I originally had this idea ages ago when I listened to that Sonic 2 ending a cappella here: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQtul8Uz1KA&feature=related[/youtube] And now I've just 'ran' into other tunes that have lyrics done for them. eg. this one (*shivers*) [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8gMj6MyIRc[/youtube] So I thought it could be interesting what people come up with - this I guess would be different to the "mash-up" thread, as it's using a different focus to that one. Have fun [I wouldn't know how you make them myself ^^;]!
Dreams Come True already did this. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6bYHxwJv24[/youtube] Edit: removed unnecessary embed.
There's loads of these all over Youtube. I tend to avoid listening to them for two reasons. One, most of them are ear-bleedingly terrible, and two, they get stuck in your head and make it impossible to hear the original without remembering the lyrics.
That used to be one of my things going on a decade ago back at Sonic HQ's forum. I still have what I did on my very old Angelfire site.
Yeah, I do put things like Dreams Come True at the top of my list, because those are the closest we'll get to having an official version of Sonic music with lyrics. But I like these too! I always liked this version of Green Hill Zone called Green Hill Coastin. Speaking of Elson Wong, him and Smooth4Lyfe have both made lyrical renditions of other Sonic tunes. They have some great stuff. EDIT: Just remembered. Let's not forget the epic song Knuckleduster.
Well this song also manages to be the greatest song ever. I'm always singing along to Sonic songs. Also: relevant.
I did purely acapella remixes of a couple Sonic songs a few years ago, do these count? http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/104556 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/104559 And let us not forget the guy whose life was flip turned up and down and all around:
My sister and I used to chant "Big Ears, Noodle Noggin" ad nauseum over the main theme to Mean Bean Machine.
Knuckleduster is amazing. It should be godawful, and it probably is, but in my eyes it's incredible, and amazing.
Don't you mean, in you ears? :specialed: Anyways, I just remembered three more. Listed in order from best to worst, in my opinion of course, Oil Ocean (WT-40 Mix), Lover Reef, and Memories Frozen in Time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36fBjDCKrfE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUOSknSaGX0
Heck Yeah for Knuckleduster! I love the Animatic video by back2s0ul, you guys should check it out. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kopcy1u4Ie0[/media]
There were also very good lyrics of Sonic 1 game (Ok well done, you have made it, time to chill out - and take a piss is the best part I remember! And some reason those videos have been taken down . They vere very hilarious, done by some british guy. I couldnt sadly find those videos, otherwise I'd had post them here. He also did Hydrocity, Labyrinth Zone, Angel Island and Sonic 2 Emerald hill. I try to search, maybe I'm able to hunt these down. E: Ok, phew, Found 1 of em http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHjs35L2VOI
Marble Garden 1. An inside joke developed during our housewarming. We sung to the melody of the bassline. "Paul'll have broken legs". Fits quite well lol. On a serious note, I've never been keen on someone singing the main melody from classic tunes. I just love them too much. =P
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2WJQGRZMzg Throwin' my hat in the ring here. I used to have a band in high school and we played local shows and shit and we'd always learn video game tunes and put dumb lyrics to them.
I'm usually not a fan of this heavier style of music....but I need a towel to clean up. I loved this! My favorite part was the sonic 3 miniboss part. That song was made to have lyrics.