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Account Security

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Tweaker, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. Tweaker


    It appears several of you have never read this topic or got the mass email we sent regarding the incident. Allow me to reiterate:

    Several banned users such as Tongara and x64—widely associated with spinoff community PoundStuff—have had found their IPs and useragents matched to several compromised accounts of users who never got our original mass email regarding a database hijack. Among users who have been found to have had their accounts hijacked include (but are not limited to) Yarharhar, Ashura2k, Blue Cheese, and Perfect Chaos Zero. Each of these users have had their passwords reset and an email sent their way regarding the security of their account.

    THIS HAS NOT STOPPED BECOMING AN ISSUE. If you have not changed your password since we made this initial announcement, your account is still at risk. Several members in the oldbies group in particular have already had their accounts compromised; users with higher-level forum access are far more likely to be subject to abuse, so it's strongly advised that if you have not changed your password as of the database compromise that you do so immediately. If you changed your passwords as of our previous mass email, your account is still safe.

    Examples of the negative consequences of such account hijacks can be seen in this forum topic.

    Please bear with us as we try and keep this apparent breach in account security as painless as possible.
  2. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    Has my account been breached Tweaker? I was planning on changing my password anyway. I don't think I got your mass email though.

    edit: Doesn't matter now. My password is changed to a much more complex password.

    Edit2: Ouch I think I was close to having a seizure trying to look at x64's page. Those vandal pages hurt.
  3. Flygon


    I really should change my password in that case, why I didn't before I don't know. =\
  4. Xkeeper


    lgkdfvlbjepasvdjzcvpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Researcher
    the bone zone

    Go here and make yourself a new 12-16 (or more) character password, write it down or put it in a text file somewhere, and change your password to it.

    Doing this for every site you visit and keeping a list only you can access will greatly help you.
  5. Tweaker


    Also, I may as well put this out there—if you find it funny, appropriate, or otherwise a positive course of action to support these complete and utter pricks in their little escapades against Sonic Retro like a certain choice few members of this forum seem to think, then I suggest you let us know right up front so we can boot you out right now. I am so, so tired of seeing fake-assed double agent fucks swarm their slimy little necks throughout these communities with the sole purpose of starting up drama and trouble, and we will not hesitate to take you out at a moment's notice if it happens again from this point forward.

    Normally I don't give a shit what people do outside of this forum, but this is where the line is drawn. If you actively encourage or do anything short of condemn this kind of ridiculous, detrimental conduct, then consider your membership here utterly null and void. This forum has been through enough already, and we're breaking our fucking backs trying to make sure that none of you get wronged by a bunch of complete fucking douchebags like the dipshits at PoundStuff. We don't need our own members trying to start shit against us now. If you don't like it here or you have a problem with the way we run things here, leave—that's the bottom line. If you find yourself incapable of leaving on your own, we will gladly show you the door. We're not going to tolerate this bullshit any more from this point forward.

    Let's keep things classy and get back on track, people. This is a goddamned Sonic the Hedgehog forum. We don't need all of this shit bringing us down.

    (Edit by Xkeeper: The original thread was deleted, links moved to an archive copy instead)
  6. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator

    I think this part needs emphasis, because the amount of drama that has been in the history of fans of this FICTIONAL ANIMAL CHARACTER, is beyond retarded.
  7. nullaccnt


    Well said, Tweaker, and nice emphasis, Aquaslash.

    People lose themselves in the drama so deeply that they forget what the hell they are here for. Those who find themselves entrenched in drama should really make the mental journey back to basics and realize that, above all, we are here to enjoy ourselves.
  8. The Shad

    The Shad

    ↑ & ↓ & ↻ Oldbie
    Now you understand why I've become more or less apathetic to this site :P
  9. NiktheGreek


    Grumpy old bastard Oldbie
    Pretty sure I changed mine at the time, but whatever. It's been changed again to prevent a pathetic bunch of Nathans wrecking my shit.
  10. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    For some reason, I've always been able to recall passwords to old videogames I used to play; some of them pretty long.

    I recently changed all my online passwords to these strings of unrelated characters (after running Google searches on them, just to be sure). Seemed like a good way to use a previously useless talent.
  11. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    You know, I'm pissed off, I thought Peter if anyone would have more decency.
  12. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    I'm sure we all thought that Tongara knew better.

    Yes, Tweaker and Aquaslash are right. This is a Sonic the Hedgehog forum. The sad part of all of that is that the community's history is filled with all sorts of outrageous drama. I think for some people it was one of the main attractions of the community which is why they joined. That kind of behavior sickens me and I'm sure that admins are sickened by it just as much as I am.

    (this was not an attempt to backseat mod. If it sounds that way my apologies. I'm actually really terrified to post my thoughts on an issue as strong as this but I felt it had to be done.)
  13. Skaarg


    Seeing as you specifically pointed me out I figure I have the right to comment on this, and if you disagree fuck off then. I DO NOT (READ MY LIPS DUSTIN) agree with the methods that people of #stuff are accessing Retro. I have never exploited this (and believe me there are oportunities), but I don't think it's right for the user that is involved nor do I want my account banned from here. I honestly wish it would stop because not only is it getting old, but it is a problem for members of this site. I honestly had thought people had stopped using other's accounts, but when that thread was created it was obvious that it was not. To point out what I find funny, and what caused me to post what I did on #stuff is that Peter was even willing to spend that much money to just poke fun at a site. I'm the one who just last fucking week saw the Sonic Rivals 2 Test Sample and the reason I bought it was for the sole purpose of dumping it and providing it to the community to see if there would be anything interesting development wise or hacking wise. To be honest if you really fucking wanted an Asian version of that cartridge you could probably ask someone on ASSEMblergames in the Want to Buy forum or any other video game site with a sales area and get it for like $10-20 compared to the $60 or more dollars Peter is spending to destroy it. Don't forget Tweaker you are solely responsible for any and all of this happening because YOU are the one who gave x64 access in the first place. Even if you make the claims about how you felt pressured or threatened you could have changed your password or had another admin do it for you immediately after you left x64's place.

    I've been trying to do my part to keep #stuff people from pissing on Retro people because they want to associate with you Tweaker, and I will make it a point on #stuff's forums that I do not want people accessing Retro if they have been banned or by using other people's accounts anymore. I wish you would help by doing your part and just putting things to rest by banning users that are in the wrong over this stupidity. In the future if you would like to inform me personally if users are breaking your rules I will handle them on #stuff.
  14. Tweaker


    Yeah... that's absolutely right. Believe the hype that tells you shit like how I so voluntarily and liberally just gave access to the site away without a second thought or any bit of hesitation. Believe everyone that tells you that the website got hacked because of a fucking ice cube. Believe all of that shit, because it must somehow make you feel better about yourself at the end of the day to know that one of your supposed "best friends" is an evil, manipulative, spineless little fucking sociopathic piece of shit who literally has no regret in their lives about the things they do to other people than the fact that their bullshit finally bit them in the ass in a way that they can't recover from. Nothing else—and I mean nothing—can justify you trying to make such a ridiculous conclusion.

    Do you want to know how x64 got access to the website? x64 literally had me on the brink of a nervous fucking breakdown after flying me all the way down (if you say "up," I will fucking ban you right now) to New Jersey, forcing me into situations I didn't fucking like at all, triggering my social anxiety to overwhelming extents to where I wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of there, and fully and admittingly taking advantage of both his physical and mental dominance over to me to gain access to a fucking website, of all things. He signed on to my AIM accounts, he harassed people on my list, he threatened my financial stability, and he had me very fucking scared for the longest fucking time that he had so much of my personal information at his disposal that he could completely and utterly fuck up my life. I gave him the password I did—a fucking fake password that wasn't even my real one—so he would stop using every waking fucking moment trying to goddamn packet sniff it and read through my fucking IRC backlog and everything else just trying to get the goddamned thing and so he wouldn't try and keep me from making my return flight back to Florida so I could get the hell away from his bullshit.

    But throughout this entire fucking ordeal—and god knows how I stayed sane while doing it—I still, still, still fucking kept the safety of this website in mind the entire fucking time. Nobody fucking saw this coming, nobody wanted it to happen, and it certainly isn't my fucking fault. If you seriously have the fucking gall to tell me to my face that this is somehow all my fucking fault that some fat lifeless fucking douchebag troll hacked our website after taking advantage of someone's life, hopes, dreams, and aspirations, then fuck you. Fuck you to the deepest, darkest pits of fucking hell and never fucking come back. I can't believe the utter audacity of you fucking people. You're so goddamned worried about the reputation of your fucking website that you're willing to make others feel like shit and suffer endless amounts of psychological abuse just for the sake of... what, exactly? A fucking laugh? Har har fucking har. It's all so fucking hilarious.

    Friends don't make other friends feel utterly helpless. Friends don't take advantage of other friends. Friends don't fucking call other friends' houses and harass them and their families. Friends don't make other friends' parents lose their jobs. DECENT FUCKING PEOPLE don't do ANY of these fucking things. Only heartless, spineless, lifeless little fucking anti-social twats do this shit, because they literally have nothing better to do with their lives than make others feel horrible just so they can inch one step above killing themselves upon the inevitable realization that nobody will ever, ever like them for who they are—just who they pretend to be. And so they all go day by day deluding themselves into thinking that they're good people; that nothing they could ever do could possibly be wrong; that everything will always go their way and if it doesn't, the world has to fucking stop and instantly start revolving around them and how they feel... except nobody will give two shits because they never stopped to think about the kind of shit they did to everyone else around them.

    So don't you fucking dare come to me and try and tell me this is my fault. And don't you dare even fucking pretend—don't even try to act like you even have the slightest fucking clue like you know what he did, how he made me feel, and like you know the sequence of events that led up to this board's hack. Don't. Fucking. Dare. You know absolutely nothing and you never fucking will.
  15. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    That explains why "Yarharhar" sent me a PM saying "he" had bought that Sonic & Knuckles cartridge.
  16. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    I don't like long posts, so I didn't read the entire topic, meaning I don't know if this has already been asked. Anyway, my question: Is anyone who registered before the 15th June in a risk now? I don't really want to change my password. :/
  17. Sabe


    I do believe it's every account created before July 15th, so yes, it's advisable that you do.
  18. NiktheGreek


    Grumpy old bastard Oldbie
    Speak for yourself. He's always been a moron.
  19. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness

    I believe the hack date was after that, so yes, change your password. Don't like it? Sorry, but there's nothing that can be done about it.

    For the record, I use a different password for every service I use - something I recommend EVERYONE doing - and it's not guessable either. I changed it anyway, just on principle.
  20. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    This right here is the fucking truth.
    I can't stand people like this.