Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    I'm just honestly happy that Sega decided to show anything at all.
  2. John Chrysler

    John Chrysler

    Are you ironacally happy or unironically happy about it?
  3. Metalwario64


    I honestly wonder if the trailer will just be an extended version of the CGI teaser they showed of Sonic in that forest.
  4. I'm cautiously optimistic. 06's (critical) failure brought a huge paradigm shift with Unleashed, and although Forces is not exactly on that level, I think Sonic Team is cognisant of the reception especially when faced with Mania's success. Whether or not the game will be good, I'm at the very least excited to see what they're planning.

    Unironically crossing my fingers for sexy ghost girl :ssh:
  5. MH MD

    MH MD

    Was it? it was announced just like any other sonic game, in it's own time, not in a big event or anything, its marketing cycle wasn't different from something like Lost World really
    the only thing i recall that was different about it was them releasing a demo a whole 5 months before release, cause it was the 20th anniversary

    and i lowkey want them to actually do the same with frontiers, releasing a "Beta" , gathering feedback to make the game even better while showing confidence in their product and building on the hype for the game
  6. Even though the return of sonic 3 is a big deal for fans, and no doubt origins will be used in the same way that mega collection was for this generation's kids, it's not a project that you necessarily bring out as a major showcase of something. Kind of like a hypothetical Mario or Pokemon collection or remake, it's very much an add on sort of thing when you have other more primary items to sell first.

    In hindsight, it makes perfect sense for SEGA to market this game here alongside the movie. It can't be overstated, the movie was huge in resurrecting/gauging the public's sonic consciousness, and marketing their next title alongside what will probably be one of the biggest movies of the year is a no-brainer. I always knew they'd pair it up with S-movie2, but I didn't think they'd show it before the end of the year so color me surprised. I thought game trailers would come very heavy when the movie is about to release, and im sure they still will.

    SEGA should be feeling pretty good about themselves, I think they're in for a big year.
  7. The thing about Origins is even if there's no presence of it at the awards, they did say in the debut video we'd be getting more details "later this year." I hope they keep their word, one way or another. I'm definitely more curious about Frontiers, but there's a lot of unknowns with Origins too.
  8. Yeah, it was surprising they had nothing to show with the last movie. Earlier this year I interviewed Kalinske a few times for my master's thesis and he mentioned how strange it was they didn't have any new software to push alongside it (he really is such as classic marketing guy lol). He enjoyed the film though. It's funny because when I interviewed him a few years prior for my bachelor's thesis, it was literally the day the originally design trailer came out and we spent the first 10 minutes talking about that.

    At least it looks like Sega is more confident in the film being a success now and will take advantage of the surge in public interest this time around.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2021
  9. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    I’m just concerned that whatever minute Origins details Iizuka brought up in his interviews earlier this summer is not considered “more info later in the year”.. that would be stupid

    As for Frontiers, I’m going to keep my expectations in check because for all we know, this could just be the “Sonic Cycle” all over again.. SEGA/Sonic Team needs to hit more than just a home run with this.. grand slam is more like it
  10. qwertysonic


    creating the biggest sonic collection
    I'd be happy with a solid base hit
  11. If I see a little of Sonic 3 & Knuckles on widescreen will be enough to make me screen of hapiness.
  12. I don't think ST needs a grand slam. Many of us longtime fans feel that way because of all the waiting we've been through but in reality, as long as the new sonic project is a good outing and gets a boost in marketing from the movie, im sure it will please the company. I expect the next game to be one of the better selling games in recent franchise history at the very least.

    People seem to miss the idea, that the demise of gaming franchises comes when people stop caring about the games, not when they're bad. Being bad contributes to lowerIng their popularity without question but the nails in the coffin come when consumer interest just isn't there anymore. It definitely can permanently lower sales potential though and this is generally true across the marketplace. That's the real injury that sonic suffered over the years, and even then some of that was just due to the rising interest of other gaming genres.

    In all 30 years of this franchise Sonic has maintained enough public awareness to continue to sell millions of titles. He can't "die" if people still buy the games, even if you feel like he's lost his soul at certain points.

    I should stress though that if the game is great and receives a big marketing bump, it can have a great effect on the future of the main series games. That's the effect mania had, more people outside the usual crowds are willing to try the games.
  13. The true struggle of being a fan of something as you get older is realizing you're no longer in the target demographic and the feeling of betrayal that comes with that lol.

    Now I understand how Star Wars fans feel at times.
  14. You wait around long enough, eventually they will strike at an idea that is more up your alley lol. I can tell you, I've been a fan since day one in this franchise. Before I was old enough to go to school, I played sonic 1 on my older brothers genesis. I can say that it feels like after 1999, the series has done almost nothing but pass me by lol. It has gone further and further away from what I actually wanted, even when the games were GOOD. That's the hidden killer, because as a fan you know when something is good but not truly what you want, you're gonna have to wait even longer and hope someone finally pays attention to you.

    When the first "real" leaks came out back in may or whenever that was, and I heard we might finally be getting a more open world sonic game with actual fluid controls, I felt like I had woken up out of a 20 year coma or something. Assuming that continues to be true, and what we see is a dedicated effort towards that, my hype meter will be up pretty high.
  15. Taylor


    No. The basis for me and others saying open world comes from a 4chan post from the beginning of the world talking about a "Sonic Rangers". That name was found months later buried in the site's code for the teaser trailer.
  16. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    I remember the name (and all the Go Go Sonic Rangers jokes). Still doesn't explain the open-world assumptions. And yes, someone above mentioned the leak. I never believe leaks as a matter of principle. There might be a few people thinking "You're gonna eat your words when the leak is proven true", to which I say no. If it's proven true, I will do nothing and carry on with my day.
  17. Frostav


    I don't mean to be rude but hoo boy, this forum really is classic-focused if y'all think SEGA is gonna show off a glorified romhack at the game awards and not their next 3D title LOL
  18. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    *looks at the name of the site*
    Not even going to touch the "glorified romhack" bit.
  19. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Who has said that?
  20. Only for viewing

    Only for viewing

    aka Superstarxalien Member
    i've seen a couple of people assume that origins was gonna be at the game awards cuz it releases earlier even though it's an old game collection that may not have any substantial new content