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Sonic in Chaotix (Release 1)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Wurly, Oct 27, 2006.

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  1. Wurly


    :| Tech Member
    Because I have ported Chaoxed to C++ and because of some of Koji's awesome art, I was able to port Sonic to Chaotix. And just to let you know how easy it was to port him with this new Chaoxed, this only took me about 3 days. Everything was pretty much perfectly ported except for the combi catcher sprite. I still cannot find it's palette. I have not ported the sprites for the special stages either, simply because there aren't any out there. I give all art credit to KojiChao and the sprites in Crackers. SGR was also a very big help for beta-testing.

    Getting Sonic on the title screen was a HUGE pain in the ass. It took me more time than porting the character art & hand art. I had barely any art source at first, until SGR pointed out the little page on Sonic-Cult comparing Sonic and Mighty, which had some awesome art done by KojiChao


    Sonic and Knuckles starting off in my favorite level, Techno Tower.


    Sonic and Knuckles running through Techno Tower.


    Yeah okay, screw the screenshots, you guys just want the rom =P
    give me rom plz

    Use GENS for now, I am still working on a solution for Kega
  2. drx


    mfw Researcher
    like I said, this is a very nice hack. seeing sonic in chaotix is nice :)

    also, in before 'this is a holy grail' posts.
  3. Tweaker


    It'd be a holier grail if it used Koji's hoax gameplay sprites. :P

    But still, this is fucking awesome. Now to give this a spin...
  4. You could try to extract the Sonic CD special stage sprites. They are very similar to the Mighty's Chaotix ones (IMO).
  5. Sith


    The molotov bitch Member
    Another one added to the list.​
    My hack folder is already bulking with stuff that I still need to try. :)
  6. Lostgame


    producer/turnablist. homebrew dev. cosplayer. Oldbie
    Toronto, ON
    The O.I.C.
    Josh, you are a god of hacking.

    What is more amazing than this is that you made the utility yourself.

    Now the Tails part is up.

    That will be much harder.
  7. McAleeCh


    Damn sweet. Kega Fusion doesn't seem to like it, though; it flickers on the title screen and crashes when you try to enter a level for me, which is odd since plain ol' Chaotix works fine. 8 / Dug out DebuGens and tested it out, though, and it worked fine on there. =P
  8. Wurly


    :| Tech Member
    I have been looking at this for a while now and have found that even if you change a single byte in the original Chaotix, it will do this. This leads me to believe there is some extra checksum checking for the SH2 or something along those lines, so I'll just have to ask someone who knows more about the 32x. It may even be a flaw in Kega's programming, but I highly doubt it.

    And thanks for the comments everyone, I really appreciate it!
  9. Sith


    The molotov bitch Member
    Hacks made with the Gens core are not hardware accurate. Fusion is.

    There's your problem.

    Most hacks are done with Gens coz Kega has no debugger. 95% of all hacks only run fine specifically with Gens.
  10. Shade


    Excellent, excellent, and more excellent. Great work JJF, and all those involved :)
  11. Heran Bago

    Heran Bago

    Ah! It's Puyo battle then. Tech Member
    Yeah, Mighty's special stage sprites are based off those in Sonic CD.

    You rock ass JJFTails!
  12. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    Kega is not hardware accurate. No emulator it.

    It's just more accurate than Gens.

    Anyway, off to try this hack.
  13. SGR


    Give me the gams. Member
    The only complaint I have are some holes in certain frames, especially in the title screen.

    This is fucking <3 regardless.
  14. Rockman Zero

    Rockman Zero

    Hello there, my little friend. Member
    Videos for Hellfire Commentaries.
    This hack is made of win. It'd be so awsome if both Mighty and Sonic were playable in this game. But that'd take ASM programming, right? (Haven't beat the hack yet, but I just imagine the good ending: Holy crap Batman, TWO SONICS!) I want your babies.
  15. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Very fun hack, couple problems though.

    When sonic crouches down, he has no arm
    When Sonic spindashes, he has some black art the bottom
    When you pick Sonic out of the Combi machine, he is red like Mighty.

    Other than that, perfect. Add Tails and I'll love you.
  16. Yuski


    Dragons, dragons everywhere! Oldbie
    Also, some bugs happens when you get the grow up item. Some frames are strange.
  17. Hayate


    Tech Member
    I'm having trouble extracting it from the rar file. Could someone put it in a zip file please?
  18. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Damn, I can't edit my posts for some reason, so I have to waste another trial post. Oh well.

    edit: Someone, please, please, tell me why I can edit this post and not the other one. Is there some kind of time limit?

    Anyway, forget my above post, it seems my laptop works fine with rar files and my desktop doesn't. *sigh*

    edit again: Great job. This rocks. Playing it right now (even though I've never played KC before...)
  19. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Yes. Trial Members have 30 minutes to edit their posts.
  20. Wurly


    :| Tech Member
    Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.

    Though, you might want to download revision 2, that's been out for some time now =P
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