 43 4C 17 1B7E18 = life and scrab shiny 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 43 B4 05 1B7E2C = fire in charcoal 8C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 44 08 05 1B7E40 = barrel get destroying 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 44 98 10 1B7E54 = dromedary 65 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 44 AC 0E 1B7E68 = plataform cave (waterspring) 74 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 44 E6 05 1B7E7C = waterspring 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 44 EA 0B 1B7E90 = cobra jaffar 11 14 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 45 18 10 1B7EA4 = jaffar 12 0A 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 51 2C 0E 1B7EB8 = Fire in charcoal (eternal) 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 44 36 05 1B7ECC = footprints in the sand 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 45 CC 00 1B7EE0 = big lava splash 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 12 45 E4 0E 1B7EF4 = lava splash 32 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 12 46 16 0E 1B7F08 = feathers of the iago enemy 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 0A A4 60 00 00 12 2E 96 00 1B7F1C = Gazeem 13 0A 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 46 58 07 1B7F30 = apple thief 14 01 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 47 66 07 1B7F44 = 5 cave boss 84 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 48 EA 13 1B7F58 = fire of cave boss 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 03 C0 40 00 00 12 51 0A 06 1B7F6C = cave boss plataform 8B 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 4A 2E 06 1B7F80 = genie hands spring 4E 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 4B 16 0B 1B7F94 = genie spring 4F 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 4B 3A 06 1B7FA8 = genie ballon 50 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 0B 1B7FBC = plataform final 5 stage 64 00 30 00 00 00 00 12 0B 36 00 00 00 12 4C D8 08 1B7FD0 = plataform sink 6 stage 62 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 12 4C E0 07 1B7FE4 = plataform sink 5 stage 62 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 4C DC 06 1B7FF8 = red monkey statue 1A 03 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 4C E4 09 1B800C = sparky monkey statue 84 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 4C F8 04 1B8020 = skeleton 16 01 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 4D 38 0B 1B8034 = bones 31 00 01 00 00 00 00 12 0B 62 40 00 00 12 4F 96 00 1B8048 = bones 31 00 01 00 00 00 00 12 0B 62 40 00 00 12 50 28 00 1B805C = little rocks falling off the ceiling (5 stage) 84 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 12 50 BA 00 1B8070 = green snake 07 02 21 00 00 00 00 12 16 C6 40 00 00 12 52 F0 06 1B8084 = disappearing blocks (sultan dungeon) 58 02 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 53 92 04 1B8098 = spit of dromedary 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 53 FC 01 1B80AC = knife juggler 0A 01 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 54 2A 09 1B80C0 = stationary genie hand plataform 52 00 20 00 00 00 00 12 0D 7A 60 00 00 12 54 8E 04 1B80D4 = stationary genie hand plataform 52 00 30 00 00 00 00 12 13 00 60 00 00 12 53 E8 04 1B80E8 = rotatory plataform hand genie 53 00 30 00 00 00 00 12 0E AA 60 00 00 12 56 EE 04 1B80FC = black lamp 36 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 57 0C 06 1B8110 = dust 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 31 58 04 1B8124 = dust 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 31 58 04 1B8138 = genie hand up 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 58 5C 07 1B814C = apples slice 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 58 74 01 1B8160 = giant rock rug ride stage 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 58 78 0C 1B8174 = ghost 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 0F DE 40 00 00 12 58 7C 05 1B8188 = fall in water 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 58 A6 02 1B819C = pot that contain the magic rope 7C 00 01 00 00 00 00 12 11 8A 00 00 00 12 59 16 03 1B81B0 = pot that contain the magic rope 7C 00 40 00 00 00 00 12 11 80 20 00 00 12 59 16 03 1B81C4 = pot that contain the magic rope 7C 00 01 00 00 00 00 12 11 8A 20 00 00 12 59 16 03 1B81D8 = rolling rock 7D 00 21 00 00 00 00 12 11 C4 00 00 00 12 59 40 15 1B81EC = shiva staue 0C 01 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 59 52 0A 1B8200 = projectile of the shiva statues 2E 00 01 00 00 00 00 11 F6 D4 60 00 00 12 59 A6 00 1B8214 = fire of the cobra jaffar 7B 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 12 0E 40 00 00 12 43 E2 0A 1B8228 = fish 0B 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 59 C0 05 1B823C = spit fish 2C 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 F6 D4 60 00 00 12 53 FC 01 1B8250 = spike in the ground 79 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 5A 4C 02 1B8264 = spike wall 7A 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 5A 68 03 1B8278 = spawn ghost 59 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 5A FE 04 1B828C = music notes 84 00 00 00 00 FF 00 12 12 56 60 00 00 12 5B 86 00 1B82A0 = splash water 84 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 5C 26 05 1B82B4 = apu stomping in guard 84 00 20 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 5C C6 05 1B82C8 = abu celebrating 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 5D 12 0E 1B82DC = red statue monkey 84 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 4C E4 09 1B82F0 = plataform cave (waterfall) 74 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 44 E6 05 1B8304 = brilho e explosion like genie token 84 00 01 00 00 00 00 12 14 12 60 00 00 12 5D 58 01 1B8318 = abu intro 84 00 08 00 00 FF 00 12 03 D8 60 00 00 12 5D C4 05 1B832C = abu correndo 84 00 08 00 00 FF 00 12 03 D8 60 00 00 12 61 D0 10 1B8340 = aladdin and jasmine in the rug 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 12 17 A2 60 00 00 12 62 0A 05 1B8354 = ? invisivel brilho? 84 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 5D EA 04 1B8368 = scrab 1 (2 stage) 3D 00 00 00 32 00 00 12 14 6C 60 00 00 12 43 90 01 1B837C = feathers 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 12 0A A4 60 00 00 12 2E 96 00 1B8390 = apu spiting water 84 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 60 42 04 1B83A4 = water being spiting 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 60 56 03 1B83B8 = jaffar tractor 4D 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 17 10 60 00 00 12 60 74 01 1B83CC = fire of the cobra jaffar 7B 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 17 1C 40 00 00 12 43 E2 0A 1B83E0 = iago cutscene 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 60 9E 03 1B83F4 = aladdin ladder sprite - cutscene 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 60 EA 09 1B8408 = blue explosion, aladdin ladder cutscene and pot that give you gem 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 3E 7E 12 1B841C = lamp cutscene not 9 fase 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 12 3F 7E 02 1B8430 = life bonus round 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 60 DA 0D 1B8444 = genie token in genie bonus 84 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 2C 1E 06 1B8458 = stars of the guard being stomping 84 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 60 30 01 1B846C = clock of the genie intro logo 84 00 08 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 12 61 18 00 I gonna try to explain the best way possible about this address list above, every address in this list contain the ID of an entity, his movement and his sprites. Lets pick for example the offset 1B8070 and lets analyze it 0x1B8070 Code (Text): 07 02 21 00 00 00 00 12 16 C6 40 00 00 12 52 F0 06 The first byte refers to the char id, since it starts with “07”, this code is from the green snake. Now let's change “07” to “35” which is the char id of the apple... if we get in contact with the green snake, we'll collect it as an apple. now let's change it back to “07” to make other changes. I'm going to show you how to turn the green snake into iago step by step At the offset 1B8077 change "12 16 C6 40" to "11 F7 2C 60" explanation: 12 16 C6 40 = is the green snake movement code. 11 F7 2C 60 = is the iago movement code. After modification, the green snake will act like this: Now let's go to offset 1B807D and change bytes “12 52 F0 06” to “12 2D F2 12” explanation “12 52 F0 06” is the green snake's sprite code. “12 2D F2 12” is the iago sprite code. After this modification, the green snake will have the iago sprites as we can see in the gif below: However, he doesn't act like an iago. The movement is not correct and he does not die like yago. He still dies like the green snake, and he can handle 3 apples instead of 1. Iago must die like this: https://i.imgur.com/10oDS6n.mp4 Let's take a look at the iago code, it starts at offset 1B7A6C: 0x:1B7A6C Code (Text): 03 01 20 00 14 00 00 11 F7 2C 60 00 00 12 2D F2 12 now let's go back to offset 1B8070 and change “07” to “03” which is iago's char id and see what happens https://i.imgur.com/jF88kQm.mp4 Well, now he's dying like a iago, and it only takes an apple to kill him, but he still doesn't move like a iago and also the sprite of the defeated iago doesn't disappear. Let's go to offset 1B8072 and change "21" to "20" https://i.imgur.com/5ZEc5t7.mp4 Now all the green snakes are acting exactly like iago. The movement is correct and the defeated iago's sprite disappears.
So, I was trying to change the spikes on the ground (2 stage) to the green snake, using the method above, but the result was this: technically the spikes are acting like the green snake, but as we can see the sprites arent right. well, as I previously point out, the offset for the spike on the ground is "1B8250". So, I decided search in the rom for "1B 82 50" as hexadecimal values... the result lead me in the offset "1B6F21" Code (Text): 001b6f1e 4d f9 00 1b 82 50 lea (LAB_001b824e+2).l,A6 001b6f24 61 00 e3 38 bsr.w FUN_001b525e 001b6f28 66 08 bne.b LAB_001b6f32 001b6f2a 2b 7c 00 12 5a 4c 00 20 move.l #DAT_00125a4c,(0x20,A5) If we go to the offset 1B6F21 and change the hex values "1b 82 50" to "1B 80 70" and then we go to the offset 1B6F2D and change the hex values "12 5A 4C" to "12 52 F0", we gonna obtain the desired result. I dont know why in the case of the spikes on the grounds we can't use the same method that I used to turn the green snake in iago, but this new method works fine.