Resident Bipolar Disorder "sufferer" here, calling bullshit. An asshole is still an asshole whether or not it stinks, and is brown or pink.
I have been trying to keep from this discussion as much as possible, sadly it's too addicting to leave it alone. I don't know x64 too well, so I guess I'll take your word for it. But if what happened was enough to get him out of (most of) the Internet, I don't know. The night this topic was created, x64 first banned, then outright deleted Peter's account from Pound Stuff. Skaarg, in retrospect, wasn't what you did to the board pretty much doing what he did to us (albeit on a much lower level)? Unless that wasn't you? One last thing about x64 and Peter: they're idiots, we know, but IT'S OVER NOW. Can we move on? I did; I continued working with Sonic & Knuckles in the time this thread has been open. And as far as password security goes, we need to remember that no password is totally secure. Someone will always find a way around even the most randomized, tl;dr password. Account security is a serious issue, but now that these shenanigans are over, I feel it is time to just drop this paranoia about these members coming back and looking toward the future. Sonic Retro has survived worse.
Agreed. Otherwise we may as well just lay down our swords here, because living in paranoia is a far worse experience. If more shit happens in the future we can deal with it then, knowing that we took every precaution possible, but otherwise let's just go about our way.
That still doesn't change the fact that the members who haven't changed their passwords aren't at risk. You can't just sweep under a rug and hope it will go away. Those who haven't taken the precaution of changing their password should do so as soon as possible. It's better to be safe than sorry.
Yes, having their passwords changed is important. Spending time worrying about when and how those accounts will be jeopardized isn't. Keeping strictly on the topic of account security, I have a question: have people with jeopardized accounts been contacted face to face/text window to text window/Skype to Skype/etc. yet? If not, it may be something to look into. And just out of curiosity, do some of the members even come here anymoer?
I am proud to say I now have the most secure password on the forums. 100 random characters, alphanumeric and punctuation. I encourage others to do likewise.
Missing the message here, champ. Several people have easily-cracked passwords like "shadow", "sonic", "123456", etc. That's the problem.
Ironically, I used to hang out with Peter, and got on quite well. Anyway, my account was actually taken over by them. They don't care who they piss off it seems. Last time I saw pete, I actually had a genuine apology off him, for something I won't go into details about (happened IRL), but you could see it was genuine. That may have been the last shred of decency he had. I just hope that the good old peter, who I used to adore back in 2003 is still in there somewhere.
I like to think that everybody has some decency, people have bad lives outside of the internet, so put their rape faces on and get all hard to bother people on the internet.
I'll just say that you really can't tell anything about real life people from how they act on the internet, and trying is an exercise in pure futility.
I'll admit it's not something I was proud of doing, but I felt it was the only way I could get my point across to him that I wanted nothing more to do with him and his community. Every person that has tried to abandon him and #stuff in the past has been barraged by x64 trying to get them to stay and be his "friend". To elaborate on how x64 tries to keep people in his circle last night on my cell phone I had 2 missed calls and a string of 6 text messages with the following: I replied to this just saying I was at work, and I'm not going to deal with it now and he says this stuff about how he's at work and breaking down in his cube. At first this might seem very sincere, but the thing is I've seen these words before. These are similar to words he's told people such as Tweaker to get them to stay friends with him, and then he's turned on them. Despite what he may say about how he took the moral high road he and harrosin are the ones that told peter to buy that cart mentioned in the oldbie lounge. Peter was skeptical at first, but was being pushed by x64 and harrosin which is why he left them. Another thing about x64 where he donated the "stuffcon fund" to Retro. If it is even true just to note not a dime of that money was his. I know about $20 was mine if I recall and the rest belonged to other members so don't bother thanking x64 for that. I don't think anyone will have a problem with it ending up here I know I don't because I was just figuring it as a "poor investment". =P I've talked to peter yesterday about things, and he seems he wants to remove himself completely from what #stuff and people like x64 tried to make him do. I'm not sure if he'll come around this community anymore. Anyways I say we move on from this because hopefully it is all finished now.
What was left of him is gone. The big bad x64 monster gobbled him all up......Then spit out the monster he is now.