Sorry for the bump, but I was wondering- is there any repository with the small animal models from Sonci Adventure and Adventure 2? If not, what would be the easiest way to rip them? I don't want to animate them so don't care about skeletons, just want to have the models textured so I can use them as reference in drawing. EDIT: Checked on the Models Resource already, where only the Skunk exists. Hence me asking, since I'm not as experienced with models as I'm with sprites I don't know if there's some bigger repository where I'm likely to find these things.
I have no idea where they are in any version of either game. The easiest way to rip them is probably a 3D printscreen program, the proper way is to find their code in the PC version and trace it back to a model address, then use SADXMDL/SAMDL to load it.
Yeah, you'll want to rip from Sonic Adventure mostly. I haven't tried the PC version, but SA2 in Dolphin rips require an actual crapton of work to get back in working order. SA1 on PC will give you stuff just fine.
Sorry to quote myself, but I never got an answer on if someone has ripped the models of Sonic's world before.
The Models Resource has all the stages from Sonic Colors (which had lots of planets in it) ripped. Maybe you can find what you're looking for in there?
Nope, though there was something else there I was also looking for, thank you for that. Would a picture be helpful? Should sort out any confusion: The planet itself is what I'm after, if it's been ripped or is possible to rip.
Oh. I should read better. Yeah, you should be able to get that. You'll need Dolphin (32-bit. Preferably an older version that can handle DirectX 8 or so.), 3DRipperDX or 3DVia Printscreen, and the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed. You can use either, just don't use both at the same time. DX spits out OBJs instead of 3DVia's .XMLs though, so DX might be the easier choice.
I don't think that model appears in the Wii version. I know the menu is a shot of the laser breaking the continent apart and Sonic flanking it, and the stage select has the planet shattered as well. Is there a method of doing it with a PS3 emulator, if a decent one exists at present?
Nah, there's a fully put together model of the planet in the Wii version. It's the level select menu, just like in the PS3 version. Having played (and beaten) both, I'd say it makes more sense on the Wii simply because you have a Wii Remote to move your cursor around, lol. In any case, there probably won't be a PS3 emulator until PS3s aren't remotely relevant. If you want anything out of the PS3/360 versions, you'll need to dig directly in the files and find them yourself, then find a way to turn them into something readable by conventional means. There might be a way, considering most everything has been ported to Generations, but it's not something I've researched. There's probably tools. I just don't know them. Getting the Wii planet's the easy way out, all work considered.