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Sonic Colo(u)rs Ultimate released for Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Epic Games Store

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MH MD, Apr 9, 2021.

  1. corneliab


    I guess there's truly no pleasing me with these remixes since I don't like this one either! I feel like I have the same complaint as the asteroid coaster one: it's a more basic arrangement and doesn't have the impact of the original. And I was looking forward to this one too after having heard it get talked up a bit. :V
  2. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    It sounds really weird. Like out of sync in a way.
  3. ItsBrieDude


    my brain is the spinning seal gif Member
    SSD did fix the load times, but not the menu stutters. Still, seems silly that a game originally optimized for a DVD is this I/O intensive for stage loading.
  4. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    I figure it might be brought up sooner or later, but apparently, the modding community has decided not to invest much time into the game due to the way it's built.

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  5. corneliab


    lol mod support being kneecapped out-the-gate really is the cherry on top of everything
  6. ItsBrieDude


    my brain is the spinning seal gif Member
    Longer form opinions:

    I think the game as it stands is in a shippable state, having played through around half of it now. With that said, I sincerely hope Sega and Blind Squirrel fixes all of the little issues, as they have piled up so to speak.

    * All of the new menus seem to be HTML-based, or at least not using the same system as the original game. As a result (?) they are super stuttery. Nintendo has pulled off smooth UI in this style in Bowser’s Fury, so I hope Sega can get this in a better place.

    * Having some weird sound mix issues on my PS5. The longer the game is open, the more sounds drop. Wisp music, explosions, etc.

    * Ignoring the pupils not moving on Sonic (which to me is the most glaring issue) — most if not all of the visual changes seem like upgrades. I’d be content with this aesthetic going forward if this ends up ported a million times like SADX.

    * This feels 99 percent identical to Colors on Wii, and that’s what I wanted. So I overall can’t complain too much.
  7. Turbohog


    Who is this and why can they speak for "the modding community"?
  8. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Who is "we"?
  9. They really went all out on "bloom" effects...look at the Spikes that the Egg Nega Wisp uses (Switch ver):




    Not a fan of the remixed soundtrack, but I don't mind that we have them at least. I just don't prefer any of them over the originals, really.

    On the plus side, I could legitimately listen to this for 30 minutes and enjoy it now. Closest thing I'll ever get to a proper extended mix of the game's best 30+ seconds...

    Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
  11. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Another patch for the game came out today, by the way.
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  12. Metalwario64


    Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
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  13. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    ... fucking seriously.

    Ugh ffs Blind Squirrel Games. Blind indeed I suppose
  14. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    So I just played through the first 3 worlds and I have been thoroughly enjoying the game. I did, however, run into some sound glitches (music randomly stopping at the act clear screen) and unusual pop in at some areas, but the game still looks beautiful and it’s just as fun as it was in 2010. Also from what I was able to hear, I liked most of the remixed soundtrack. (I played this while my system was downloading a patch so these glitches could be gone the next time I boot up the game)

    Also, side note, I am VERY VERY rusty when it comes to the controls and some level design, so I really don’t remember most of the red star ring locations.

    Can anyone confirm this: the best way to get all the red rings is to just beat the game first to unlock all the wisps and then run through the levels again to get the remaining ones? (I have only grabbed whatever rings I see in sight and others I can’t get likely because of wisp powers I can’t use yet.)
  15. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Played up to the end of Sweet Mountain now, so here are some more thoughts:

    - Visual effects like the custom boosts are just breaking left and right. The laser beam discs in that one gimmick level don’t display properly, so I was only able to faintly see the ends of the beams, despite the fact they were in a better state in pre-release footage.
    - Rival Rush feels sloppily implemented and overtuned. There are no menu transitions, the mode specific HUD elements don’t mesh well with existing visuals and the music feels out of place. The difficult is also a notch too high imo. Tropical Resort felt like I had to do a perfect glitchless speed run. I appreciate that these ought to be challenges, but if I, a pretty invested and well practiced Sonic player, have to restart these over five times until I beat them, then I don’t imagine casuals will have much success and the mode will only cause frustration for them. Feel like a bit of rubber banding would be appropriate so players can make a mistake or two without it mandating an instant restart.
    - Audio mastering seems really inconsistent. Sometimes things are loud, sometimes quiet; sometimes the audio plays normally and at others it’s as if one of my earbuds has stopped working. I’ve honestly never had such inconsistency in a game before.

    Honestly SEGA and Blind Squirrel have egg on their face here. They’ve released a game that ultimately is nowhere up to standard for what it is being billed as, so far as presentation goes. The early access release is no excuse either, since four days of early access is really just a four day delay for everybody who didn’t preorder. Both studios had really better stick to this game for a bit with patch support because what we currently have feels like an underbaked and spiteful port. Of course I can’t judge the character of any of the developers behind this remaster but I can only judge the game I’ve ended up with, and it just isn’t good enough.
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  16. Has anyone else found the Tails Save to be kind of... pointless? The instances where it would be useful there's usually already a checkpoint. At best, it saves you, like, one second or means you don't need to re-collect a red ring if you fell. Kinda silly.
  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I have actually found Tails Saves useful at least once. That one hover based level in Starlight Carnival? Well get the out of the way red ring then die, and Tails will bring you back to a better place.
  18. RikohZX


  19. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
  20. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    It's Radfordhound. He works on creating resources for a lot of different Sonic games. Sometimes.

    This isn't just his sentiment, though, Skyth (Who was the one with the thread you might have seen regarding the contents of the Epic Games version, probably the first to break the news) is also very dead set on this. He makes many of the tools for generations onward. This is echoed with people like Death (who worked today on restoring a test level found in Colors Ultimate's files and has previously worked the Sonic Lost World DLC mod for PC) and... well, basically anybody currently investing any time into this era of games. They're all more interested in using what was found for the 2010 version of Colors. "The Modding Community" is probably just said to simplify things for the general audience who might think an issue they take will be magically solved by the community rather than by potential patches. It's not meant to generalize everyone's intention.

    As much as I'd have preffered for the cutscenes to have been properly implemented instead of having the upscales, it makes more sense for them to invest the time into the rest of the game instead.
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