If you guys don't know, there is a campaign to ask SEGA and Sonic Team to port Sonic Unleashed to PC, currently running by YouTuber Ruki185. If you have interests, please support this campaign by sharing this video or posting images or videos about Sonic Unleashed to any social network possible with hashtag #Unleashed4PC http://youtu.be/Gw6HQEscK_E
Echoing. SEGA already announced that they would be porting more of their past releases to PC, so something like this would just be something that we all would have to wait for them to announce.
As much as I would love Unleashed on PC, I don't think a vocal minority asking for it would help. And with it being a Sonic game, the chances of it eventually being ported to PC are higher than that of other Sega games anyway. Though Colours would probably come first because people actually like that game. I'd be fully behind a campaign for getting Jet Set Radio Future ported to PC though.
I would be all for this if I was confident in the consistency of SEGA's ports. While Sonic Heroes, Lost Worlds, Jet Set Radio, and Generations have decent ports, the Steam version of SADX has loading times and fewer options than the original PC release, Sonic Riders PC was blatantly unoptimized, Space Channel 5: Part 2 has audio/video sync issues, and the Steam version of Sonic CD is a port of the XBOX 360 port for some reason. So I'm not exactly jumping to port beg Unleashed for PC. I'm also worried what it would mean for the Generations recreations of Unleashed's best stages by extremely talented people here at Retro. (Not that SEGA has ever taken down a mod or fan game before, but that concern is still in the back of my mind.) I have never understood why we haven't gotten this ported yet. You would think the hype train around the PC version of the first game made enough to encourage also porting its sequel down the line.
Didn't we do this already :specialed: I wouldnt count on a rush of ports. Lost World was new and probably comparatively easy to port to PC, and im guessing may have been an attempt to salvage losses financially and publically from Boom blowing everything up (again), albeit in a quick and easy way. But if SEGAs porting ANY of its games to PC, JSRF yes please. And why not Bayonetta in a few years.
I'm all for Unleashed, but after getting Lost World I'd really enjoy having Colors on PC first. EDIT: JSRF on PC would be fantastic too!
But you can already play colors on PC (yes emulator) in HD with much better graphics than Wii version and in 60 fps. Unleashed for PC first please.
...and? Really what is any of that supposed to mean when it comes to the task of porting Colors to PC?
Sorry for being misguiding. I mean we can already play colors on PC but we can't do the same thing with Unleashed. So if I had to choose I'd rather have Unleashed on PC and I don't get why one would want Colors first (unless you have a shitty PC of course). Not that I'm against having both.
On the whole, Unleashed would benefit far more from being on PC than Colours would. If Colours were to be ported, I doubt we'd see any serious work done on any of the assets, so for all intents and purposes we would not really gain a lot from it besides the resolution being higher, which we can already do with Dolphin. Not saying it's completely pointless, but I'd rather see Unleashed for a few reasons. Mainly, being able to finally play Unleashed at a steady 60 frames per second would be a huge improvement. People who have beaten the game will know that the later levels are notorious for tanking the framerate, particularly Jungle Joyride. You can point to the Unleashed Project as a fix for this, but as anybody who's ever had a passing interest in speed running these games will tell you, the engines are very, very different in the first place. Some of the stuff that runners have done in Unleashed makes Generations look like it's in slow-motion and the chance to revitalize this scene on PC would be of great interest to me personally. Sure, you can say the whole game overall is 'not as good as Colours' (debateable imho - I prefer Colours as a whole, but Unleashed's daytime levels are arguably the best in the series), but I think we stand to gain more from an Unleashed PC version.
Debatable as fuck. Unleashed varies from great to terrible, while Colours has a consistent "eh, I guess it's okay" quality. Much as I'd like to see Unleashed released on PC, I seriously doubt a campaign like this will make any difference as to whether or not it ever actually happens. A PC port of it now would be done on the cheap because the game is almost 8 years old and has a notoriously ill perception outside the fanbase. And it would be done when SEGA decided they needed a small Sonic game to tide them over for the season, kinda like Lost World. I'd actually expect Colours to get ported sooner, and even that doesn't seem like it'll be coming any time too soon to me.
If you are talking about Unwiished, I completely agree, as control in that version is a real cluster****. If you are talking about the HD version, then sorry, I disagree.
I think the general rule of thumb is that Unleashed always refers to the 360/PS3 version unless it's explicitly stated otherwise. Unleashed is a real mes of a game. It delivers (at least) two highly contrasting types of gameplay. One of which is what you'd normally expect from Sonic, except faster than ever before and a bit rough around the edges. Generally these levels are short but very, very sweet. The other is a very average, unimaginative 3D platformer-brawler which isn't so much bad as it is boring and not what the vast majority of the audience want to play. And annoyingly, these levels are longer. So even if the Werehog gameplay is perhaps the most polished type of alternative gameplay we ever got from the series, the fact that it's so different and forced upon the player so that they can get a snippet of the much better daytime gameplay makes Unleashed worse than the sum of it's parts. Small amount of good + loads of mediocre = actually pretty bad That's the way I see it. Hand me the Unleashed Project and all of a sudden Unleashed begins to shine. Generations doesn't fall into the same trap because its two gameplay styles are both very much Sonic. Spoiler Unleashed Wii's only real positive is its music, which is to say absolutely nothing at all considering its the same soundtrack as the better version of the game.
With SEGA trying to improve Sonic's general quality and image lately, I doubt this would happen, plus I'm sure it would only be a small minority of the fanbase that would actually want it/buy it, so it really wouldn't be worth their time, imo. And there's also the fact that it's absolute shit and SEGA should be spending their resources and time moving forwards, not backwards.
From the press release about Sonic Lost World being ported to PC: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/pressreleases/255459/THE_BLUE_BLUR_SPINS_ON_TO_PC_WITH_SONIC_LOSTWORLDtrade.php Though seeing how Sega Europe's team behind the PC ports is small I can imagine them taking a while to be made. I do hope that Lost World PC selling badly hasn't changed Sega's mind though.
Didn't SEGA stop selling Unleashed years ago in their attempt to restore the quality of the brand? I honestly doubt they'd dig it back up and go through the effort of porting it to another system after that. Then again, I guess this is SEGA we're talking about. There's no telling what they'll do next.
I see no reason why a mediocre game that sold badly when it got ported to PC (surprise?), would stop them from porting other games.
Because it was one of the first games out of this series of PC ports that was released and it failing miserably could be seen as a bad sign for the sales of future PC ports. Even if you think it's mediocre, I imagine that Sega expected this to sell better than it did going by how well previous Sonic games sold on PC. Else they probably wouldn't have ported the game to PC at all. I mean, without these ports selling well they kinda don't have much reason to actually port games to PC. Thankfully Valkyria Chronicles PC sold incredibly well so they likely won't change their minds that fast, but still.
It's really interesting that many Sonic fans disliked Werehog due to him being a fighter, which IMO is a real thing to laugh at. And more interesting is some of them who disliked Werehog are fans of God of War (or fighting games in general), which makes me laugh like I have never laughed before. And I swear that Sonic Unleashed is still way better than Sonic Lost Mind (and sometimes, Sonic Colors)